One more thing:Communism goes against human nature. People are egotistical.
Cooperation was vital to make humankind survive. Egoism is only feasible in a society that has modern institutions in place. When will y'all harass strong right wingers understand that your lonely wolf caveman fantasy is exactly this: a FANTASY and PROJECTION of your own social inabilities.
We what we've have seen throughout the years we're alterations of communism like Lennism, Anarchism etc., and many dictatorships under a communist state took hold because of unstable political transitions.
Those guys mostly used the promise of a classless society to rile up oppressed peasants against royalty and feudal lords. They (deliberately) misinterpreted it as giving peasants (incl themselves) the right to become kings. One major problem of overly hierarchical societies is that the people have a very hard time
imagining what a more equal society would be like, even if they desire such a society. Their brains are primed to repeat the cycle of abuse because in an oppressive society the spirit of oppression permeates everything, from interactions between people of the same class to how parents raise their children. That's why the communist states failed.
People who have been living as oppressed peasants for generations are notoriously passive. The idea of political participation is completely alien to them. Which makes the idea of a supreme leader appealing because they won't have to think as long as the leader decides and reglements their whole lives. This is all they ever knew. And this is why there is no freedom without democracy. BUT and here's the big caveat, for a democratic society to function, the people are required to become sovereign citizens. They must
assume this role and actively strive to learn and stay informed about how their society works and what issues are to be tackled. Meaning education and critical thinking are crucial.
The less education is available the easier it is for bad actors to exploit democracy's weak points and make the citizens vote against their own interests and ultimately undermine democracy itself and ultimately get rid of it altogether.
Due to lack of education the citizens wont even UNDERSTAND WHY their lives are bad and what has to be done to make it easier for them. This leads to increasing levels of frustration and a frustrated, stressed and angry mind won't have the capacity and mental/emotional resources to take a step back and realize that they need to inform themselves and learn. No,instead they yearn for an outlet for their anger and easy fixes which is why we get populism.