Ukraine is putting pressure on exiled Ukrainians so that they come back to fight Russia.

They just stopped every diplomatic actions with their exiled citizens in age of combat ( men between 18 and 60 ). No visa or whatever will be granted except if they wanna come back to do some war…
As fair as I can be... I wouldn't say merciless. Destroying Hamas and rescuing hostages are logical objectives. But it's pretty cartoonish to keep doing something awful in the hopes that it somehow comes back around to being good

Do you know what the “final solution” is? Lmao
Some of these news outlets sure don't lol. Somehow it doesn't click that murdering a bunch of people is comparable to a final solution and that being disgusted by a term should take a backseat to being disgusted by actually killing.
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Ukraine is putting pressure on exiled Ukrainians so that they come back to fight Russia.

They just stopped every diplomatic actions with their exiled citizens in age of combat ( men between 18 and 60 ). No visa or whatever will be granted except if they wanna come back to do some war…
Now this one... I don't know how the fuck it turns out
Now this one... I don't know how the fuck it turns out
I doubt people will just massively go back and fight. Most likely they become binationals and drop Ukraine just like they already did. There is no way to have them come back with threats like this. They should rather give money or what lol. I mean these mercenaries in Ukraine are being paid so much…
Ukraine is putting pressure on exiled Ukrainians so that they come back to fight Russia.

They just stopped every diplomatic actions with their exiled citizens in age of combat ( men between 18 and 60 ). No visa or whatever will be granted except if they wanna come back to do some war…
No one should be forced to go to war in any way
Wieso zählt das nicht als Volksverhetzung?!? Ich begreifs einfach nicht. Ich denke mir manchmal so, die Typen die in Deutschland das Sagen haben werden entweder von Hintermännern gesteuert damit sie das Land an die Wand fahren ODER sie sind einfach extrem dumm, selbstzerstörerisch und hassen sich selbst.

Das ist einfach nicht mehr normal