Jesus was anything but right

He was anti class, anti wealth, pro equality and god knows what else
you cant really attribute any modern day political affiliation to him.He came here to teach the ways of the lord,his message was about living in a honorable way to get you salvation.
John 5:19
And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.
yes,he did.But that was charity,not wealth distribution.Big difference.Greed is a deadly sin even,but that doesnt mean people should live like beggars.The first one was invite to follow Jesus,so the dude needed to get rid of his old life and follow Jesus.The second is about charity and paying debts.The third is a call to watch out for the deadly sin of greed.There is nothing about wealth redistribution there.
Here it seems people need to earn a living by their labor:
Genesis 3:19
By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.
It is wealth distribution, he literally told both of em to sell their possessions and give away the money. You don't do charity by selling of what you have, you do that for wealth distribution

Jesus through all of his teaching is anti wealth, literally

Genesis 3:19
By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.

and this is literally telling people that they have to earn the food they will eat, i highly doubt mansions and monopolies count as that

You are way overreaching at this point, jesus is a leftie lmfao
It is wealth distribution, he literally told both of em to sell their possessions and give away the money. You don't do charity by selling of what you have, you do that for wealth distribution

Jesus through all of his teaching is anti wealth, literally

Genesis 3:19
By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.

and this is literally telling people that they have to earn the food they will eat, i highly doubt mansions and monopolies count as that

You are way overreaching at this point, jesus is a leftie lmfao
yes,because the guy was invited to follow Jesus.Did you expect him to carry his house and other belongings with him?Of course not,the best thing to do was donate all his possessions and follow Jesus.
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Exactly, Jesus "despised" rich people cause he considered money to be false idol
Jesus didnt despise anyone,but you are correct about money being a false idol.
One more thing,he came here to spread love,but that doesn't mean he was a pacifist:
Luke 22:36
And he said unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise a wallet; and he that hath none, let him sell his cloak, and buy a sword.
John 2:15
And making a whip of cords, he drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and oxen. And he poured out the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables.
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Genesis 3:19
By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.

and this is literally telling people that they have to earn the food they will eat, i highly doubt mansions and monopolies count as that

You are way overreaching at this point, jesus is a leftie lmfao
wealth distribution makes some lazy people exploit such benefit to sit idle without working,this happens everywhere there is a welfare state going on.I posted that quote to denounce it.
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One more thing,he came here to spread love,but that doesn't mean he was a pacifist:
Luke 22:36
And he said unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise a wallet; and he that hath none, let him sell his cloak, and buy a sword.
John 2:15
And making a whip of cords, he drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and oxen. And he poured out the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables.
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wealth distribution makes some lazy people exploit such benefit to sit idle without working,this happens everywhere there is a welfare state going on.I posted that quote to denounce it.
Luke 22:36 is also proof that the right of private property is Christian value.
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I mean, being rich was an unforgivable sin in his eyes.
Greed,dude.Greed is a deadly sin.You wont go to hell if you win in the lottery.
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One more thing,he came here to spread love,but that doesn't mean he was a pacifist:
Luke 22:36
And he said unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise a wallet; and he that hath none, let him sell his cloak, and buy a sword.
John 2:15
And making a whip of cords, he drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and oxen. And he poured out the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables.
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wealth distribution makes some lazy people exploit such benefit to sit idle without working,this happens everywhere there is a welfare state going on.I posted that quote to denounce it.
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Luke 22:36 is also proof that the right of private property is Christian value.
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Greed,dude.Greed is a deadly sin.You wont go to hell if you win in the lottery.
But capitalism supports the greed and egoism of mankind
You’re only rich when someone is poor
So a rich person is automatically greedy
You can win in the lottery, take the money you need to live a simple life and donate the rest to charity
Who does that?
Name one rich person who follows Jesus teachings?
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People don’t understand that we’re all connected thorough an invisible chain
someone has more -> someone has less
There’s enough for everyone
This world can fill the stomach of everyone but it can’t fill the stomach of a greedy and egoistic society
“One thing you still lack. Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me” (Luke 18:22).
This is as pro “redistribution of wealth” as it can be. Anti rich people, anti accumulation of wealth, which is as anti capitalist by definition. It’s normal for humans to contradict themselves, but one must be humble enough to recognize it.
But capitalism supports the greed and egoism of mankind
You’re only rich when someone is poor
So a rich person is automatically greedy
You can win in the lottery, take the money you need to live a simple life and donate the rest to charity
Who does that?
Name one rich person who follows Jesus teachings?
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People don’t understand that we’re all connected thorough an invisible chain
someone has more -> someone has less
There’s enough for everyone
This world can fill the stomach of everyone but it can’t fill the stomach of a greedy and egoistic society
greed is something INDIVIDUALS foster in their hearts.Christ called upon everyone to do their daily consciousness exam to wash their sins away.No human system will make a paradise here,but if everyone or most people sanctified themselves,it would be way easier to live.
a follower of Jesus Christ should never support billionaires and capitalism
It’s a crime
No one is against a good life but they’re living a life in unnecessary luxury
"Capitalism fits human nature"
Guess why, because the current nature of mankind is sinful according to Christian teachings
You’re only rich when someone is poor
no,that is not how it works!Are Hollywood actors thieves?Is Rihanna a thief too?Michal jackson?
this notion that you can only win if someone loses is called mais valia,its a marxist notion of economics where the profit can only happen if someone loses something. Wich is BS,because if that was so the economy would never grow.We would still me stuck in the middle ages if that was the case.
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a follower of Jesus Christ should never support billionaires and capitalism
It’s a crime
No one is against a good life but they’re living a life in unnecessary luxury
"Capitalism fits human nature"
Guess why, because the current nature of mankind is sinful according to Christian teachings
Envy is a sin too.Lots of billionaries get their wealth by creating new revolutionary tech that benefits the whole of man kind.Capitalism is free trade of goods and services,you need to profit to earn a living.Luxury and greed are sinfull.Greed IS NOT the accumulation of wealth,it is the desire to constantly accumulate material possessions without any moral discernment or ethics.Think of the alcohol and tobacco industry,they know they are killing a bunch of people every year.But they don't care as long as there is profit.That is something Jesus would despise.
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greed is something INDIVIDUALS foster in their hearts.Christ called upon everyone to do their daily consciousness exam to wash their sins away.No human system will make a paradise here,but if everyone or most people sanctified themselves,it would be way easier to live.
if the system supports greed, it becomes a social problem
as I said is there any billionaire or millionaire out there who follows the teachings of Jesus?
You have to spread the good message of Christ even if there’s no hope for a perfect society
You can’t support a system which supports the opposite of Jesus message
I’m currently neither left or right but I’m for sure an anti capitalist because it goes against our teachings of an equal and peaceful society
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no,that is not how it works!Are Hollywood actors thieves?Is Rihanna a thief too?Michal jackson?
this notion that you can only win if someone loses is called mais valia,its a marxist notion of economics where the profit can only happen if someone loses something. Wich is BS,because if that was so the economy would never grow.We would still me stuck in the middle ages if that was the case.
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Envy is a sin too.Lots of billionaries get their wealth by creating new revolutionary tech that benefits the whole of man kind.Capitalism is free trade of goods and services,you need to profit to earn a living.Luxury and greed are sinfull.Greed IS NOT the accumulation of wealth,it is the desire to constantly accumulate material possessions without any moral discernment about ethics.Think of the alcohol and tobacco industry,they know they are killing a bunch of people every year.But they don't care as long as there is profit.That is something Jesus would despise.
Rihanna is not a thief per se but the system is wrong to begin with
No one should have so much money
and most billionaires get rich by exploiting nature, their workers etc.
There’s no way to the top with honest work in a rotten system like ours
That’s the biggest lie ever
if the system supports greed, it becomes a social problem
as I said is there any billionaire or millionaire out there who follows the teachings of Jesus?
You have to spread the good message of Christ even if there’s no hope for a perfect society
You can’t support a system which supports the opposite of Jesus message
I’m currently neither left or right but I’m for sure an anti capitalist because it goes against our teachings of an equal and peaceful society
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Rihanna is not a thief per se but the system is wrong to begin with
No one should have so much money
and most billionaires get rich by exploiting nature, their workers etc.
There’s no way to the top with honest work in a rotten system like ours
That’s the biggest lie ever
Exactly. You don’t reach that level of wealth without fucking over countless people. My father in law is an extremely wealthy man and fucks over people almost every single day.
if the system supports greed, it becomes a social problem
as I said is there any billionaire or millionaire out there who follows the teachings of Jesus?
You have to spread the good message of Christ even if there’s no hope for a perfect society
You can’t support a system which supports the opposite of Jesus message
I’m currently neither left or right but I’m for sure an anti capitalist because it goes against our teachings of an equal and peaceful society
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Rihanna is not a thief per se but the system is wrong to begin with
No one should have so much money
and most billionaires get rich by exploiting nature, their workers etc.
There’s no way to the top with honest work in a rotten system like ours
That’s the biggest lie ever
Quite a few billionaries and millionaries practice charity.No money=no charity.These pop stars earn their wealth fairly,there is nothing wrong in that.The Catholic church itself needs to be wealthy(and it is) to keep working in the scale it does.Wealth is not a sin.Greed is and Greed is an the accumulation of money without morals.
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Exactly. You don’t reach that level of wealth without fucking over countless people. My father in law is an extremely wealthy man and fucks over people almost every single day.
you dont need to be a douchebag to get rich.Are these youtubers that became millionaires fucking people over?No,they provide entertainment and that pays big money.Pewdiepie is not going to hell.
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if the system supports greed, it becomes a social problem
as I said is there any billionaire or millionaire out there who follows the teachings of Jesus?
You have to spread the good message of Christ even if there’s no hope for a perfect society
You can’t support a system which supports the opposite of Jesus message
I’m currently neither left or right but I’m for sure an anti capitalist because it goes against our teachings of an equal and peaceful society
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Rihanna is not a thief per se but the system is wrong to begin with
No one should have so much money
and most billionaires get rich by exploiting nature, their workers etc.
There’s no way to the top with honest work in a rotten system like ours
That’s the biggest lie ever
singers,actors,youtubers,inventors,athletes,scientists and so on make a fortunes without exploiting people.If a offer a service/goods and you willingly pay me for it,this is not exploitation,but mutualism. If get good at it,you get rich.Being rich is not a sin.
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It’s stated that Alevism officially started in the 13th century. The scholars of Ahmed Yesevi went from Khorasan to Anatolia and spread the teachings. You could say that this is the official birthdate of todays Alevism but our history began with the events of Karbala. This why I said 1500 years. The teachings and views were the same.
My ancestors fled from Mekka to Medina and then to Khorasan. After that they came to Anatolia to spread Alevism and we stayed here since the 13th century
But yeah that is not 1500 years though. Those who were directly involved in the event of Karbala weren’t Alevi or Sufi or Shia. Historically speaking they were practically all “Sunni” as is traditionally understood. Alevism starting in the 13th century is the more historically accurate view. But yeah Alevism seems to take its roots from Sufism, which takes its roots from the early Shia I believe. Anyways this ain’t a theological thread lol, but historically I didn’t understand what you meant.