The cult of persona around Trump is about to reach Kim Jong-Un level hights with the pre-existing evangelical fanatism that was surrounding him already.
Understanding what about reality? What is true.
No, how it works.
Now, put down the Pop Science and Reddit and try doing some actual thinking for once.
Are you talking to yourself here Aristotle ?
Of course I'm red. I'm a radical socialist. Simply not a communist. I will be one the day I'll start to seek for a revolution of the people and stop believing in reformism.
You need to repent before Trump's army sniffs you out. He's becoming too powerful....
With the current state of France and the rage us leftist have against similar far rightist and cryptofascist, I defy Trump to come for us here..
He will be nicely received lol
Yeah guys, what he said. No good or evil so just do whatever the fuck you want!
I said in the sence that those are abstact concept. There are not existing in the material world. But those are still relevant notions.
You have reading problems it seems
Anyway disagree with the premise that Marxists make good materialists.
We are the only real materialist tho
You can count some scientifics in, but a lot of those are still influenced by idealism.
A lot of lefties believe things dogmatically
That's because you don't understand leftism mate....
Commies/Socialists push back against entropically favored financial systems because they hurt their feelings that free markets sre efficient.
No. Those system are not efficient mate lmao.
If that was the case, there would be no place with poor people anymore and Argentina would not be in recession.
I can't believe the fact that I got rid of one far rightist and one far rightist libertarian, and now are entering one new libertarian and one new far rightist....
WHAT THE F WORSTGEN ??? Are people incapable of reading One Piece or what ?

Most are defacto blank statists who assume all people are the same and then call everything north of assuming that fascism, oversimplify complex sociological and biological phenomena in a poor attempt to try and rationalize everything under the umbrella of whatever brand of unifying idology they have, etc
Can we just get pass all of your BS and go right to the moment where you start spitting racist, transphobic or sexist rethoric with a nazi flag ?
I just don't want to waste my time with the same bunch of ignorant people...
Anyway... it seems vacations are not happening anytime soon lol