Speculations How low?

Mihawk being part of the Cross Guild Organisation, which is sponsored by several others, with the Marines recognizing the organisation itself as a massive threat, surely played into account. It wouldn't be 3.6B from Mihawk alone sailing in his coffin.

That being said, in the exact same situation, based on strength alone, Mihawk's would probably be slightly higher. Just slightly. Whether both fanbases like it or not, Shanks and Mihawk are former rivals Oda pays homage to presently too. To a point both Mihawk and Shanks have the same birthday and according to a user of Orojackson who counted panels, even the exact same panel time (at least back then).


The Rogue Prince
The question you should be asking is how high would Mihawk's bounty be had he been counted as the leader of Cross Guild as Crocodile originally planned.
Or even better, how high would it be if he had the best crew in the verse noted by the World Govt for their prowess working under him as his subordinates.
Given the difference right now is just ~450 millions.