Future Events How many chapters left until the end of Egghead's arc?

For context:



Egghead is on the verge of total destruction.

VA's plotline is finally coming, so they may have more screen time.

Dorry and Brogy going to Luffy's direction

Robot has yet to make its move.

There are a lot of things that have to happen...
How many chapters do we have left? How do you think these events are going to happen?​

Garp the Fist

I think the arc’s 90% over plotwise, how long it takes Oda to actually finish the last 10% is another thing…

There’s about two to three chapters left of this volume, I’d like to think Egghead is over in the volume after that or pushing a bit into the next at the most. I’ve very much enjoyed the arc but don’t think it needs to last any longer than that.

The exception will be if Vegapunk’s message prompts another long cutaway to the rest of the world. I think for the sake of pacing though that should wait until the arc is over.
Kizaru isn't getting defeated imo, I'm hoping to see Luffy get his ass beat a lil in this 1v2 ngl
I want him to be defeated tbh, would prefer it a hundred times over ending this arc in a sneak fest.

I find it weird that Luffy and co just run from the enemies during the first battle as a Yonkou crew.
It will be way more than needed. Oda is in bait and switch mode, either he has no idea of what he wants to do or he is just stalling for views.

This arc should've already been over if he had managed the plot lines better. I assume 10 chapters if he hurry up and don't introduce anything new. If he follows his usual pace and don't introduce anything 25+. If he still tries to stall the sky is the limit.
Imo, a solid 20 more when you factor in everything, around 1130 if I had to guess personally. Oda spends the longest on "resolution", that being the end of character storylines through conflict, so if Saturn/Kizaru are done after Egghead, they absolutely need more exposure to end it.

Also, we havent had any remote inkling on what the Mother Flame Factory looks like or what is happening to York, Stussy and the Serephim.

Edit: What is funny is we are 50 chapters into Egghead already, so many people said it wouldnt last longer than 20 lol
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It depends on what happen now,but it should not be too much. I dont think we will see much of Luffy vs Kizaru and Saturn,they dont seem serious opponents to Luffy. The thing that could make lose much time could be the escape part,but we'll see. I admit that the last two chapters were faster than i expected.