Powers & Abilities How difficult would it really have been for Whitebeard to attack Kaido and avenge Oden ?

During Yamato's flashback about Ace it was shown that while Ace wanted to return to Wano and overthrow Kaido, Whitebeard refused to allow him to go or to attack Wano since it would have been very costly and difficult to make a war with Kaido and his forces (though this is the same man who did it anyway when Ace's life was at stake) despite knowing that Kaido invaded Wano and killed Oden.

But how risky was it really for Whitebeard and his crew and allies to launch an assault on Kaido and his crew like they did against the marines and warlords during Marineford arc ? How difficult and costly would it really have been for Whitebeard and his men to attack Kaido and beat him ?

What could Kaido and his men have done to prepare themselves for an attack from Whitebeard ? What would have been the best tactics to use against the Whitebeard Pirates ?
And what could Whitebeard and his crew have done to lessen the risks and the casualties on their side ?
We saw what happened when Big Mom tried to invade Kaidos territory. She ended up at his feet chained while her ship was stuck at the bottom of a waterfall.

It’s not always brute power, the Whitebeard pirates would be at a huge disadvantage only able to bring a single ship and entering wano is difficult. He’d be at a massive disadvantage and many of his family would die.
Well what kaido can do is simply have an island or two near onigashima and drop on WB pirates when they arrive..........WB pirates have 1670 members..........Beast pirates have 20,000+ 10,000 samurais = 30,000 in total.....so the disparity is big.........they can also you chemical weapons like poison gas used by jack.......

For WB best thing to do is have a spy like drake to inform when Beast pirates go for expedition and intercept them so they won't have the whole casualty thing.....
Oden was created post ts, Oda couldn't come up with a better excuse than "casualties", which in some way is understandable from WB's perspective but it kinda shits on his character.

But tbh I think he would have won a war against Kaido and his men if he brought all his crew. He would have lost a few men.

But maybe his health was already declining too much and he wasn't sure he could beat Kaido at the time Ace asked him to go to Wano. And WB losing means his crew dying with him.

With MF it was different, he knew his end was nigh already and Ace was still alive so he decided to save him.


Law Nerd
The advantage they had was probably for a matter of territory and strategy, as well as numbers.

Place Whitebeard against Kaido and Whitebeard would have possibly won even as an old man. As long as not too impeded/hindered by his sickness. At that time it was probably not that crucial.
Very difficult, but not for power level reasons. Whitebeard was not one to hurt civilians or disregard collateral damage, he will never do big quakes on Wano when citizens are close. Kaido has the entire country as a hostage, which brings us to the next point.

Destroying Wano is destroying Oden's legacy. Would you raze your late friend's house and kill his family over one of his internal disputes. If you believe Whitebeard would even consider such a thing you were not paying attention to his character. MF was different, he is no friend of Marines.

If you are only talking about power levels. WB Pirates would dethrone Kaido if healthy. But they would lose at the very least 70% of their members. Commanders all seem to be at least around veteran level and the likes of Marco/Jozu/Vista can take care of the Calamities comfortably.
Very difficult, but not for power level reasons. Whitebeard was not one to hurt civilians or disregard collateral damage, he will never do big quakes on Wano when citizens are close. Kaido has the entire country as a hostage, which brings us to the next point.

Destroying Wano is destroying Oden's legacy. Would you raze your late friend's house and kill his family over one of his internal disputes. If you believe Whitebeard would even consider such a thing you were not paying attention to his character. MF was different, he is no friend of Marines.

If you are only talking about power levels. WB Pirates would dethrone Kaido if healthy. But they would lose at the very least 70% of their members. Commanders all seem to be at least around veteran level and the likes of Marco/Jozu/Vista can take care of the Calamities comfortably.
when was it ever stated that whitebeard was a good guy, he was a pirate for crying out loud (pirates plunder for a living)
With Luffys plot armor, Wb relatively neg diffs Kaido.
With average or bellow average plot armor(aka plot armor like Big Mom or Kaido) it will be a close fight, Wb winning in the end.
when was it ever stated that whitebeard was a good guy, he was a pirate for crying out loud (pirates plunder for a living)
And when did I say he was a good guy? Never did I say the word Good Guy, the man did not like collateral damage, and was very respectful toward concepts like family and camaraderie. Nonetheless, he is NO good guy, to other pirates and marines he is the devil incarnate, a killer, plunderer, arrogant and boastful. Not the point we re evaluating here though.
Are you specifically referring to MF Whitebeard or also Pre MF so as long as old since that's what you fundamentally mention?
I'm referring to sick Whitebeard. I guess he was sick a few years before MF, but maybe in a better shape, so in that case it would be a much closer fight.
Oden was created post ts, Oda couldn't come up with a better excuse than "casualties", which in some way is understandable from WB's perspective but it kinda shits on his character.

But tbh I think he would have won a war against Kaido and his men if he brought all his crew. He would have lost a few men.

But maybe his health was already declining too much and he wasn't sure he could beat Kaido at the time Ace asked him to go to Wano. And WB losing means his crew dying with him.

With MF it was different, he knew his end was nigh already and Ace was still alive so he decided to save him.
Imagine still thinking Primebeard and Roger are far above the current strongest top tiers, denying reality and what the manga tells you isn't the way to go bro.

Primebeard and Roger are>= Shanks/Kaido/BM imo.

So no he wouldn't have lost a few men, he would've had a lot of casualties, as they said in the manga.