Porn is actually bad for development and propagates unrealistic expectations especially in young people but instant gratification available at any time also affects adults negatively.
Yes, it can become addictive and it can create unrealistic expectations on people who are uneducated. But that's the case for a lot of things ...

If you consume it with moderation and precaution and complete awareness. I don't really see any issue with that.


They are the ones who are screaming ORANGE MAN BAD, RUSSIA MAN BAD etc
Actually, we are screaming: "system bad" and "stop the genocide"..
Funny how first I get called a nazi only for being part German
Everyone who doesn't want to dance under their rainbow and live in their democraty ist a nazi,so nothing special any more.
then someone else acts like I'm culturally appropriating German.
No,I just want to correct your error and let my inner gramma nazi out of his cage. It was nothing personal.:wellwell:
Ok, I want to talk about a new subject because I think it's important :

Medical assistance in dying (MAID) and why the current politics around this issues are HIGHLY problematic.

Quickly, you should start to see appear to type of people:

- Those who are against
- Those who are in favor of

Now.. Those who are against are usually using morality and religious beliefs to make their point. For them, helping people to end their life is immoral. This is a rather conservative and reactionnary point of view.

On the other side, you should see more progressive people (from leftists to liberals) in complete favor of such project.

Indeed, when you look at the testimonies, you will often see people in very hard conditions and non currable diseases who only have one wish : to die.

So when you are on the progressive side, you will tend to say that.. yes.. we should open those MAID to people everywhere.


When you look more closely to all the testimonies AND the testimonies of heath professionnals like doctors. They will tell you another story:

"I don't have another choice but to die"

Those are people who want to live, but in certain condition they will have no other solutions but to die.

In reality, this happens for a few reasons:

- Sometimes the prices of medication is too high or is not not refunded by social security
- Good palliative care are simply not possible because of a lack of equiments, ressources or personnal
- Reason (X)

I will keep the reason "X" for my conclusion.

For now, you need to understand that some people who will choose MAID actually want to live. But they will have no choice. This is because the system and most gov do not care to actually create the conditions for those people to live a happy life. Most health care are inexistant and when they are, some medication are simply not refunded. Pauverty and the lack of access to palliative care by the system is also the problem.

So you guessed it, the solution right now - even if it can help a minority - is NOT to allow MAID as it is, the solution is to create a system where people can LIVE before they choose to die and propose MAID as a LAST resort.

Sadly, this is not a solution that is prioritized by gov and the system. Health care are in a all time low, gov are privatizing more and more the medical sectors thus creating big problems such as a race for benefits... creating a lack of personnal, a lack of ressources and a lack of equiments.. the aid toward the military and security is prioritized over the aids toward social services and health care... Hospital and health professionnal in those institutions are crying for help etc.

And this is where I want to give you the last reason why people are pushed toward MAID:

- Because people are pushed to think themselve as a weight for their relative and for society

Yes, you heard that right some people are pushed to think of themselves as a weight for their relative and society... and you should start understanding where I'm going with this :

This is an example of structural violence due to capitalism. (structural violence is grossly when the organization of a society creates thousands and thousands of death)

A society where people are pushed to believe that they must be productive in society, will inevitably push people who are not productive and incapable of creating productivity toward suicide.

So who does this targets ?

Well, first poor people, those who will likely not have the ressources to finance a medical assistance by themselves, then its will be old and sick... and then yeah... disabled people.

Imagine that :

In our societies today, some people will be literally pushed with a smile and with comments such as "you are so courageous", toward suicide.. simply because they have no others options or because they feel like a BURDEN for everyone else.

In other words, society is currently organizing itself (through the politics of capitalists) toward a system where people who are non productive will be pushed by law and society.. toward the solution of death simply because others refuse to create the conditions for their happyness.

And if you think that it will stop to disabled people.. you are missing the point.

What I'm talking about here ... is Eugenism.

A society organized toward a form of Eugenism through capitalism and democracy.

Soo .. what is the take away of this ?


- First, we all have a voice in society and we can all create the condition for change if we mobilize enough forces. So we, collectively NEED TO REJECT the world vision that is pushing us to see us and other people as tools of production for society. We are human beings, we are not machines created to produce. This also means that we must question beliefs system that pushes those vision (meritocracy is the biggest example)

- Second, we must reject the creation of those MAID if they are not created on a foundation of good paliative care and good social services for people in difficulty or handicap. We can NOT allow society to become an eugenist system where some will be pushed toward death because they can't afford to live.
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Americans should stop using shitty acronyms for everything.
This is true, even though now they all have to pretend to love trump and be anti-war because he hi-jacked their party. Like Marjorie Taylor Greene is one of the worst. They hold stock in the military weapon provider companies like the vast majority of democrats. I said it once, I will say it a million times. Clintons, Bushes, Bidens and the Obamas are all on the same side. Always was, always will be. They profit off of war. This is why they all hate Trump because he wasn't in their inner circle and he couldn't be brought in. So this is why they fear him and make the public fear him.
"Republicans for Harris" trending on Twitter lmao.
I have hair as in proper hair.
Why did I quote you then ? Why are you mocked all across the forum as a baldy then ? Or did I mix you up with someone else ?

And, yes men fears balding. It's more like fear of unknown. Men spend quite a time having hair and they get used to it. Also, it kind of a normalisation in the society. So, its natural that men will fear losing hair.

And, having hair is great. But once you overcome that fear of how others will perceive you... being bald is the best.
Your interpretation is kinda way too much optimistic imo. There wouldn't be an entire country specialized in hair-transplant if baldies looked that much better.

But yeah nice way to say people need to overcome that.

Anyway, thank you for being the only quoted mofo who answered :suresure:

But this doesn't really answer the original question which was : do women (too much of it) or men (lack of it) get more stigma due to hair ? Because instead of replying you said "nah bald is cool" but you MUST compare both genders !


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Why did I quote you then ? Why are you mocked all across the forum as a baldy then ? Or did I mix you up with someone else ?

Your interpretation is kinda way too much optimistic imo. There wouldn't be an entire country specialized in hair-transplant if baldies looked that much better.

But yeah nice way to say people need to overcome that.

Anyway, thank you for being the only quoted mofo who answered :suresure:

But this doesn't really answer the original question which was : do women (too much of it) or men (lack of it) get more stigma due to hair ? Because instead of replying you said "nah bald is cool" but you MUST compare both genders !
My interpretation is optimistic because it's based on experience- I am bald for 8 years. Deliberately shave my head.

And, yes stigma is there.

Turkey or any country having hair specialisation is simply because men prefer having hair over being bald...and, trust me.... it's Bett to have full hair or go full bald than having bald patches on head (half bald) - ask harashima.. he's half bald and he got dumped by his gf
My interpretation is optimistic because it's based on experience- I am bald for 8 years. Deliberately shave my head.

And, yes stigma is there.

Turkey or any country having hair specialisation is simply because men prefer having hair over being bald...and, trust me.... it's Bett to have full hair or go full bald than having bald patches on head (half bald) - ask harashima.. he's half bald and he got dumped by his gf
Alas, not all skulls can sport the bald look. Sometimes it's better to try other methods. And well, I don't think it's much about men preferring to have hair rather than women preferring men to have hair.
UK is going through its January 6th riot. But bigger. Imagine being such a racist loser that you riot due to fake news from twitter :suresure: « fook the wokes »

Gonna need to open up more prisons :quest: