Sim, pq o Bolsonaro espirrou e matou todo mundo, esquerdista retardado. Quem quis tomar vacina tomou. A letalidade deste vírus foi muito menor do que os "especialistas" alegaram que seria. Só trouxa acreditou em lockdown, máscara de pano e porra de vacina feita em meses.
Sim, pq o Bolsonaro espirrou e matou todo mundo. Esquerdista retardado. Quem quis tomar vacina tomou. A letalidade deste vírus foi muito menor do que os "especialistas" alegaram que seria. Só trouxa acreditou em lockdown, máscara de pano e porra de vacina feita em meses.
Don’t be a normie cheerleader and read the post. Herrera was insinuating borderline pedophillic views which is why he’s now rightfully banned. Never said anything of the sort. Was attempting to explain to Toby that he wasn’t bringing up a good example to refute Herrera. While I understand his frustration he came at me a certain way and I responded in kind.
I wasn't even thinking of islam, whatever culture is okay with child marriage is shit. I hate when people pussyfoot around stuff like that because "respect cultures!" nah fuck that
Late teens aren’t necessarily children. An 18 year old is legally an adult in most places. Child marriage = a child who isn’t ready at all for marriage being wed to an adult who is. Late teens being wed to fellow late teens or dudes in their early twenties =\ child marriage granted the late teen in question is responsible and has the requisite mental capacity to handle such a task. Even then it isn’t that common so if yall still think it’s child marriage in that case when even legally it isn’t then I digress, not a hill I’m gonna die on in the midst of a normie weeb forum.
Pretty sure this is what Haoshoku was getting at. He tries to sound like an intellectual and calls others uneducated for not agreeing with his Islamic supremacist ideology.
My post wasn’t even necessarily from an Islamic perspective, however this is ironic lol. Like you and the active posters on this thread aren’t doing this in spades
Logiko tries to sound like an intellectual and thinks socialism/leftism is superior.
Yourself, Toby, and others think Liberalism as an ideology is superior and shun people who oppose it by name calling.
Someone else might think X ideology is superior. All the same. Address the arguments, you barely say anything of actual value.
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