yeah, mostly. One thing he’s incorrect on is Judaism. Yes, Judaism is an ethnoreligion. No, you don’t need to be born into it.

Im converting at the moment. It’s just that unlike Christianity and Islam, where conversion is an immediate process, Jewish conversion is more complicated.

I meet with a rabbi every 2 weeks, study the culture, history, and religion. I’ll eventually get circumcised. And then when that’s all done, I’ll go before a Jewish court which will approve my conversion.

After that I could theoretically get citizenship under Israel’s law of return.

However I don’t think I’d be considered fully Jewish within the state of Israel because I’m converting under Reform Judaism, a more liberal denomination of the religion. I believe that might affect my ability to get married within the state of Israel. As well as some other stuff like that.

However were I to get an orthodox conversion, I would be considered fully Jewish under Israeli law.

Regardless, I doubt I’d ever immigrate there. America, with all its flaws, is honestly a better country.
yeah, mostly. One thing he’s incorrect on is Judaism. Yes, Judaism is an ethnoreligion. No, you don’t need to be born into it.

Im converting at the moment. It’s just that unlike Christianity and Islam, where conversion is an immediate process, Jewish conversion is more complicated.

I meet with a rabbi every 2 weeks, study the culture, history, and religion. I’ll eventually get circumcised. And then when that’s all done, I’ll go before a Jewish court which will approve my conversion.

After that I could theoretically get citizenship under Israel’s law of return.

However I don’t think I’d be considered fully Jewish within the state of Israel because I’m converting under Reform Judaism, a more liberal denomination of the religion. I believe that might affect my ability to get married within the state of Israel. As well as some other stuff like that.

However were I to get an orthodox conversion, I would be considered fully Jewish under Israeli law.

Regardless, I doubt I’d ever immigrate there. America, with all its flaws, is honestly a better country.
That is very cool of you to explore Judaism like this.
It's not that he's wrong but he is a little biased. The biggest mistake is about citizenship and you can check here. The article 5 is the most used. It's actually possible for converted Jews to get citizenship.

The history about how Israel was created was incredible simplified as well as how he explained the way that Israel got to increase its borders since it looks like he told it in a way to make Israel look like the aggressors.
europe flying israeli flags everywhere while in all years of palestinians getting massacred no form of solidarity was shown, when will people get that the west isn’t a neutral party, they have no sympathy to give for the oppressed non whites

i had sympathy for israeli civilians but it’s draining by the minute, the palestinian death toll has already been equalized and the world’s reaction is “well hamas attacked first” this type of attitude is why hamas gets recruits
europe flying israeli flags everywhere while in all years of palestinians getting massacred no form of solidarity was shown, when will people get that the west isn’t a neutral party, they have no sympathy to give for the oppressed non whites
This is true, I wouldn't really frame israelis as "white people". I mean yes, a lot of israelis are white ashkenazi jews, but a lot of them also aren't.

There are a lot of middle eastern jews.
as far as I know it should be the opposite but I could be wrong
"Ashkenazim are estimated to be 31.8% of the Israeli population."
"As of 2005, 61% of Israeli Jews were of full or partial Mizrahi ancestry"

the thing people get confused about is that most American diaspora jews are ashkenazi so this is where the 'return to europe' thing comes from, while israel is way less white (it's like 30-40% "white" if you include ashkenazi + slavic migration + others)
So I guess the 2 million people living in Gaza are all terrorists and therefore they should die. Funny how you ignore how Israeli authorities have been murdering Palestinians for years now and kicking them out of their homes, where was your indignation then?
Israelis can rape all the children they want and blow up all the schools and hospitals they want and not be terrorists. Palestine can attack a military target in self defense and it's terrorism
Israel attacked civilians - nobody gives a shit
Palestine answered - oh no, holy crap, bla bla bla

So ironic.

Lebanon joins too.

For real, rest of the world is like sheeps. Their TV telling them some shit and they do believe whatever they say.