But you are defending a system that is oppressing you and is doing exactly that but to exploit you instead of helping you. You are not a billionnaire, you are struggling just like us.
Changing the structures of society CAN be control if it is done without democracy and without transparency. But we are talking about fighting oppressions through restructuration here, not controlling what you think. Even you should be able to understand the difference.
Ok, you do not want a centralized government. You know what ? Me neither. If I had the choice, I would prefer to be auto organized societies. (Hence why I'm leaning more toward anarchism than communism)
But under capitalism, we don't have a choice. When the seek for profit can literally transform people into the worst version of themselves, how are you sure that those who don't have the ressources to keep up with the system can participate in society ? How do you make sure your water is safe ?
Well.. Regulations and taxes.
Under capitalism, it's not possible to do it differently. At least if you consider that we should not abandon those people or that we should not be allowed to sell poison to people (those are just examples).
I understand the fear of the state, but in this case, it's irrationnal at best. When individual people own a capital that a normal human working with more or less 6 $ per hours would make in 13+ MILLION years, we NEED a state to regulate such things.
Or.. you consider that it is normal ?
This is literally what is happening with what people call techno feodalism... you are defending that.
You are literally defending technocracy here. The very thing that you do not want to happen.
We live in capitalism. There is no such system as higher capitalism, after that it is libertariannism, which is even deadlier even more oppressive. Take a pause for a moment and accept that at least. We live in an era where the search for profit and the exploitation of worker is part of the system.
This. is. capitalism.
While it is complex to be precise, an estimation and most of all, a comparison between the number of death between capitalism and communism/socialism can CLEARLY be made.
This article shows very well that while socialism and communism actually were problematic period, what is happening under capitalism is even worse. We should not compare the death, but you give me no choice.
We are talking about
100 MILLIONS of death for wars alone in the last centuries because of said capitalism impact.
Noam Chomsky, using finding about India even said concluded that "in India the democratic capitalist “experiment” since 1947 has caused more deaths than in the entire history of the “colossal, wholly failed … experiment” of Communism everywhere since 1917: over 100 million deaths by 1979, tens of millions more since [...]"
To that, you can had free market policies, politics, exploitation and poverty... the number will be just IMMENSE.
I understand your focus on leftism and communism. Latine america is heavily corrupted and arbore a socialist face, so you make the shortcut that socialism is the problem.
But you need to face reality:
Capitalism is the problem.
Capitalism is the reason why your country is corrupted in the first place, not socialism, not leftism, not progressism, not women or trans people: CAPITALISM and the seeking for profit.
I'm actually begging you to take a step back and watch at reality with a rationnal eye and serenity. Listen to scientist, read about social science. Try to understand what being materialist means.
This is me not wanting to let go and trying one last time.. Please, listen.
Take a look at this: