As long as you lack self awareness and belittle others, no one is gonna listen to you in this weeb forum on the corner of the internet. Thank you for your efforts in spreading facism(not a joke).
Well, this went.. exactly as I expected.

I hope your political vision and answers will be conforting enough so you live a happy life. And I also hope you will never turn on those who are less priviledged, if that's not already the case.

Have fun with Fascism

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Well, this went.. exactly as I expected.

I hope your political vision and answers will be conforting enough so you live a happy life. And I also hope you will never turn on those who are less priviledged, if that's not already the case.

Have fun with Fascism
You really gotta stop trying to make everyone appear just like you. I don't the mock the underprivileged for political differences and assumptions like you do. For people to listen, the messenger has to at least be perceived worth listening to. You're clearly not that, and blame others for your own shortcomings. It's that attitude used as ammo for facism. History and the basics of propaganda would tell you that.
The majority of people do not understand how Nazism arose. In fact, most people don’t really care how individuals became Nazis in the first place.

You see, this is the biggest problem of all: most people are idealists.

They believe we can fight our inner monsters with sheer willpower. They think that strength of mind is simply a matter of determination - that no matter who surrounds them or how much pressure they face, they will be strong enough to resist bad ideologies and think for themselves.

Mind over matter. Strength over pressure. The power of will over the system.

And I don’t blame them. It’s deeply reassuring to believe that we can overcome a mental condition, a toxic rhetoric, or a financial crisis with the power of our own intellect. We crave control - it’s human nature. For some, it even becomes a battle.


It’s not surprising to find those same people, years later, raising their arms before a swastika, convinced they are asserting control over their lives. After all, it was always about control.

You see… most people think Nazis are monsters. It’s easy. It helps them cope with generational trauma. But it’s also idealistic.

By dehumanizing Nazis , by convincing themselves that these people were mad, lost, stupid, or mere animals, they deny the harsh reality of the world:

There is a Nazi in all of us.

People do not become Nazis because some sudden darkness takes over their minds or because they turn into psychopaths overnight…

People become Nazis because it’s the easy way.

Becoming a Nazi, a fascist, or a reactionary is not the result of someone losing their mind - it’s the direct consequence of our system.

Capitalism is structured to turn you into a Nazi. Into a fascist.


Oh, I know… At this point, I’ve probably lost 95% of the readers. But I hope my silence was long enough for you to actually pay attention - to listen, for once.

Someone I deeply respected died this month. A true freedom fighter. Long COVID took him - or rather, he took himself out because of unbearable, torturous pain. And for some reason, it almost broke me. I didn’t even know the guy…

His death happened in the blink of an eye. Two months. That’s all it took. He could have been saved - if only the system cared enough to prioritize prevention for this f*cking disease. But no. War, immigration, Muslims - those are the distractions capitalists keep pushing. And meanwhile, people like him die.

It opened my eyes to the reality of death, and how our system responds to it. Our system killed him. And I could be next.

But I’m not even angry. I’m not even sad or desperate. I just… need a solution. I need to know that I’ve tried everything to reach people like you. And I know, you’re just some random strangers on the far side of the internet. In the grand scheme of things, what does it matter if two or four people start paying attention to these so-called “woke” takes - without letting their lizard brain trigger an emotional rejection response?

What do you risk? After all, you have a strong will, right? So maybe - just maybe - open your mind a little to what I’m about to say.

You know… this might even be one of the last interactions you have with me.

So just allow me this - for once.


Change will most often happen outside of your control !

I’m not joking. This is the most important thing I have ever said on this thread - or even on this forum, for that matter.

And that’s how Nazism happens. Change. Small ones.

Bit by bit, without you even noticing, you start accumulating reactionary traits. You might resist at first, but over time, they begin to feel natural. One day, it will seem logical to hate certain groups of people. It will seem logical to vote for extremists. And one day… it will seem logical to raise your arm in front of a statue.

You don’t believe me. I know. And maybe when I say “raise your arm,” you’re picturing a salute - but it doesn’t have to be that. It could be anything else.

So let me ask you:

Do you hate a particular group of people? Perhaps someone told you they’re dangerous? That they’re vicious?

And it doesn’t even have to be hate. Maybe you don’t hate anyone, but you feel an extreme need to make sure you’re never in the same room as certain kinds of people. Do you ever think that way?

After all, it’s logical to hate someone based on their political side, right? I mean, I don’t hate any of you, even though most of you are my political enemies. But some of you? You hate people like me.

Tell me - do you really have a reason to hate us?

Look closely at what I’m saying. Has there been anything in my political rhetoric that’s actually worth hating?

Again, pay close attention.

For once, forget everything you’ve been told about “the woke.” Try to see my words outside of context and just… listen.

Make a list. Please. List the things you hate about my vision, and each time, ask yourself: "Do I truly understand why?" "On a deep level?"


Why - really, why - would someone believe that poverty is deserved and that success is proof of mental strength? Think deeply about that. What is the factual basis for such a belief?

Is it because data actually supports it? Or… is it simply the most comforting thing to believe?

Because if success isn’t proof of mental strength, and if poverty is an injustice… what would that say about the world? It’s easier to convince ourselves that success equals strength, even when there’s no real proof of it. Right?

But maybe you think that’s too easy. Maybe, on this one, you even agree with me.

So maybe your issue is a little less radical. Maybe you just think people like me are crazy. Maybe you think we deserve what happens to us. Maybe you believe Nazis became Nazis because they were bullied by Antifa.

After all, that’s a reassuring thought, isn’t it?

It’s not you who’s the problem. No, the real issue is the “woke mob” - so angry, so terrifying - that they scared poor innocent people into wanting to put drug addicts in concentration camps… right ?

So tell me - what is the foundation for this belief?

Have you ever actually asked a Nazi if they became a white supremacist because, one time, a woman said, “men are trash”?

I mean… that definitely happens sometimes… right?


You know… I’ve been asking myself if there’s a way to make people here really listen - really think about what I’m saying. Deep down, I know there must be a way. I deradicalized myself from horrible ideologies, so I know it’s possible.

But like I told someone recently, it can only happen if you're willing to listen. Truly listen.

And yet, my brain knows that no matter what I say here, there’s almost no chance anyone will. In fact, most of you probably scrolled past the first line as soon as you saw the length of this post.

I know that Ravager will insult me.
I know that Van will sigh silently.
I know that Bear will once again tell me this is too long.
I know that Nameless will ignore this post. (Hi, by the way. I’m fine, thanks.)

I know most people won’t make it to this part.

And I know that, once again, I’ll feel disappointed in this fanbase the second I hit “post.”

It’s been this way for three years - consistently. It’ll happen again.


But I don’t know. Maybe - just maybe - there’s a chance that some of you will actually listen. Because what’s happening right now is so insane, it even goes beyond everything I’ve been warning you about for years.

Maybe - just maybe - there’s a small, sharp part of you that’s starting to wonder…


In any case.

I'm very sorry. For all of you who are protecting something that is hurting you or is about to hurt you real bad.

I hope you will start to see things and will fight with us one day.
Chills... 🥶🥶🥶

Remember, fascism does not become fascism out of reactance. Reactance in the specific case of the rise of fascism, is a myth. Fascism is not some reaction of some random in front of angry feminists or angry sociologists.

Fascism is the logical result of multiple system of domination combining together. It's a product of capitalism, of colonialism, of patriarchy, of systemic racism and eugenism all converging together to form a coherent belief.

Fascism will have different colors and symbols, but it will remain fundamentally the same in most culture. Sometimes it will be looking at the far past and antiquity and some other time it will venerate the future.
Gross how trump uses a sick child for his virture signalling while also wanting to ethnically cleanse millions of children from their homeland.
My dude please learn some critical thinking skills.

You're right and I propose another solution: we should dehumanize all humans because humans are monsters. There's a blood drinking, head bashing, mass rapist sleeping within every group of humans, and perhaps in every individual. All it takes are the 'right' circumstances to bring it out.
It's sick that you can only ever think, How dare Trump, Orange man bad. Instead of the good, You sicken me. You disgust me. You abhorrent scum wrapped in flesh.
I have no idea about this but it sounds like a Hindu nationalist conspiracy theory
He tells me that he is actually an atheist but is “politically Hindu”.

Which is to say, he doesn’t actually care about the religion in any capacity. He just uses it as a vehicle for his politics, which I suspect are some form of fascism.

sigh. I hate how people who I really care about believe crazy bullshit.
There are users on this forum who pretend to not care about anything related to politics but once or twice a "year" they come here and drop the most unhinged comment wether it's about loving Orange-man, libertarianism, denying environmental issues and so much more but it's alright and you'd better not even answer to them or else people will tell you "x is a nice and chill guy who barely posts here" as if his statement was above politics in a thread about politics...

Reaction to a Schizo Posting on a weeb forum should be more like:
What's the beef with his illness ? Do you hate him because he suffers ? I don't get it. You should go back to high-school and learn one thing or two about mental illnesses. Even the wikipedia page can be helpful.
especially since developed countries can no longer support fascism
This is exactly what I was thinking about when I said that people view Fascists as some kind of monster, a creature we now recognize, and therefore, one that can never reappear.

This is what idealism is: the belief that our intellect alone can prevent fascistic ideas, that our institutions can resist fascism even under pressure... because we are "strong and politically cultivated people."

As if those who once raised their arms to the sky were not philosophers, scientists, historians, teachers, politicians...

Somehow, "fascism can't happen because we would recognize it" is slowly transforming into "Antifa are the new fascists," all while targeting Muslims, Black people, migrants, Antifa, trans people... And the tragically ironic part is that those who push this narrative fail to see that this shift is EXACTLY what happened in Germany before Nazism.

Congrats ! You are now equating people who fight for equal rights and a society free from oppression with those who burned others in gas chambers.
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Fascists and anti fascists are equally fascist in modern era, especially since developed countries can no longer support fascism in its essence
Anti fascism has become the new fascism
I don't know about "equally fascist".

But there's a lot of people who use it as an umbrella to shield themselves from criticism, and others who will blindly excuse any action done in its name.

Like any popular cause, it can be weaponized or distorted.
This is exactly what I was thinking about when I said that people view Fascists as some kind of monster, a creature we now recognize, and therefore, one that can never reappear.

This is what idealism is: the belief that our intellect alone can prevent fascistic ideas, that our institutions can resist fascism even under pressure... because we are "strong and politically cultivated people."

As if those who once raised their arms to the sky were not philosophers, scientists, historians, teachers, politicians...

Somehow, "fascism can't happen because we would recognize it" is slowly transforming into "Antifa are the new fascists," all while targeting Muslims, Black people, migrants, Antifa, trans people... And the tragically ironic part is that those who push this narrative fail to see that this shift is EXACTLY what happened in Germany before Nazism.

Congrats ! You are now equating people who fight for equal rights and a society free from oppression with those who burned others in gas chambers.
Have you actually seen how Antifa behave ? You’ll change your mind instantly when you see them looting the stores .
Tell me you don’t know anything about anti fascism without telling me you don’t know anything about anti fascism.

Lots of antifas think that looters are dumb as fuck btw.
World is morally grey indeed . Like you mentioned there are dumb people on both sides .

My close family work as a cop he saw violence on both sides but if you see in blue states the Govt there turns blind eye when such thing happened .
Have you actually seen how Antifa behave ? You’ll change your mind instantly when you see them looting the stores .
Saying 'all anti fascists are looters' is like saying 'all devout Muslims are terrorists'

He tells me that he is actually an atheist but is “politically Hindu”.

Which is to say, he doesn’t actually care about the religion in any capacity. He just uses it as a vehicle for his politics
But that's exactly what religious nationalism is about. 😂

What's the beef with his illness ? Do you hate him because he suffers ? I don't get it. You should go back to high-school and learn one thing or two about mental illnesses. Even the wikipedia page can be helpful.
The guy is becoming more aggressive every time he posts here. Sigh, the youths these days:lawsigh:

I'm curious about how President Trump's recent policy decision to alter the tariff regime interacts with the USMCA that was negotiated during his first term.

It's ratified by the US, Mexico & Canada, and sets tariffs and exemptions on a whole range of goods. Is the US is breaking a ratified treaty with this move? There is a national security carve-out in there.

Whether it is validly applicable is another question.
Nice bot post