Lmao, you should examine your panels more thoroughly before exposing yourself. Rayleigh literally says that beyond that imagination is Color of Observation.
What's your next argument going to be? Fujitora is still stuck in the imagination phase, and hasn't gotten to CoO yet?

You still can't read even your own posts? First of all you troll acted like imagining has nothing to do with it so don't act like now you never did, you got exposed as a troll same as Lee who thinks Fuji can sense things on the space, that should tell you something about your sad situation, this would happen when you listen the dumb things that Lee says.
Secondly, If you had the ability to read you would realize the manga panel about Katakuri you just posted is from the
same manga chapters where that ''imagination'' part was mentioned.
Imagination is still part of it, there is no phase you troll. As Luffy was also imagining to see the ''future'' and trying to improve his CoO even more by imagining it vs. Katakuri, and then he dodged the silent needle that Katakuri couldn't sense during the fight by improving his CoO even more.
You are the one exposing your dumb and desperate arguments by not being able to read and then running from the other things that I just mentioned about
Roger and Fuji's low showings, how Fuji needs a walking stick, can't see the shape of Luffy's face etc.
Also check out the next page after sensing the living beings in the area, there was nothing behind Fuji as he stands in darkness only.
This is the next page:
If he could see it constantly without needing living beings, those smokes would still be there, he can only imagine via living beings you troll. You still never proved anything about CoO working on non-living things, just bullshit.
CoO is explained many times and not once they said they can scan the environment or they can use it like a sensor.
Otherwise Roger with his voice of all things ability wouldn't need any map or poneglyph to find an island if someone like Fujitora can sense even space lmao troll.
Also those are not even surroundings, those are simply smokes created by living beings , you just lied or really can't even understand simple manga panel, because people are running wild there, the things that living beings throws or creates obviously can be sensed by CoO when its still in motion, I mentioned this when troll Lee talked about Koby catching a torpedo because someone alive send that and its still in motion, its the same thing as catching a bullet or sensing an arrow as it comes from a living being. Thats different than scanning the area when there is no living being inside.
Sensing inanimate objects is a thing in fact. Zoro did so in Alabasta when sensing the rocks falling down on him and distinguishing his sword buried in rocks from the rocks themselves (you could argue Zoro sensed the soul of his blade, but then again, he could sense the rocks themselves), also being able to sense Daz' "metal body". I'm not sure though whether this indicates "high end" CoO or else Alabasta Zoro already had it and showed even greater feats than Fujitora.
Also, CoO would be pretty useless against weapons and projectiles, as they themselves are inanimate, yet they can be dodged with CoO, like Sanji dodged Katakuri's bullet and would've dodged the Priest's gun shot. Luffy also dodged a Pacifista's laser using CoO, which too isn't a living being and his CoO was mediocre at that point.
As for Fujitora distinguishing between rubble and living beings, not sure whether Fujitora's gravity can even lift living beings or if that's beyond the extend of his strength. After all, Fujitora was also seen flying on a rock rather than lifting his own body up. I also doubt that Fujitora exactly "senses" meteorites in space. As outer space is full of such material, he could easily just randomly grab a couple and pull them from their orbit. At least it was never emphasized that he "looks out" for meteorites in space, it just seems like a automatized move from his DF.
I never said anything about projectile weapons can't be sensed by CoO, because they are also used by the Living Beings, anything that is used by a Living being can be sensed.
As you can see from Fuji's CoO, he can also sense the smokes (not the surroundings) because the smoke is still in motion due to living beings, who are people are running through that area which creates a big amount of smoke that can be seen 1 page before that, once the people get away from there Fuji once again stands completely inside the dark (see the scan above).
As for the Pacifista, we've seen that they have blood in their veins, they are literally called ''
human weapons (
ningen-heiki)'' and they are the clones of Kuma, similar to Judge's clones they are just too many but they are alive, so they are half living being and half robot, cyborgs. Obviously the clones can be sensed by CoO as well, same as the animals can be sensed.