Like Astaro said, the willpower part is contradicted since Diavolo tried fighting back so it's not resetting willpower.
When did this Diavolo fighting back happened exactly? Diavolo stopped fighting after he realized that his action was reverted to zero and there was an infinite amount of himself.
That's not "Diavolo fighting back, so willpower was not resetted" but more like "Diavolo did not realize his action and willpower were gone, that's why he thought he fought back when in reality he really did not."
There's also the fact that dealt with a similar ability to GER (Orihime, even if it's more limited).
Look, I don't know why you keep bringing up Orihime into this when it's clear that Giorno is a trillion tiers above her.
I'm pretty sure Conceptual manipulation > Causality Manipulation
Not completely. Even concepts cannot free themselves from cause and effect.
KC can only see one future, Yhwach can see and affect infinite possible futures at the same time. It's not a fair comparison.
Bleach has infinite future timelines and they all get affected by him.
It becomes fair since GER can also create an infinite amount of reality to send its target to the infinite death loop.
I don't believe these stat sheets are reliable. Why can't I argue that he's got 0 stats and is just fodder with broken hax( based on this sheet only)?
Sorry, but if you're not going to consider canon source, then what are you willing to consider?
Having "none" as your stat does not automatically mean you've got 0 or you're a fodder. They can also mean that such concepts are no longer applicable to you. IIRC, there's an official Jojo artbook out there that clarifies GER stats are translated as "none" because they are immeasurable by the usual Stand stats.
That can only mean GER transcends stats altogether.
How does he even create an infinite death loop? From what I remember he killed Diavolo and then reverted his death and made the loop. If I'm not remembering correctly, then please let me know.
GER did not kill Diavolo.
I know it's a bit confusing since GER's ability is called the "Infinite Death Loop", but it basically goes like this:
1. A rando opposes GER by, let's say, writing Giorno's name in the Death Note
2. GER reverts his action and willpower to zero
3. Thanks to number 2, Giorno's name is never written in the Death Note
4. In a continued retaliation, GER sends the rando to the infinite death loop
5. The rando experiences his first death loop: getting eaten alive by a pride of lions. However, since GER removes the effect from the cause, just before the moment the rando dies to the lions, GER passively creates a new reality for a second loop and sends the rando there
6. The rando experiences his second death loop: getting lawnmowered to death by a psycho. However, since GER removes the effect from the cause, just before the moment the rando dies to the lawnmower, GER passively creates a new reality for a third loop and sends the rando there
7. The rando experiences his third death loop: getting sentenced to death by a thousand cuts in Ancient China. However, since GER removes the effect from the cause, just before the moment the rando dies from the one thousandth cut, GER passively creates a new reality for a fourth loop and sends the rando there
Look, I can keep going, but I am not in infinite writing loop, so pretty sure you know what I mean by now, right?
Also talking about cause and effect, Orihime rejects past events from happening and removes the effects, but couldn't reject the Almighty's effects.
I already explained my argument in the above.
For me, the fight goes like this:
1. The Almighty notices Giorno somehow
2. GER notices TA noticing Giorno
3. GER reverts TA (and therefore Ywach) to zero
4. Ywach is put in an infinite death loop
That's it.
Not saying that Ywach affecting infinite timelines isn't crazy, but I don't think that's more impressive than literally creating a new reality, like GER, just so you can watch someone die forever.