Versus Battle Hakuki vs Gakuki

@God Buggy who do you think amongst GakuKi or SHK is better ?
Hard to say.

Gakuki has one of the nuttiest feats in the manga and that gave him the clout to form a coalition which had success. While the western fringe of China had Qin's Six and Zhao's Heavens, it was none other than Gakuki in the East who managed to preserve the balance of power across the whole of China (words directly from the manga).

SHK is the chief of the military affairs for a state as powerful as Qin, he's one of the very best minds in China period and if that wasn't enough, he's a freakishingly strong warrior.

Close match. I know about the spoilers you're talking about, I'm very looking forward to see that part of the story.
Gakuki has the most superior feat in the manga so far out of any general, by a good margin.

Hakuki was the 2nd top general of the most powerful state at the time.
Gakuki joined a weak state and turned it into a powerhouse and then expanded the land to twice the size against a state that was as powerful as the present Chu.

Within the confines of the manga, Gakuki high-diffs any general out there. But don't really know much about the type of stratagems, underlings, tactics, etc they had at their disposal nor their weaknesses.
Hakuki > Gakuki, because I believe the new gen > old gen is a recurring theme throughout the story. Not the most detailed answer, but I really have nothing else to go off of.

We also don't know the quality of generals during that time period so it's just all speculation otherwise
I just had a long debate with a friend of mine ...
I think in the story Gakuki still rules all

but in history ... there is a massive among of fake/unknown hype around both ...
not saying they are not GOATS ... but the records for most of their achivement is shaky at best
it's just a matter of who you want to trust

if you trust the records ... Haku Ki
if you trust the people who wrote the older records ... Gaku Ki

but at the end both of them should be below Cao Cao :)
or even Ousen ... tbh ... Historical Ousen is the GOAT of the era