After the disasters that happened to Impel Down during its eponymous arc with the chaos caused by Luffy and his allies, and by Blackbeard's arrival and breakout of the worst criminals of Level 6, as well as Shiryu's actions and Boa Hancock helping Luffy to get inside the prison, what would be the measures that you would make to reinforce the security and defenses of Impel Down and prevent these from happening again ?
What defenses and features would you reinforce in Impel Down ? What new security devices, traps, weapons and also which new beasts and guards would you add to the prison ?
1-A small army of pacifistas should be stationed there at all times.
2-Create a especial division group to guard the place(DF users that are around~high tier vice admiral level).
3-Create something similar to those walls in Marineford, so in case of a riot/break in, all of them are trapped inside.
4-Either capture Sea kings and release them on the sea around the prison or have Vegapunk craft some robots for the purpose of making it harder for Fishmen, Humans and coated ships/submarines to safely travel underwater around that place.
5-All prisoners are to wear explosive devices on their necks that will go off once they are far from a certain distance from the prison.
6-Warlords visits shouldn't be allowed anymore.
7-Built some kind of device that will release different types of gas in all prison levels. There should be both lethal and non-lethal options.
8-All devil fruits users will wear Kairoseki chains. Why the fuck was Crocodile not chained with that stuff?
9-Actually fire incompetent staff like Hannyabal.
10-Keep Magellan as the Warden.
11-Have a couple of warships patrolling the perimeter of Impel Down 24/7.