They also supposedly knew there was a suspicious character on the roof, apparently SS had ppl in the building and they did nothing. For 20 some minutes.
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Apolitical is not just that. Its also the belief that the political must stay out of most spaces.


Lets say that I'm wrong. Let's sau that I completely missunderstood what you said and therefore I apologize.

What do you stand for ? What is your political color ? What are your values ?
Dude you're so damn polarized that you literally can't see the world except through "political lens". It's pathetic and sad at the same time.


They also supposedly knew there was a suspicious character on the roof, apparently SS had ppl in the building and they did nothing. For 20 some minutes.
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Dude you're so damn polarized that you literally can't see the world except through "political lens". It's pathetic and sad at the same time.
I don't dabble conspiracy theories, but it's becoming difficult. Not just about the shooting, but now hearing what people are saying about Biden having covid, they are saying it's a ploy to get him out of the election.
So you think I'm apolitical because you're not allowed to speak political dribble anywhere you want on the forum
No, that's the rules. The reason on the other hand is not. You can apply the rule and not agree with it. But explaining me that politics has nothing to do with a political subject or removing a political discussion white not seeing that the discussion is foudnamentally political IS an apolitical thing to do.

But maybe i'm biased here, maybe it wasn't your doing.

But I admire how you - once again - dodged the question.

Dude you're so damn polarized that you literally can't see the world except through "political lens". It's pathetic and sad at the same time.
The problem is you not seeing the political in everything ma dear.

Politics is not something that always has to do with party or the laws. Politics is the conflict of values.



No, that's the rules. The reason on the other hand is not. You can apply the rule and not agree with it. But explaining me that politics has nothing to do with a political subject or removing a political discussion white not seeing that the discussion is foudnamentally political IS an apolitical thing to do.

But maybe i'm biased here, maybe it wasn't your doing.

But I admire how you - once again - dodged the question.

The problem is you not seeing the political in everything ma dear.

Politics is not something that always has to do with party or the laws. Politics is the conflict of values.

I can only imagine the miserable life I would have if it revolved around politics. That's what I was telling you earlier you are missing out on so much more in world.
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I'm so confused now. Secret service spotted the shooter 20 minutes before the shooting and before Trump got on stage, yet they still let him take the stage before they knew Crooks intentions?
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I can only imagine the miserable life I would have if it revolved around politics.
But its not hard at all. Its amazingly eye opening !

Its a similar feeling to seeing the Matrix, minus the control.

Its very weird to me when you guys are telling me that I'm sad because I talk about politic everyday, when in reality, this gives me immense joy.

Yes I'm angry against politicians, but that's because I understand what they miss.

Story time (this time its on me, you can skip it if you want, its just me rambling):

You know that I come from a complotist background, I've told that story a lot because its important to understand why I'm so obstinated about those stuff. Around 2017-18 (can't remember exactly when) something happened, I don't remember why exactly, it's a bit of a blur, but at this point I had managed to rid myself off conspirationnist and antisemitic beliefs (at that time it was something like the lobbying of jew people in society). I had hardcore idealists and liberal beliefs systems, more than most liberals on this thread probably, especially in free will, and rationnalism. So much that I was completely certain that if my will was strong enough, I could get rid of my situation.

This was a period where I had cravings for new informations about the universe for personnal reasons (I didn't know what materialism or idealism were at the time). Since I have always been fascinated by science (not a scientist tho) and space.. It was a time where I dived deep into the concept surrounding theoretical physics and the cosmological gears behind the universe. So at this moment, my materialistic mind was developping faster and faster. And since my brain was already wired for requestionning and deradicalization (Things that I had been doing for almost a decade at this point, Ive already explained this) the information was flowing without restrictions.

So much that at one point, I had to face the biggest contradiction of my life, and again, I don't remember the precise circoumstances. I had to EITHER align with the reality of the world taught by my knowledge of physic and accepting the absence of free will OR refusing it and align with what I wanted Free Will and physics to be.

This was the moment when my materialism and my idealism clashed. A literal epiphany.

I made the obvious choice, since I couldn't live with a lie.. and on that day, I remember having an intense mini-depression. It lasted just a few weeks, but it was big. I was sad, really really sad. The week passed away and I simply forgot it for a while. My method was to avoid thinking about it and coming back to it after a while.

But from that point, with the fall of the most foudamental belief I hold, I started to peal away all my idealist beliefs. I remember accepting this core data as a part of myself since knowing that information about free will does not prevent me from having the illusion of control, I'm still me, I still believe that its me talking. I may not be the one in control, there might not be anyone in control at all, but I'm appreciating the ride..

Worth noting that I accepted that while being stuck in a room for more than 5 years. The irony..

Understand this ! I do NOT recommend to stop believing in free will to everyone, that why I don't think that you should believe me head on with this story or this data. Accepting our lack of control is the hard-core mode of the deradicalization from idealism, its next level and it does come with a cost. But simply understanding the structures of the universe and especially the sociological structures of our specie is the best way to really see the world.

Once I got in, I went only deeper and deeper. While you could say that I did radicalize my thought process toward materialism... in reality, this was not the disappearance of rationnality, but the opposite. The more I went toward leftists and leftism and more materialism, the more I pealed away my fallacious political beliefs and my irrationnalities and logical contradictions.

I started to see social patterns, political movements. I started to understand the struggles behind the struggles. The things noone talk about and yes, this polarized my vision of the world. It reorganized completely what I thought was the political system. (I had the chance not to know a lot about it, so I wasn't too biased). But instead of feeling confused it did the opposite.

One by one, my contradictions went away. Antisemitism, Islamophobia, Anti-SJW, reverse racism, ultra rationnalism, meritocracy, universalism.. one by one, those were not needed anymore, better ! I was now fighting against all those things.


When I'm telling you that the repolitization of the mind and understanding of politics (and materialism really) overall is eye opening, this is not a euphemism ! I have never been so happy in front of society depite being parked in a small appartment. I've never felt so liberated. I can watch a Macron speech and laugh my a*s off knowing full well the BS that he is trying to filled us with while some people are on a TV set, not understanding why the guy tried to punch the french in the face with a dissolution. I can also understand MOST of the toxic traits in movies and TV shows or other media I wasn't even aware off at the time, which gives me an advantage as a writer if I'm able to write a damn thing someday ! Etc. Those are two dumb example, but there are hundreds like that !

This is what passion looks like. Do you feel like its such a sad life ?
Also, do you guys feel hatred toward some people? What would you think if I told you that I cannot hate because of materialism ?
You can absolutely feel hatred regardless of your ideology. You're a human being, you'll never be 100% objective or rational.
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It appears like bro just wanted to kill a high profile politician.

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You can absolutely feel hatred regardless of your ideology. You're a human being, you'll never be 100% objective or rational.
I only see one context in which this could happen but, I do not see it happening really..

I mean yeah, I will be temporarily angry at people and maybe have the temporary envy to punch them in the face... but is that hatred when the feeling goes aways as fast as it arrived ? Like, I think I could punch hitler out of principle... but I don't know if I could actually viscerally hate him. Do you know what I mean ?

But .. I may be jumping the gun when I say that this has something to do with materialism.. now that I think about it... the last time I felt that was for my schools bullies when I was a kid.. and that was mostly fear rather than contempt..


I can only imagine the miserable life I would have if it revolved around politics. That's what I was telling you earlier you are missing out on so much more in world.
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I'm so confused now. Secret service spotted the shooter 20 minutes before the shooting and before Trump got on stage, yet they still let him take the stage before they knew Crooks intentions?
Here's a theory that makes sense when you realize that the red states would have certainly caused a rebellion if Trump was actually put down.
Regimes plan was to use an MKULTRA subject and lax security to have Trump assassinated. Knowing that there would be widespread retaliation. Chaos sets in. PATRIOT Act level restrictions, and cancelled elections in red states. (Far more plausible than incompetence.)


What a wonderful speech by Trump‘s oldest Granddaughter Kai Trump🥲
It was sweet. I liked Don Jr.'s speech, even though until recently I really, really disliked him. JD's speech sounded good, too. I enjoyed the introduction his wife gave, along with his talks about his grandmother and mother. As someone who speaks to her parents and all her siblings every single day, family related things appeal to me.
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I mean, I would tatoo the name of my closest family members without problems (in fact I might do that one day or at least have a symbol representing them) but a politician ?
I'm not huge about tattoos on myself. Faces are often done poorly and names are just meh and basic (not to mention permanent.) I have plans for only one tattoo on my upper back and getting a tattoo covered up on my ankle that I got when I was an ignorant sixteen-year-old.
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It's understandable if you have tattoos of your spouses initial
But Yamato or politicians?

That's unhealthy attachment
I wouldn't say 'unhealthy'. Not sure what word I would use. I have seen countless tattoos of rock-stars and other celebrities on people. I would feel very uncomfortable with the knowledge some random stranger has my face attached to their body.
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I wanted to get song lyric tattoos, but when considering what if it comes out said singer/band did something awful (think R.kelly.) I would be stuck with it. Wonder how many people regret their 'I believe I can fly' tattoos.
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For the sanity of mankind I hope Joy Reid, is the only person who believes Biden catching Covid is equal to Trump getting shot.
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Klimawandel-leugner idioten wähle ich nicht
Die leugnen den Klimawandel nicht, sondern den Menschengemachten Klimawandel.

Wer das als wichtiges Problem sieht, sollte sowieso nicht wählen dürfen
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It's understandable if you have tattoos of your spouses initial
But Yamato or politicians?

That's unhealthy attachment
I agree. Tattoo of (even if Trump‘s picture itself is LEGENDARY) doing a tattoo of it, is pathetic.

I got a peacebird and a cross as tattoo.
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Glad that corrupt PoS and german witch Ursula
Von Der Leyen was elected as the President EU-Comission just one day after the sentencing.

Down with this evil institution
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nOt a RaCiSt
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Die leugnen den Klimawandel nicht, sondern den Menschengemachten Klimawandel.

Wer das als wichtiges Problem sieht, sollte sowieso nicht wählen dürfen
These people just allow the TV brainwashing to dictate what they think. They should take 1 minute and do some research.

It's basic known knowledge that climate has it's own natural cycles.

Sunspot Cycle: 11-year cycle involves variations in solar activity.

And when it comes to human made climate change China eclypses everyone, however nobody dares to talk about it or ask them to stop polluting.

Also some actual scientists disagreeing are banned basically from public discourse, such as Judith Curry
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