General & Others How come he beat King but hasn’t beat s-hawk?

this just proves that despite knowing a lunarian's weakness
u still need to be strong enough to defeat them
and koh was a big factor in beating king despite him knowing his weakness

same with the guy who beat kaido
gear4 isnt strong enough to beat a seraphim even if luffy knows their weakness


The Sol King
If you want an answer other than "Plot" from within the manga, its likely because the Seraphim's flames never went off. Zoro (who fought King) was surprised their flames weren't going out.

Vegapunk may have overcome the only possible limitation on the Seraphim's defence.
no, On panel the last attack Zoro did , King didn’t have his flame on… the anime is the one that added the flame but the anime isn’t canon so it doesn’t matter

no Zoro never managed to damage King with his flame on even after getting AdvCoC
I checked and you're right.

I wasn't referring to the anime, but I misremembered the manga. Probably was confused at some time with King's hair when gets cut.
Seraphim are Kids, you don't expect Oda to show you a bloodied, crippled, beaten kid in a manga for kids do you ?
The Seraphim are in a cage right now so everything suggests that they were beaten and put there.
Honestly speed being their weakness is probably the most straightforward and logical answers. You probably hit the nail right on the head tbh

The major difference between flame on and flame off like zoro says is
  1. While its on they’re pretty much invincible and can’t get hurt
  2. While it’s off they sacrifice that defensive ability for more speed

Also while being essentially invincible and immune to damage is cool there are definitely ways to stop/beat characters like that. Even if they stay in their flame mode they can still be restrained

It also makes more sense as to how the lunarian were wiped out. It really most likely came to the world government trying to capture them. With the lunarian being forced to decide to either turn off their flames in hopes of escaping or leaving it on to avoid damage but risk getting caught.
The ones that tried to run most likely died without their flames to protect them. The ones that got captured probably died because they eventually turned it off. They’d probably rather die than being used as the world government test subjects and play things.

When it comes to why king didn’t decide to keep blocking with his flame till zoro passed out it most likely came down to his pride/ego. The same exact reason a lot of one piece villains end up falling.

Zoro basically called king a scared for using his flame to block his attacks on top of calling him out on only pretending his attacks weren’t hurting. While yeah it logically wasn’t the best thing for king to give into the taunting his pride would have been damaged if he didn’t try and prove Zoro wrong.
So instead of just staying in flame mode waiting for zoro to pass out instead he goes on the offensive. He turns off his flame and tries to beat him with overwhelming force aka his strongest attack. While also keeping a distance between them to make it even more difficult. Zoro was able to get past his attack and defeat him either way
Ima just post my response in another thread

The seraphim deadass probably just stayed in flame mode the whole time because they knew theyd lose outside of it. Meaning the only way for zoro and the rest fight seraphim to beat them was to restrict/capture them