I hate Eiichiro Oda, goodbye Admirals, I'm leaving the forum and this manga.

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So damn weak

Look at Sanji fans
They get clown all day, month n year
n still never forget to give back shit

be delusional like them n ur life will be better as an Admiboy
Sanji fans know he's the 3rd strongest.
The limit was set long ago.

Admirals are different, they were the supposed ultimate enemy .
All going well then IMU appeared which caused a bit chaos and their fans counterargument was that IMU and the gorosei are just political figures.
Sabo running away make admiral fans admit that yeah imu and gorosei are no fodders just strong guys but still below Admirals.
This chapter kills the previous cope.

Can't blame admiral fans disappointment, they are not even the second most important threat but the 3rd one.
Imu> gorosei> Admirals.
That’s what Yonko wankers think admiral bros are acting like

he makes a thread to crack a nerve , but agendas go both ways and we’re here chilling
Tryin' so hard to force a meltdown from admiral bros after the pain Kizaru put them through the last 4 chapters
All admiral fans know Kizaru is looking fine and don't give a shit about micro scaling lmao
Sanji fans know he's the 3rd strongest.
The limit was set long ago.

Admirals are different, they were the supposed ultimate enemy .
All going well then IMU appeared which caused a bit chaos and their fans counterargument was that IMU and the gorosei are just political figures.
Sabo running away make admiral fans admit that yeah imu and gorosei are no fodders just strong guys but still below Admirals.
This chapter kills the previous cope.

Can't blame admiral fans disappointment, they are not even the second most important threat but the 3rd one.
Imu> gorosei> Admirals.
Jinbe disagrees
make it 5, they know Kizaru is only immobilized for like a min so they need to squeeze some juice out for their chewed up agenda lately
gotta grasp as anything after spending the last weeks telling us how much Luffy was holding back just for him to look like a corpse emptied of all his life force, all to give Kizaru a concussion
fainting from 4 scabbards is only a stunt yonko can pull

Sasaki Kojirō


This was a great week for admirals
I thought they were the villains of EOS and that they were going to make everyone else out to be Yonkous commanders, but here I am, tearing up at the fact that they were a glass cannon for the Yonkous, the black blade that I put so much faith in that Green Bull had it doesn't even exist anymore.

Lol, I don't think Admiral fans should drop the series, every fandom has already gained at least one L in this trajectory, this is just another moment.

We'll still see more hype from the Admirals.
Yeah, I like Luffy and what he did was insane, but to think Kizaru is finished for good is dumb. He is coming back up in a few minutes. He received a powerful punch yet it won’t be the end of an admiral.
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