there is a lot of contemporary pragmatists that you could discuss like Richard Rorty, Jurgen Habermas and Robert Brandom
Habermas is the only name I know in there. I didn't get into contemporaries so much tbh.

But anyway, I wouldn't be ready for it. It's been a long time... maybe I can still hold up with the big mustache guy that @Bisoromi Bear hates with all of his heart

So it isn't part of reality that all fucking humans ever in existence had their codes to make their communities survive. Are we not part of reality?
"If something exists within reality, it's objective." ?????

Also you just said "communities" had their "codes". Acknowledging that by using plural that they don't all believe in the same stuff ?

There is a famous anthropologist who came with "no killing, no incest and no eating human flesh" as rules established in every societies. At least you could have tried with that instead of the 10 commandmants which are 100% judeo-christian
I already have my own morals and code like millions of others. I don't need religion to be moral.
Theft ,adultery ,rape ,muder and so on... Those were defined as wrong way before you were a thing,they will be wrong after you are gone and its possible that it is ingrained in your genes that you detest these things. How is it exactly you created your own moral code?