Your MAGA guy is also a senile old man constantly, so what's exactly your point?

The one point i would give you is that it was dumb af from Democrats to let Biden run for presidency again, but MAGA are really the last ones who should call Bidens old age senility out.
You're talking with emotions, not with logic. All you got is "orange man bad".

Biden has many instances where he is stuck on stage, someone needs to drag him out. Like Obama or his wife. Biden is also speech impaired, relying on a teleprompter most of the time. You refusing to accept reality doesn't change the dire facts about Biden.

You clearly didn't watch the video that I shared. You should have watched that before speaking. Biden isn't able to say anything closely coherent to Trump. Also the people interviewing Trump in that video were strongly against Trump at some point but they understand how business works and finally sobered up to reality, unlike you that is.

Spoken like the typical radicalized dumbass, the feeling is mutual.
You're just being a hypocrite now. Kettle calling pot black saying fits.

I think Biden should just retire. The only surprise is that USA didn't end up with Kamala as president after all this circus.
All you got is "orange man bad".
He is. This is a documented fact.

Biden has many instances where he is stuck on stage, someone needs to drag him out. Like Obama or his wife. Biden is also speech impaired, relying on a teleprompter most of the time. You refusing to accept reality doesn't change the dire facts about Biden.
Biden is a complice of war crimes, lets stop talking about him

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
I think people simply want a well thought out explanation on why Trump is bad instead of the usual "he's evil/racist/corrupt!" without substance. The latter sounds like an angry moron drowned in ignorance and emotion. The usual Trump Derangement Syndrome.
I think people simply want a well thought out explanation on why Trump is bad instead of the usual "he's evil/racist/corrupt!" without substance. The latter sounds like an angry moron drowned in ignorance and emotion. The usual Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Yeah. I can understand. But I think people have done this enough time to make the silicone valley servers explode. So lets stop enabling the far right and their demands of explanations.
You're talking with emotions, not with logic. All you got is "orange man bad".

Biden has many instances where he is stuck on stage, someone needs to drag him out. Like Obama or his wife. Biden is also speech impaired, relying on a teleprompter most of the time. You refusing to accept reality doesn't change the dire facts about Biden.

You clearly didn't watch the video that I shared. You should have watched that before speaking. Biden isn't able to say anything closely coherent to Trump. Also the people interviewing Trump in that video were strongly against Trump at some point but they understand how business works and finally sobered up to reality, unlike you that is.

You're just being a hypocrite now. Kettle calling pot black saying fits.

I think Biden should just retire. The only surprise is that USA didn't end up with Kamala as president after all this circus.

Quite funny when a MAGA cultist talks about being "led by Emotions" and skews my message to something i never wrote, you guys always deliver to make me laugh. Again, Trump is barely much better in this regard, but you cultists are selective af and excuse everything your Idol does. It's a absolute clownshow that either of those geriatric fools could run your country again to have my 100% honest opinion. It's elder abuse if anything.
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On another note, since i'm fedup talking with Trumpists and AFD apologists and already blocking them, this forum is a microcosm of what is generally happening internationally:

Men in particular gearing more and more towards the far-right and being hellbent to regress social progress towards women and many minorities (not just LGBTIQ+) rights, while women vote more liberal and leftist albeit to a lesser/slower effect than what is visible with especially millenial and young Zoomer generation men.

This is well documented in surveys and elections in Switzerland, Argentine, South Korea and elsewhere before someone comes with the "Leftist bs" or "mysogynistic" card: on,men toward the Moon administration.

And no, neither the swiss newspaper NZZ (old liberal magazine gearing more and more towards far-right SVP voters) or are "Leftist" magazines.
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I think people simply want a well thought out explanation on why Trump is bad instead of the usual "he's evil/racist/corrupt!" without substance. The latter sounds like an angry moron drowned in ignorance and emotion. The usual Trump Derangement Syndrome.
After seeing Trump go through the Stormy Daniels trial and being painted as the greatest villain in the entirety of U.S. history, the so-called supporters of Trump (whose numbers seem to be increasing day by day) might have had enough of Biden being president.

Being consistently painted as white supremacists and Nazis by the left for merely being a supporter of Trump further drives more and more people who don't support Biden and the left-wing political actions to the other side.

All the efforts to send Trump to prison, including bringing in a former pornstar who slept with Trump for hush money, and the Jan 6 incident (which actually didn't cause much physical damage to the Capitol building, unlike the George Floyd riots), made the grand jury's actions look like political persecution instead.
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the Jan 6 incident (which actually didn't cause much physical damage to the Capitol building, unlike the George Floyd riots)
Trump deserves to go to prison for this

The George Floyd riots were caused by a cop abusing his power to murder a black man. The cops were responsible for that and they’re all in prison now.

Jan 6th was caused by a lie that Trump and his supporters knowingly spread in order to try to cheat the system.
Trump deserves to go to prison for this

The George Floyd riots were caused by a cop abusing his power to murder a black man. The cops were responsible for that and they’re all in prison now.

Jan 6th was caused by a lie that Trump and his supporters knowingly spread in order to try to cheat the system.
and again, All False notions, George Floyd Was a criminal and deserved to go to jail, But instead He fentanyl'd himself to death. Good Job.

Makes your voices heard peacefully and Patriotically. Guess this went over your head, Not to mention all the other suspicious bullshit that went down, Also Nancy and her goons denying National Guard.

She Supposedly Had Responsibility!!!! kek What is it Nanc! Make it Make Sense!!! Steven Sund seems to think otherwise as well!