Devaluation and inflation is not always correlated to the increase in prices. You can't just use market reports to determine how your average Joe is doing you absolute mongrel. curving inflation would in theory slow down the increasing prices of commodities, yet for some reason, even though inflation has slowed down to a certain degree, many people are still facing increased prices in rent at an unprecedented rate. Care to explain that you imbecile? Stop pretending you have even a semblance of understanding regarding economic models. Anybody with half a fucking neuron would know that getting rid of a big chunk of the public sector and kicking off who knows how many elders from welfare programs is not only unpopular, but a disaster in practice.

And before you try to strawman my argument let me make it very clear, inflation is obviously the main perpetrator of price increases, but there are other factors that idiots like you tend to ignore to push their own retarded ideology onto others.
Do you understand the difference of lowering inflation and an actual deflation?

You are right inflation is not directly connected to price but to money supply. As long the governament keeps imprinting more money the same will lose value and push prices up. That's why is so important for Milei to keep governament balance in check as he's being doing for some months with superavit.

And again Argentina went to this whole mess by the same economic measures that you defend here. That's why the inflation was at 3 digit and only now Milei was able to reduce to 1 digit. Like I said frozen prices didn't fix the problem it only creates scarcity of it since that said product will no longer be available at market. Everyone voting for Milei was well informed that things would get worse before getting good again and we are already seeing the first results of his measures with his governament balance in check and inflation coming back down to more acceptable levels.

And yes inflation is not the only reason prices goes up but it was the main factor on Argentina and there is nothing that governament should do about it because otherwise it is just another problem that is created.

You really need to study real economic and the effects it has on society on a long term than just your leftist ideology and short term experiments.
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Yo yo yo what's the current topic?
I'm giving a class to some leftist about economics but it seems I'm being too advanced for them and may have to try a kid's approach
You are right inflation is not directly connected to price but to money supply. As long the governament keeps imprinting more money the same will lose value and push prices up. That's why is so important for Milei to keep governament balance in check as he's being doing for some months with superavit.

And again Argentina went to this whole mess by the same economic measures that you defend here. That's why the inflation was at 3 digit and only now Milei was able to reduce to 1 digit. Like I said frozen prices didn't fix the problem it only creates scarcity of it since that said product will no longer be available at market. Everyone voting for Milei was well informed that things would get worse before getting good again and we are already seeing the first results of his measures with his governament balance in check and inflation coming back down to more acceptable levels.

And yes inflation is not the only reason prices goes up but it was the main factor on Argentina and there is nothing that governament should do about it because otherwise it is just another problem that is created.

You really need to study real economic and the effects it has on society on a long term than just your leftist ideology and short term experiments.
"Once the poor, the elderly, the disabled and other people in difficulties will be dead, then it will be easier to bring back the economy."

Haha, dude.. yes, you are. And yes, they are.
Your misleading knowledge is concerning.

And yet you guys are the ones who wants to cut socials aids and important social services for the poor, anti-discriminations services, women's abortion centers etc. right ?
We are the ones against the governament stealing from it's citizens specially the poor and creating a bad environment for companies to take care of them. More money for the people = better life for them. We all know how anything that governament does it simply doesn't work. Private initiative does better and effective at low cost. No corruption with people money.

And as I said above you are completely clueless of what anarcho capitalist are about. Women abortion is free choice but thanks for supporting my argument that you give 0 fuck by human life. Also those said anti discrimination policies does nothing but increase racism. Just like the social services keeps people poor.