AL sama

Red Haired
Writers disagree on how best to define and classify atheism,[27] contesting what supernatural entities are considered gods, whether atheism is a philosophical position in its own right or merely the absence of one, and whether it requires a conscious, explicit rejection. However the norm is to define atheism in terms of an explicit stance against theism.[28][29][30]

Atheism has been regarded as compatible with agnosticism,[31][32][33][34] but has also been contrasted with it.[35][36][37]
from wiiki


Dude.. this is not a question of ideology. This is a scientific fact. There IS a consensus about the difference between sex and gender. Weither you like it or not.
There is no consensuns and it is a matter of ideology. Weither you like it or not.

Ok so you do agree that scientific source have a superior value.

See.. Here you are in a paradoxe. On one hand you don't believe in science in the other you believe in science.

This means that you are not searching for truth, you are searching for what will help your point of view. This is a common type of cognitive bias : the confirmation Bias
I never said I don't believe in science. All I'm saying is that science is not what you claim it is. If anything you are the one not believing in science but also giving it high value. So you are in a paradoxe. You pick what science benefits your woke agenda and excludes what science doesn't.

And like they said "Blaime them for what you do, call them for what you are". Your last sentence is strictly what YOU do.

No not what it is to be a woman, but they can understand better the situation of the globality of women. Know the fact I mean. This is the difference between a feeling and a fact.
Again. Paradoxe. Hypocrisy. You just chose what benefits for you and deny what doesn't.

I just proved you that you the one who are involved are most likely the one you need to listen unless there is global data.
No you didn't. You just proved that global data is superior than someone who are involved into it.

I can give you another example. An adult grown man without any scientific knowledge of what a woman is has better idea of what is a woman than a baby, little girl, teenagers etc. Based on his own life experience only.

So that's why I tell you that your definition is wrong.

Atheism is not the presence of belief in no god but the ABSENCE of belief in a specific god
And we go back again to "talk spot". That's your whole argument. If you are not atheist you can't eve talk about it. Even that you wrongly claim that I'am atheist.

By the way I already told you other times, I'm not seeing any of those woke videos of yours.

Now, let's attack the WOKE subject.

What I just prove to you is:

1 - The scientific source have more value than non scientific sources and that there is a scientific CONSENSUS on the difference between sex and gender
2 - That the person involved are the most legitimate one to have an opinion on a subject and the scientific (sociologue) are the legitimate one to have an opinion on a more global scale (because studies)
1 - You didn't proved to me a shit. We just agreed on. I never said non-scientific sources were equal or more valuable than scientific ones. Although there is many possibilities that this may be the other way around. And there is no consensun on the difference between sex and gender. That's woke agenda only.

2 - You just proved that you avoid real debate simple because someone is not involved or doesn't have scientific degree to rely on the subject.

So. I proved that this was wrong:

Now. I think you are talking about "safe space" for example safe space for women when men are excluded.

For you to understand the importance of those safe space, you need to understand first that oppressed person (like women/racialized people) are more likely to share information when they are not cut by men/white people and when they can have a discussion between them.

Meaning that safe space for racialized people or for women are a NECESSITY to learn about thing such as agressions or problematic behaviors.

If you are honest with yourself. You should now change your point of view.
If anything you just prove more and more that you are a woke.

No pretty sure safe place is not the right term I'm looking for. You are doing the "talk spot" all the time by saying if I'm not a man I can't talk about how to be a woman or how a woman feel etc.

And once more you just expressed how woke you are when explaining the "importance" of safe place.

If you are honest you should stop not pretend that you are a woke. I'm not even trying to change you opinion I know you are a lost case. But at least you could be a honest lost case instead of pretend to be virtuous.
Post automatically merged:

I will ask again:

Me and all sane people.


Eh idk, gender dysphoria is a thing in psychology after all, and im pretty sure there studies on transgender brain activity being more similar to their identity than their biological sex. Dont care enough to check again, but maybe @Logiko knows about this and can provide
Just look how trans female gets enraged and acts like a man when they call them "sir"