I'm aware of your insecurities at your lack of general knowledge even when it pertains to the basic functions of government and the political sphere. It's ok cletus, you can always fix that.
Continue believing such drivel. As if saying that means anything. Just you trying to punch down, or up. Like I said, stfu, Go to ResetEra with your bitching, you'll be at home with all the blue haired landwhales.
I'm aware of your insecurities at your lack of general knowledge even when it pertains to the basic functions of government and the political sphere. It's ok cletus, you can always fix that.
You say that to anyone that doesn't agree with you. Imagine a non-american calling someone cletus.
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When Toby is around shit like that happens. I call him Mr.Anger issues.
You say that to anyone that doesn't agree with you. Imagine a non-american calling someone cletus.
Post automatically merged:

When Toby is around shit like that happens. I call him Mr.Anger issues.
Let's not pretend like I started it this time around. You're always on the prowl for any sort of drama here, especially if it involves me. Then you pretend like we're all friends here. I know I grind your gears, but you should seriously stop trying to talk to me, at this point it's kinda creepying me out.
Let's not pretend like I started it this time around. You're always on the prowl for any sort of drama here, especially if it involves me. Then you pretend like we're all friends here. I know I grind your gears, but you should seriously stop trying to talk to me, at this point it's kinda creepying me out.
I don't pretend like we are all friends. I simply let things behind me and keep the conversation rolling. People don't need to be shit slinging at each other all the fucking time. I have been calling you out lately because your tantrums are annoying.
edit: The ignore button is a thing. I will keep replying to you if i wish so. Deal with it.
If feminists are the status co, why are feminists trying to change the system to have more equal rights and priviledges for women ?

idk tell that to the literal world leaders




cause apparently they didt get the memo about it being anti status quo

You are saying that adopted children are not "actual children" ?

in the sense that they are not related to me by blood

yea they wouldt be my children

i helped raise my cousins, are they my kids??

Because forcing something on people is the definition of oppression.

your forced to do many things

that dont make it opression

by your logic, since im forced to not murder people by society and the law therefore im opressed???

some forced things are good, are you opposed to goverment mandated diviersity quota's cause that's forced on job employers??
idk tell that to the literal world leaders




cause apparently they didt get the memo about it being anti status quo

in the sense that they are not related to me by blood

yea they wouldt be my children

i helped raise my cousins, are they my kids??

your forced to do many things

that dont make it opression

by your logic, since im forced to not murder people by society and the law therefore im opressed???

some forced things are good, are you opposed to goverment mandated diviersity quota's cause that's forced on job employers??
Femminist laws a thread to families imo. I think divorce is being estimulated. C4N is not replying to this thread for awhile after @Uncle Van exposed him as a liar.
you consistently gaslight people here which isn't any better
Oh yeah? Its Toby that literally admitted to coming here to throw shit at people and i'm the one the one that is the gaslighter. I know you don't see eye to eye to me,but be honest when he it comes to him. He calls names to literally anyone that doesn't have the same views as him.
Solis is a professional troll and baiter. The man literally said he would beat me and didn't get banned. C4N is crazy and spins everything in his way.
I'm not sure if you know your terms,but gaslighting is this:
Gaslighting is a colloquialism, loosely defined as manipulating someone into questioning their own perception of reality. The expression, which derives from the title of the 1944 film Gaslight, became popular in the mid-2010s. Merriam Webster cites deception of one's memory, perception of reality, or mental stability.
A fucking vague term that doesnt mean shit,since anyone can be accused twisting shit. What's your beef with me,AL? Its not the first time you call me gaslighter.
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At least I'm honest and mind my own business.
oh yeah of course
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Common education to survive?Lmfao.
I don't really see the logic behind this laugh.. You don't understand why its important in a society that all people have similar basis in term of education ?

How is teaching people math,physics and stuff making them more sociable and civillized?
Can you tell me where children are studying please ? (I want you to understand this one by yourself)

A few hundred years ago,families educated their kids and civillization was still around and doing fine.
Those educations were still relying on similar basis. You will not magically reinvent the wheel mate. What you risk to do if you take the responsibility of replacing someone that was trained to teach, is to a bad job at it...and optionnally desocialize your kids.

But do what you want...

brain washing kids into being woke
What's wrong with the fact of being "woke" ? Being aware of societal issues and sociological concepts such as capitals and classes is really not something to be afraid of.

Are you afraid of change and the potentiality that those kid might come for your priviledges ?

I would nuke most colleges and schools around here if i was a dictator,they are literally detrimental to society.
Feels like fascism to me...

anything to actually back this up?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Evolution_of_Atheism#:~:text=LeDrew believes that, in parallel to religious movements,,progressive views on class, gender and race.

Video in french (sorry)
I could give you hundreds of sources explaning why Dawkins vision of science is approaching cultism and antiscientifism. But those should be enough.

nah, science needs to be science.
Yes but science is progressist by essence. Cut the progressism from science and you end up with a chaotic and potentially harmfull discipline. Science needs politic and politic needs science, but one can't overide the other.

well feel free to rationalize using logical fallacies, its not surprising to anyone here
The logical fallacy here only exist in your head sorry.

no i didnt catch that part of your conversation, thats why i added "i guess", because thats usually the reason with you
That only what you think that I'm doing. Simply because that what YOU are doing. In reality, and always rely on data and scientific researches while you and your fellow posters here love to make random and baseless assumptions about politic and social issues.

imagine thinking science is political propaganda
??? ... That literally what you do when you are deligitimazing sociology mate... Are you even aware of what you are saying here ?

I always wonder if this extreme wokism is formed out of countries that are over-blessed and don't have the struggles of developing nations. People search for things that are bigger than themselves. When people don't have real problems, they make them up or even worse. Cause them.
What is wrong with the fact of being woke ?

there is no woke shit in physics, math, biology and the sort.
Hardly in hard sciences, but there is in social sciences.

i cant, because i actually like science

I think you like the idea of liking science... not sure about the last statement..

wokism is brain washing.
Nope.. its just teaching kid social sciences... that's all

But if you think teaching science to kids is brain washing.. you are perfectly entitled to your opinion mate..

they managed to sneak sociology in a chemistry curriculum
Clever people. Hard scientists knowing more about social sciences will make better scientists overall.

do you listen at all

to people here??????
Actually yes, I do. This is what makes the difference between me and all the conservative poster here. I actually listen to you all and try to debunk all this BS point by point. Hard work, hardly pays off, but damn satisfying at the end.

And do not make moral lessons about not listening to people. You are never listening to my argumentations, you prefer to repeat your propaganda like a broken record. Do I need to remind you that I asked a clear question and you didn't answer ?

If feminists are the status co, why are those feminists trying to change the system to give more right and priviledges to women ?

if it's so vague that you kinda have to define it into existence then perhaps it might just not be real
Something being difficult to understand doesn't mean that it is not real. You are once again acting antiscientifically.

and if it was systematic racism then it would be done by the system not by some cloak and dagger shit
This system is not some etherial thing over the head of people. The system IS people. People are PART of the system. And those people are mostly in power.

if they wanted, they could fighter jet bomb every black,mexican and women if they felt like or just imprsion them
We are not living in a fascist world just yet. Don't be too impatient.

@Logiko I will give you one thing: Despite the walls of text,at least you can write. Some guys here write their messages like its a poem or some shit. Its fucking annoying for some reason.
Thanks, I only write a lot because there is a lot to debunk. I don't really have a choice.

The author of this article is not a scientist, a libertarian and a promotor of "rational atheism" movement a similar movement that the "new atheism" movement that is starting to become quite antiscientific.

He really isn't well placed to talk about social science, especially when they are examining social issues that libertarian like him prefer to ignore.

This is a forum, plus the answer contradicts your argument.

There is no paper here.

The author of this article is a sociologist and a leftist. They are just explaining why political biases without control can be detrimental to social science. It does not say that social sciences are biased.
Also, the source is unreadable. Looks like you don't really care to take a look at what you share.
Also, this is just a point of view, not an actual research.

tons of sites have mentioned a bias
No. Tones of site mention the danger of bias*

the point here being, it's not a radically new idea that im making up as to discredit you
Its not an idea at all. You pretty much said nothing with those non existent sources.

and tbh can cite sources like this for any issue, it's generally just not worth the effort of doing cause nobody gives a shit if you have evidence on some random ass forum carrot
You are not sharing viable sources. You are sharing articles that are either opinion or non existent.

Again, opinion article. Not actual valid scientific research like this one:

It turns out that the mysandry attitude of feminist toward men is a myth:

- Sum up of the set of studies on twitter: https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1752230967836877119
- Link toward the set of studies: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/03616843231202708
Just one of many examples of C4N changing his tune or flat out lying. As usual, you can click on the post link to see the original post and convo chain for yourselves.
Well look at that ! Good catch ! I forgot the fact that I did mention the fur. I'm therefore wrong and lying when I say that I didn't.

Note that it doesn't change my statement at all tho. Trashing Carrot because she has fur was indeed an argument of anti Carrot and Yamato fan and a racist rethoric as it was using the difference of the races to discriminate the character the same way the character would be disciminated by people in power in the fictionnal world. Racism against fictionnal character is still a form of racism.

Its amazing how you are attacking the fact that I'm contradicting myself (for once) but you are not really attacking the subject at all.. In fact you are conveniently "forgetting" to explain why I said that you were lying/twisting the narrative for the rest of my argumentation on the politization of the Nakama thread tho ... Smart boy :shocking:

kids around here waste 5 hours a day. Its not productive.
People who ask for their kids to be "productive" usually ends up being horrible human being with other people.

@Logiko defend yourself! Is Uncle editing shit now?
No, he is right for once. I forgot that I said that and therefore contradicted myself. It doesn't really change my argument, it just means that I'm not perfect.

Which is very consistent with his behavior.
Really tho ?

One of his first replies was saying "Carrot is joining. Those who don't see this are just toxic."
An actual lie. The original message was "Carrot is joining the crew and anyone saying that Yamato is joining is reaching". I actually created the same message for Worstgen and Arlong park. at the difference being that the Arlong Park staff did not appreciate that I called out the toxicity of their poster and the fact that was willing to stand my ground against it and instead of threadbanning me for making the thread political, just permbanned me alltogether.

This was a message created to redirect the attacks that some Carrot fan were facing (and were reported to me in DM) personnally toward myself. Nothing toxic, just a little shard into the minds of Yamato fan.

I would look into this but he told me it is dangerous for me to try to fact-check things.
Again, you didn't read what I said. (I'm starting to see a familiar pattern here) Fact checking doesn't mean that you need to go check to the sources of propaganda and to their adversary. Fact checking means that you need to seek for those who have the actual expertise on the domain you are researching. In the case of social issues it would be social sciences researchers.

Also claimed that the arguments for Carrot joining are based on facts and people are being blind pigeons for not seeing it.
Another lie.

While I did say that the arguments for Carrot joining were based on factual narrative data (and still are BTW). The later part of the sentence is a lie. What I actually said was this:

"I make high end storytelling points and they are receive with laughter. That's why after a while I have the impression to talk with pigeon who loves making theories.. but don't know a single things about characters characterization and storytelling.."

Even If I apologyze later for this comparison - which I shouldn't have, that comparison was actually proper in context - I'm actually calling noone a pigeon here. This is a reference to a very well known metaphor that I actually explain later:

"When playing chess with pigeons.. they don't care about the game.. they will just walk around destroying everything? "

This metaphor explains that speaking with people who only want to create chaos is useless. Which is exactly what you guys were doing (and are still doing) when presented clear demonstration or scientific evidences. This is a trait of toxic person who refuse to be wrong because of their pride.

The act of deforming reality just like you did is ALSO a toxic trait. The problem is that you are in power and you should be giving the example.

he started claiming he never said anything like that and was just using analytics
No. I stand by my arguments and in fact I'm still standing by them as you can see here. What I did is explaining why Carrot not joining was in fact a potential mistake looking at the reality of the narrative data about here. You are once again lying.

Once Carrot stayed behind, he claimed his storytelling analysis was spot
Indeed. Still is. Only my conclusion was proven wrong, not my argumentation.

and Oda must have changed his mind on Carrot
I actually didn't stop to a real answer. I explored multiple potential answers to the mystery of Carrot's journey as Carrot's current path could still be the testimony of a narrative error. Oda changing his mind was only one of them.

There's no helping him. Even serial killiers are more honest(no joke).
Wow... Moderator right there...

so every single man ever is abusive
Every men are potential abusers =/= every single man ever is abusive. Learn to read.

it's helping but but no actually it makes us men suffer.
Its doing both. Its not really that hard to understand. You can completely benefit from a system and still be hurt by it.
An example : Work.

This are not systemic representations. They are just some cases when it happened. What I asked where data about the representation of this problem in society.

I believe he might be bullshitting about this too

And this is how the far right and confusionnist radicalizes themselves. @Uncle Van and @NAMELESS just beautifully represented this process:

Step 1: Van twist the reality just enough to make it look like lies are actually truth (see above)
Step 2: Nameless is taking the conclusion of this lying and twisting reality mechanism to create false narrative about the subject (me) and expand the reality twisting and desinformation
Step X: Y can perfectly continue with any kind of prejudice and the machine of desinformation will work on its own thus creating more lies and fakenews out of nothingness on the simple basis of a bad representation of reality.

This is how the far right and confusionnist in general create desinformation inconsciously as a group. Their bias are in reality feeding their own rethoric and it can go on ... and on... and on... and on....

I'm the victim of those lies here, but this can be said for any kind of subject....

Truly remarkable representation guys!! This deserve a cookie:

For someone that claims depression
I don't have a depression mate. I have a psychosis. Not the same thing.
I went through depression only twice in the all time that I was on worstgen.

comparing white and black people who even according to racist people, are still humans just a different group. that's the same as hating or disliking a whole different species
The point was to explain the behavior behind racism applied to a fictionnal character. If you don't understand why using the same racist rethoric as oppressor (even toward a fictionnal character) is racist then I can't really explain racism to you.

alligned with whatever the status quo would be at the time
You know.. repeating the same thing over and over won't make it true mate :milaugh:

solely to recieve the praise and recognition of being a good person.
Damn.. where is my praise and recognition ????? How dumb of me to challenge the status co of an entire forum just for the sake of being praised.... DAMNNN YOU OBAMA :suresure:

(keep thinking that I'm doing this for recognition when 90% of the posters are calling me nuts... its actually funny)



cause apparently they didt get the memo about it being anti status quo
You know.. because someone calls themself a feminist does not mean that they are. Even me have hard time calling myself a feminist. Simply because this is not my role to label myself as one. If you are a feminist, real women feminist will trust and share your work, if you are not, you can call yourself a feminist all you want, you will just be a wannabee.

And those guys definitely are wannabees

i helped raise my cousins, are they my kids??
Well.. not in the sence that they belong to you, but they are in a way yes. If you raised them, you are one of their parents. That's what being a parent means.

your forced to do many things

that dont make it opression
In this case it does yes.
I don't really see the logic behind this laugh.. You don't understand why its important in a society that all people have similar basis in term of education ?

Can you tell me where children are studying please ? (I want you to understand this one by yourself)

Those educations were still relying on similar basis. You will not magically reinvent the wheel mate. What you risk to do if you take the responsibility of replacing someone that was trained to teach, is to a bad job at it...and optionnally desocialize your kids.

But do what you want...

What's wrong with the fact of being "woke" ? Being aware of societal issues and sociological concepts such as capitals and classes is really not something to be afraid of.

Are you afraid of change and the potentiality that those kid might come for your priviledges ?

Feels like fascism to me...

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Evolution_of_Atheism#:~:text=LeDrew believes that, in parallel to religious movements,,progressive views on class, gender and race.

Video in french (sorry)
I could give you hundreds of sources explaning why Dawkins vision of science is approaching cultism and antiscientifism. But those should be enough.

Yes but science is progressist by essence. Cut the progressism from science and you end up with a chaotic and potentially harmfull discipline. Science needs politic and politic needs science, but one can't overide the other.

The logical fallacy here only exist in your head sorry.

That only what you think that I'm doing. Simply because that what YOU are doing. In reality, and always rely on data and scientific researches while you and your fellow posters here love to make random and baseless assumptions about politic and social issues.

??? ... That literally what you do when you are deligitimazing sociology mate... Are you even aware of what you are saying here ?

What is wrong with the fact of being woke ?

Hardly in hard sciences, but there is in social sciences.

I think you like the idea of liking science... not sure about the last statement..

Nope.. its just teaching kid social sciences... that's all

But if you think teaching science to kids is brain washing.. you are perfectly entitled to your opinion mate..

Clever people. Hard scientists knowing more about social sciences will make better scientists overall.

Actually yes, I do. This is what makes the difference between me and all the conservative poster here. I actually listen to you all and try to debunk all this BS point by point. Hard work, hardly pays off, but damn satisfying at the end.

And do not make moral lessons about not listening to people. You are never listening to my argumentations, you prefer to repeat your propaganda like a broken record. Do I need to remind you that I asked a clear question and you didn't answer ?

If feminists are the status co, why are those feminists trying to change the system to give more right and priviledges to women ?

Something being difficult to understand doesn't mean that it is not real. You are once again acting antiscientifically.

This system is not some etherial thing over the head of people. The system IS people. People are PART of the system. And those people are mostly in power.

We are not living in a fascist world just yet. Don't be too impatient.

Thanks, I only write a lot because there is a lot to debunk. I don't really have a choice.

The author of this article is not a scientist, a libertarian and a promotor of "rational atheism" movement a similar movement that the "new atheism" movement that is starting to become quite antiscientific.

He really isn't well placed to talk about social science, especially when they are examining social issues that libertarian like him prefer to ignore.

This is a forum, plus the answer contradicts your argument.

There is no paper here.

The author of this article is a sociologist and a leftist. They are just explaining why political biases without control can be detrimental to social science. It does not say that social sciences are biased.
Also, the source is unreadable. Looks like you don't really care to take a look at what you share.
Also, this is just a point of view, not an actual research.

No. Tones of site mention the danger of bias*

Its not an idea at all. You pretty much said nothing with those non existent sources.

You are not sharing viable sources. You are sharing articles that are either opinion or non existent.

Again, opinion article. Not actual valid scientific research like this one:

Well look at that ! Good catch ! I forgot the fact that I did mention the fur. I'm therefore wrong and lying when I say that I didn't.

Note that it doesn't change my statement at all tho. Trashing Carrot because she has fur was indeed an argument of anti Carrot and Yamato fan and a racist rethoric as it was using the difference of the races to discriminate the character the same way the character would be disciminated by people in power in the fictionnal world. Racism against fictionnal character is still a form of racism.

Its amazing how you are attacking the fact that I'm contradicting myself (for once) but you are not really attacking the subject at all.. In fact you are conveniently "forgetting" to explain why I said that you were lying/twisting the narrative for the rest of my argumentation p, the politization of the Nakama thread tho ... Smart boy :shocking:

People who ask for their kids to be "productive" usually ends up being horrible human being with other people.

No, he is right for once. I forgot that I said that and therefore contradicted myself. It doesn't really change my argument, it just means that I'm not perfect.

Really tho ?

An actual lie. The original message was "Carrot is joining the crew and anyone saying that Yamato is joining is reaching". I actually created the same message for Worstgen and Arlong park. at the difference being that the Arlong Park staff did not appreciate that I called out the toxicity of their poster and the fact that was willing to stand my ground against it and instead of threadbanning me for making the thread political, just permbanned me alltogether.

This was a message created to redirect the attacks that some Carrot fan were facing (and were reported to me in DM) personnally toward myself. Nothing toxic, just a little shard into the minds of Yamato fan.

Again, you didn't read what I said. (I'm starting to see a familiar pattern here) Fact checking doesn't mean that you need to go check to the sources of propaganda and to their adversary. Fact checking means that you need to seek for those who have the actual expertise on the domain you are researching. In the case of social issues it would be social sciences researchers.

Another lie.

While I did say that the arguments for Carrot joining were based on factual narrative data (and still are BTW). The later part of the sentence is a lie. What I actually said was this:

"I make high end storytelling points and they are receive with laughter. That's why after a while I have the impression to talk with pigeon who loves making theories.. but don't know a single things about characters characterization and storytelling.."

Even If I apologyze later for this comparison - which I shouldn't have, that comparison was actually proper in context - I'm actually calling noone a pigeon here. This is a reference to a very well known metaphor that I actually explain later:

"When playing chess with pigeons.. they don't care about the game.. they will just walk around destroying everything? "

This metaphor explains that speaking with people who only want to create chaos is useless. Which is exactly what you guys were doing (and are still doing) when presented clear demonstration or scientific evidences. This is a trait of toxic person who refuse to be wrong because of their pride.

The act of deforming reality just like you did is ALSO a toxic trait. The problem is that you are in power and you should be giving the example.

No. I stand by my arguments and in fact I'm still standing by them as you can see here. What I did is explaining why Carrot not joining was in fact a potential mistake looking at the reality of the narrative data about here. You are once again lying.

Indeed. Still is. Only my conclusion was proven wrong, not my argumentation.

I actually didn't stop to a real answer. I explored multiple potential answers to the mystery of Carrot's journey as Carrot's current path could still be the testimony of a narrative error. Oda changing his mind was only one of them.

Wow... Moderator right there...

Every men are potential abusers =/= every single man ever is abusive. Learn to read.

Its doing both. Its not really that hard to understand. You can completely benefit from a system and still be hurt by it.
An example : Work.

This are not systemic representations. They are just some cases when it happened. What I asked where data about the representation of this problem in society.


And this is how the far right and confusionnist radicalizes themselves. @Uncle Van and @NAMELESS just beautifully represented this process:

Step 1: Van twist the reality just enough to make it look like lies are actually truth (see above)
Step 2: Nameless is taking the conclusion of this lying and twisting reality mechanism to create false narrative about the subject (me) and expand the reality twisting and desinformation
Step X: Y can perfectly continue with any kind of prejudice and the machine of desinformation will work on its own thus creating more lies and fakenews out of nothingness on the simple basis of a bad representation of reality.

This is how the far right and confusionnist in general create desinformation inconsciously as a group. Their bias are in reality feeding their own rethoric and it can go on ... and on... and on... and on....

I'm the victim of those lies here, but this can be said for any kind of subject....

Truly remarkable representation guys!! This deserve a cookie:

I don't have a depression mate. I have a psychosis. Not the same thing.
I went through depression only twice in the all time that I was on worstgen.

The point was to explain the behavior behind racism applied to a fictionnal character. If you don't understand why using the same racist rethoric as oppressor (even toward a fictionnal character) is racist then I can't really explain racism to you.

You know.. repeating the same thing over and over won't make it true mate :milaugh:

Damn.. where is my praise and recognition ????? How dumb of me to challenge the status co of an entire forum just for the sake of being praised.... DAMNNN YOU OBAMA :suresure:

(keep thinking that I'm doing this for recognition when 90% of the posters are calling me nuts... its actually funny)

You know.. because someone calls themself a feminist does not mean that they are. Even me have hard time calling myself a feminist. Simply because this is not my role to label myself as one. If you are a feminist, real women feminist will trust and share your work, if you are not, you can call yourself a feminist all you want, you will just be a wannabee.

And those guys definitely are wannabees

Well.. not in the sence that they belong to you, but they are in a way yes. If you raised them, you are one of their parents. That's what being a parent means.

In this case it does yes.
see guys,i told you he was cooking up @Uncle Van @Zemmi @Zenos7 @Ravagerblade