Powers & Abilities If Sanji's new attack is..........

Sanji's new attack in the future?

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Gorosei Informer

Sanji getting Prometheus would be cool I guess. But a lot of Big Mom fans will get triggered so I don't want that Lmao.
Yeah honestly, I rather he gained stronger flames somehow, as in improving his own flames, making the Diable Jambe and Hell's Memories flames stronger and thus flames of a different colour even too and also also mastering haki bigtime, including getting future sight especially. But also just advanced armannent and being so lethal with that too ofc, especially since he's such a direct and swift fighter with his body.

I really wish the whole Sanji vs Katakuri thing had a better payoff with Sanji being the one to learn FS or learning it along with Luffy. Hell, I wanted both of them to fight Katakuri together, with Sanjis's flames and speed coming in clutch ultimately against Kat.

He could also whip up some food, maybe with the Okama recipes and would be hilarious if he ended up making better doughnuts than those BM chefs, so Katakuri ultimately ends up being impressed and letting them win too secretly LOL! (Katakuri: "Ok these doughnuts are so good, Imma actually let you marry my sister but you better make me some more of them too!)

But seriously, it would be awesome if Sanji helped Luffy to keep fighting for longer and to restore/rejuvunate his health as he keeps fighting. Gag powers are some of the strongest in OP like with Nami's punches and Franky building a literal stairway in the sky out of nowhere, pretty much instantly too. Imagine if Sanji had a gag of serving up quick meals to give small to medium boosts at best, "Fast Food?"

I also was the one who had the idea of Sanji developing a new fighting style called "Gentle Sole" where he could fight women without trying hurting them, but just overwhelming them, knocking them out, disarming them etc or if necessary to hurt them but only enough to knock them out ultimately and not do any lasting damage?
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Warchief Sanji D Goat

Amagami Sister!⛩️
Yeah honestly, I rather he gained stronger flames somehow, as in improving his own flames, making the Diable Jambe and Hell's Memories flames stronger and thus flames of a different colour even too and also also mastering haki bigtime, including getting future sight especially. But also just advanced armannent and being so lethal with that too ofc, especially since he's such a direct and swift fighter with his body.
Advanced CoC coating would have been perfect for Sanji.

Talk about wasted opportunity.:josad:
One of Vietnamese youtuber theory about 1yr ago that Sanji will unlock his Vinsmoke gen and he uses new move combined from Hell memories + Diable jambe + His haki that still excited like Black flame theory
You have the link to his video/channel?

Gorosei Informer

Advanced CoC coating would have been perfect for Sanji.

Talk about wasted opportunity.:josad:

You have the link to his video/channel?
Completely agree. I want hte whole Monster Trio on this level. Sanji deserves that much as a fighter and his role and rank in the crew at least. Advc CoC would be so good for Sanji's fighting style.


I also forgot, I wanted him to learn the Rokushiki moves, especially Rankyaku to combine with Diable Jambe for flaming slice kicks and thus give him some ranged attacks finally. But also Tekkai and hardening haki would be really good for him I imagine.

Given Sanji's aesthethic and personality, his background and such, I think Rokushiki would have really suited him. I wanted him and Robin to learn them as well as new martial arts. Hell, give all the SHs some kind of martial arts training, different ones for different SHs.
I was kinda hoping they would have an arc in Kano based around this or maybe they could have learnt some at Wano or something?

I mean Sanji does have his own versions of "soru" and especially "geppo" to be fair, right?

Warchief Sanji D Goat

Amagami Sister!⛩️
Completely agree. I want hte whole Monster Trio on this level. Sanji deserves that much as a fighter and his role and rank in the crew at least. Advc CoC would be so good for Sanji's fighting style.


I also forgot, I wanted him to learn the Rokushiki moves, especially Rankyaku to combine with Diable Jambe for flaming slice kicks and thus give him some ranged attacks finally. But also Tekkai and hardening haki would be really good for him I imagine.

Given Sanji's aesthethic and personality, his background and such, I think Rokushiki would have really suited him. I wanted him and Robin to learn them as well as new martial arts. Hell, give all the SHs some kind of martial arts training, different ones for different SHs.
I was kinda hoping they would have an arc in Kano based around this or maybe they could have learnt some at Wano or something?

I mean Sanji does have his own versions of "soru" and especially "geppo" to be fair, right?
Rankyaku would be good for Sanji but that would just ruin Zoro's role in the crew so I personally don't want it. Tekkai on the other hand, might be good since Sanji is not as durable. Exoskeleton might come in handy. Robin learning Shigan would be deadly especially with her devil fruit power. And Sanji does have Geppo but don't know about Soru.
Completely agree. I want hte whole Monster Trio on this level. Sanji deserves that much as a fighter and his role and rank in the crew at least. Advc CoC would be so good for Sanji's fighting style.


I also forgot, I wanted him to learn the Rokushiki moves, especially Rankyaku to combine with Diable Jambe for flaming slice kicks and thus give him some ranged attacks finally. But also Tekkai and hardening haki would be really good for him I imagine.

Given Sanji's aesthethic and personality, his background and such, I think Rokushiki would have really suited him. I wanted him and Robin to learn them as well as new martial arts. Hell, give all the SHs some kind of martial arts training, different ones for different SHs.
I was kinda hoping they would have an arc in Kano based around this or maybe they could have learnt some at Wano or something?

I mean Sanji does have his own versions of "soru" and especially "geppo" to be fair, right?
this guy wants to turn James Bond..... into John Wick...

Gorosei Informer

this guy wants to turn James Bond..... into John Wick...
What? James Bond killed a lot of people too, its part of what he does? License to Kill? I've not seen John Wick but what's wrong with wanting Sanji to have a more in-depth and competent fighting style? He's been seriously lacking in combat post TS and even needed to rely on a raid suit, which completely goes against his own character.

I don't want Sanji to start killing people especially in such large amounts too, it would be make him no better than his family too ofc. I just want him to gain new moves, something to help make him physically stronger, more durable, more strength in general and so on.

Aside from his durability, his own personality/attitude is what's really holding him back though. Oda gives so much love to Luffy and Zoro especially but he downplays Sanji so hard post TS.

He gives him some great moments here and there but he's getting massively overshadowed by those two, especially with how Oda actually intentionally downplays Sanji too.

Rankyaku would be good for Sanji but that would just ruin Zoro's role in the crew so I personally don't want it. Tekkai on the other hand, might be good since Sanji is not as durable. Exoskeleton might come in handy. Robin learning Shigan would be deadly especially with her devil fruit power. And Sanji does have Geppo but don't know about Soru.
What do you mean by Zoro's role? As in using sword slashes? I guess I can see that? I don't think it would ruin it per say, Sanji is not a swordsman and Zoro will always be superior in that department but Sanji's version would be more of a elemental equivalent instead. Unless Zoro starts using more fire based attacks and does fire sword slashes instead?

Yeah, Sanjis biggest issue is his durability right now. The Vergo fight really put emphasis on that especially.

Right? Robin with armanent haki and Shigan would be AMAZING! Or at least one of those ofc! Shinjojin's Rokushiki Robin project really demonstrates how amazing Robin would be with Rokushiki techniques and her DF, it's a real shame Oda hasn't done this with her. But I am enjoying her new moves post TS especially the gigantesco mano and the one giant tree move she did at Dressrosa. I can't wait to see what else she can do now.

Sanji using that new Rotisserie move was brilliant too btw!

Yeah, Soru I was bit iffy on for Sanji having it already or not, but he is so fast especially when he blitzed Oven for example, so it felt like Soru at least? It definitely should be something he can do if he can't yet at least.
What? James Bond killed a lot of people too, its part of what he does? License to Kill? I've not seen John Wick but what's wrong with wanting Sanji to have a more in-depth and competent fighting style? He's been seriously lacking in combat post TS and even needed to rely on a raid suit, which completely goes against his own character.

I don't want Sanji to start killing people especially in such large amounts too, it would be make him no better than his family too ofc. I just want him to gain new moves, something to help make him physically stronger, more durable, more strength in general and so on.

Aside from his durability, his own personality/attitude is what's really holding him back though. Oda gives so much love to Luffy and Zoro especially but he downplays Sanji so hard post TS.

He gives him some great moments here and there but he's getting massively overshadowed by those two, especially with how Oda actually intentionally downplays Sanji too.

What do you mean by Zoro's role? As in using sword slashes? I guess I can see that? I don't think it would ruin it per say, Sanji is not a swordsman and Zoro will always be superior in that department but Sanji's version would be more of a elemental equivalent instead. Unless Zoro starts using more fire based attacks and does fire sword slashes instead?

Yeah, Sanjis biggest issue is his durability right now. The Vergo fight really put emphasis on that especially.

Right? Robin with armanent haki and Shigan would be AMAZING! Or at least one of those ofc! Shinjojin's Rokushiki Robin project really demonstrates how amazing Robin would be with Rokushiki techniques and her DF, it's a real shame Oda hasn't done this with her. But I am enjoying her new moves post TS especially the gigantesco mano and the one giant tree move she did at Dressrosa. I can't wait to see what else she can do now.

Sanji using that new Rotisserie move was brilliant too btw!

Yeah, Soru I was bit iffy on for Sanji having it already or not, but he is so fast especially when he blitzed Oven for example, so it felt like Soru at least? It definitely should be something he can do if he can't yet at least.
it was a compliment
This guy approves of the name and concept:


Seriously though, that sounds very cool! I wanted to see an upgrade to Hells Memories too with the reveal of his full backstory with hte Vinsmokes and such! Imagine the sheer emotional power he could gain from all those years of abuse and trauma?! That certainly would be trying to take such hellish negative experiences and turning them into a positive somehow, a force for good ironically!

I also toyed with Sanji getting blue flames but also especially "Amaterasu" the Naruto ability that is, unrelenting black flames but a unique Oda/OP take on them somehow, but still black flames somehow? Although I suppose they would need a different name, maybe related to food/cooking and hell/demons instead?

My friend had the idea of Sanji forming "Hell's Kitchen" as his ultimate move or something, which sounds amazing as a concept to me.


Also I have joked and toyed with the idea that somehow Sanji will gain Prometheus lmao. Prometheus ends up eating the flames from Sanji's Diable Jambe and given Sanji is the greatest chef, somehow it ends up being the best thing he's ever eaten especially, the best flames ever even, so like Zeus, he ends up being converted to the SH's side.
Maybe if Hera tries to eat Prometheus as a powerup like she did to Zeus or and she keeps rejecting Prometheu's advances and puttinh him down, this could end up creating a sort of ironic relatable bond between him and Sanji too lol.

Then all that is needed is for Zoro to get Napoleon but I rather Brook would get him though. The Straw Hats all getting of Big Meme's homies except maybe Hera would be hilariously ironic imo, although I know a lot of people would hate that lol.


That's enough of my nonsense for now anyway!

Hell's kitchen :bamathink: not bad mmmm could mean awakening like devil fruit ability nice

Gorosei Informer

Hell's kitchen :bamathink: not bad mmmm could mean awakening like devil fruit ability nice
Thank you! I think it would be really fitting and badass for him! Imagine if Franky and Usopp can build him a portable kitchen that folds into a can like the raid suits do or something somehow? Well certain kitchen equipment at least? So Sanji can cook at anywhere anytime? Even if it just means he have more options for cooking and such?

It definitely sounds more like a devil fruit awakening ability though for sure! I'm not sure what Sanji's equivalent could be but maybe han upgrade to Hell's Memories somehow? Sanji kinda feels like Ghost Rider funnily enough since he can set himself on fire and is known for wearing black, although if you combine Sanji, Brook and Franky's mothercycle, you would get Ghost Rider then LOL!


I would love something in OP similar to GR's Penance Stare, I'm not sure if Sanji could do it, but it would be really fitting if it were connected to his sheer traumatic memories since childhood? Its kinda funny that Viola stared him down and used his DF on him in sort of similar manner too and she was shocked by his mind hahaha.

Thank you! I think it would be really fitting and badass for him! Imagine if Franky and Usopp can build him a portable kitchen that folds into a can like the raid suits do or something somehow? Well certain kitchen equipment at least? So Sanji can cook at anywhere anytime? Even if it just means he have more options for cooking and such?

It definitely sounds more like a devil fruit awakening ability though for sure! I'm not sure what Sanji's equivalent could be but maybe han upgrade to Hell's Memories somehow? Sanji kinda feels like Ghost Rider funnily enough since he can set himself on fire and is known for wearing black, although if you combine Sanji, Brook and Franky's mothercycle, you would get Ghost Rider then LOL!


I would love something in OP similar to GR's Penance Stare, I'm not sure if Sanji could do it, but it would be really fitting if it were connected to his sheer traumatic memories since childhood? Its kinda funny that Viola stared him down and used his DF on him in sort of similar manner too and she was shocked by his mind hahaha.

:suresure: U have a point but he's he'll kitchen can be his area turn into flames of some sort