Lmao, stats be stats. Hidan ain't faster when the databook literally states he's equal with retired Tsunade, and he's not several levels above her when the stats attribut her a higher skill. Both their QCQ displays are mostly sloppy and rough, except for Hidan's scythe rope control. The feat against Kakashi you quote is actually the other way around - Kakashi couldn't scratch him because he didn't intend to. In the situation he was rushed by Hidan and merely defended - successfully, with a Kunai vs. a big ass three-bladed scythe.
This is what it resulted in.

Just to put into perspective, Asuma is not by any means a slouch in CQC. Could keep up with Kisame.

And has two points over Hidan in speed, yet even with Shikmaru's shadow sewing hounding him got outdone. I don't think enough emphasis is put on that, Hidan to focus on two things and still outmaneuvered both of them and he did it without breaking a sweat. His agility + speed + skill was too much even in that situation.
As for Kakashi, it's more than simply defending, Kakashi actually clashed with Hidan. While it's true he started being chased but then they went around and clashed multiple times. Neither got the edge over each other.

If Kakashi could just blitz Hidan and outdo him in CQC he would have done so, no need to be playing with fire. As you can see he was even straight up attacking Hidan, but Hidan matched him. Both couldn't scratch each other.
Kakashi with his precog would run circles around Tsunade, he certainly wouldn't have trouble even tagging her once.
Hidan isn't sloppy at all, that's a misconception, he adjusted according to what the situation demanded, and he was never one to give freebies away either. His low points came against Shikamaru those were laced with plot, you can chalk that up to him underestimating him. When he was dialed in he made Asuma look inept with backup.