Are you ready to listen or not ?
Dude, I have been reading your posts, I know of your "Gods" and I have read most of them. Or about what they brought to their field. Bourdieu, Deleuze, Foucault, Derrida, de Beauvoir, Sartre, Butler, Lauren Bastide, etc...
But I can't just read people who were doing the same thing or going the same way.
So I also read other authors like Clouscard, Marx, Guy Debord, Michéa, De Benoist, Todd, etc...
And when I listen to policians, I try to listen to all of them and all they said, not just a 15 minutes videos that I found on YT from a militant. I do the same with radios and TV, listen to France Inter and Cnews.
Then I try to have my own opinion by learning from all sides, because unlike you I don't believe that one side has all the truths while the other is composed of a bunch of lying pieces of shit that needs to be silenced.