Imagine if one piece was like fairy tail that it has many characters as the “main characters” and made the straw hats like traditional pirate crews with many members on it.
Under Luffy would be the 9 senior officers which are the canon members and then under those 9 are small “divisions” each specialized in something.
Zoro would lead the combat division responsible for fighting and will include Johnny and Yosaku as his vice officers and some other fodder combatants
Sanji’s division are the kitchen staff with him being the head chef and Gin as the sous chef
Nami’s division is navigating, Usopp is the gunner, Franky and the Franky family are the shipwrights, Brook has the musical group, Robin leads a division of archeologists and Jinbei leads the sun pirates and so on
Vivi is an official member and the secret 10th officer, who keeps an eye on the government as well as safeguarding the poneglyph that shows the location of pluton. Only Luffy, Zoro the VC and Robin know about this
Under Luffy would be the 9 senior officers which are the canon members and then under those 9 are small “divisions” each specialized in something.
Zoro would lead the combat division responsible for fighting and will include Johnny and Yosaku as his vice officers and some other fodder combatants
Sanji’s division are the kitchen staff with him being the head chef and Gin as the sous chef
Nami’s division is navigating, Usopp is the gunner, Franky and the Franky family are the shipwrights, Brook has the musical group, Robin leads a division of archeologists and Jinbei leads the sun pirates and so on
Vivi is an official member and the secret 10th officer, who keeps an eye on the government as well as safeguarding the poneglyph that shows the location of pluton. Only Luffy, Zoro the VC and Robin know about this