Questions & Mysteries If Zoro and Sanji don't fight King and Queen then who do you think they will fight instead?

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if zoro and sanji won't fight them, who will king and queen fight then?
there's not many options:josad:
I mean for Queen a very obvious option is Kid, considering what he did to him and Killer in Udon. Just like a very obvious option for Jack instead of Jinbe is Neko and Inu together.

Now for King, I'm not sure. The parallels do make it seem like Marco could be the possible matchup, but Zoro has never not faced the second strongest arc villain (who also happens to be a katana swordsman).

But if Zoro fought King and Kid fought Queen, then the sheer level of salt and aneurysms generated by the Sanji fanbase would implode this website. Generally what I think needs to happen is the F6 need to be regarded as much closer to the Calamities in power than we think. Then, Oda needs to make it clear that Page One is just fucking around and is actually the strongest F6, but because of Ulti he acts like a dope. So then the matchups would look like this:

- Zoro vs. King
- Kid vs. Queen
- Inu/Neko vs. Jack
- Sanji vs. Page One
- Jinbe vs. Sasaki
- Killer/Law vs. Who's Who/Drake
- Robin vs. Black Maria
- Nami/Carrot vs. Ulti
- Usopp/Chopper/Franky/Brook (General Franky at first) vs. Numbers (Maybe some other scabbards join like Kawamatsu, Ashura, Kiku, Izo, Kanjuro(?))
- Raizo/Denjiro vs Fukurokuju/Hotei

Surely doesn't include anything on BMs side, but just trying to isolate some possibilities.

Don't kill me people
I mean for Queen a very obvious option is Kid, considering what he did to him and Killer in Udon. Just like a very obvious option for Jack instead of Jinbe is Neko and Inu together.

Now for King, I'm not sure. The parallels do make it seem like Marco could be the possible matchup, but Zoro has never not faced the second strongest arc villain (who also happens to be a katana swordsman).

But if Zoro fought King and Kid fought Queen, then the sheer level of salt and aneurysms generated by the Sanji fanbase would implode this website. Generally what I think needs to happen is the F6 need to be regarded as much closer to the Calamities in power than we think. Then, Oda needs to make it clear that Page One is just fucking around and is actually the strongest F6, but because of Ulti he acts like a dope. So then the matchups would look like this:

- Zoro vs. King
- Kid vs. Queen
- Inu/Neko vs. Jack
- Sanji vs. Page One
- Jinbe vs. Sasaki
- Killer/Law vs. Who's Who/Drake
- Robin vs. Black Maria
- Nami/Carrot vs. Ulti
- Usopp/Chopper/Franky/Brook (General Franky at first) vs. Numbers (Maybe some other scabbards join like Kawamatsu, Ashura, Kiku, Izo, Kanjuro(?))
- Raizo/Denjiro vs Fukurokuju/Hotei

Surely doesn't include anything on BMs side, but just trying to isolate some possibilities.

Don't kill me people
Pica wasn't clear 2nd strongest and neither a swordsman.

If you're consistent with your narrative logic without giving Zoro special treatment for some reason, matchups would be

Zoro vs Orochi
Kidd vs Queen
Inu/Neku vs Jack
Perospero vs King
Sanji vs P1/Drake
Law vs Hawkins
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Just fucking remove the Nine Red Scabbards, Marco, Kidd, Law, Drake, Hawkins and even Jimbe from the story if Sanji, zoro and Luffy will fight Queen, King and Kaido respectively:gokulaugh:
Scabbards will be KO'd next chapter
Sanji's fight is going to be with perospero. His arc in wano will most likely be connected to big mom, given what happened in WCI. Furthermore, big mom has captured Nami, so by default, he's going to have to have some conflict with her.

Perospero is a major villain of wano kuni, imo. He has got more screen time than any of the tobi roppo and he was a main villain in WCI as well. He was directly responsible for the death of Pedro(who sanji is close with), he is the de facto leader of the big mom pirates during wano, and he attempted to kill the vinsmoke family during the tea party.

I think the last part is kinda significant. So far, we have absolutely no idea what happened to the vinsmokes. If something bad did happen to them, Oda could easily use that to create a ton of drama during his fight with sanji.

Also, its important to note that Perospero is portrayed to be one of the strongest big mom pirates, he has a bounty that rivals cracker's, and he has shown signs of having devil fruit awakening. So while sanji did show superiority against page one, it doesn't mean that Perospero will be an easy fight for him.

Also, Sanji fighting Queen would just seem kinda off. I did have this headcanon about how his flames could counter Queen's plague, but even still. Queen is a swordsman with an ancient zoan. With what he's shown so far, I don't think Sanji has what it takes to fight a strong swordsman.

Queen's fight should be eustass kid, imo. They have drama and imo Kid is more important than sanji.
Perospero would have been a great opponent for the shy type in Cacao Island, Sanji is no match for him.
A red hawk was able to completely destroy one of his strongest creation effortlessly and to clash with Katakuri with the same blow.
He is too weak to fire, DJ Sanji would be more enough for Perospero even in WCI. He doesn't even need HM.

The only opponents that i can see against Sanji are:
- Fukurokuju if he grew many times stronger than Raizo, his rival :whitepress:, and reached Denjiro :gonope:

- King if Sanji and Zoro fight together

- Drake if he decided to side with Kaido for reasons

- Queen, the obvious choice:goyea:
Come on:suresure:

Zoro's possible match ups are:
- King / Who's Who / Hotei / Kaido

Sanji's possible match ups are:
- Queen/ Pageone/ Drake/ Fukurokuju

If it's calamity:
Zoro vs King / Sanji vs Queen

If it's Tobbi Roppo:

Zoro vs Who's Who / Sanji vs Drake or Pageone

If it's Zoro vs Strong Samurai / Sanji vs Strong Ninja

Zoro vs Hotei / Sanji vs Fukurokuju

Lastly, Zoro vs Kaido is a possibility, naturally he will not solo Lol

If Oda made different match up than those, I'm surprised

I can also see:

Zoro + Sanji vs King (would be cool as hell)
I mean for Queen a very obvious option is Kid, considering what he did to him and Killer in Udon. Just like a very obvious option for Jack instead of Jinbe is Neko and Inu together.

Now for King, I'm not sure. The parallels do make it seem like Marco could be the possible matchup, but Zoro has never not faced the second strongest arc villain (who also happens to be a katana swordsman).

But if Zoro fought King and Kid fought Queen, then the sheer level of salt and aneurysms generated by the Sanji fanbase would implode this website. Generally what I think needs to happen is the F6 need to be regarded as much closer to the Calamities in power than we think. Then, Oda needs to make it clear that Page One is just fucking around and is actually the strongest F6, but because of Ulti he acts like a dope. So then the matchups would look like this:

- Zoro vs. King
- Kid vs. Queen
- Inu/Neko vs. Jack
- Sanji vs. Page One
- Jinbe vs. Sasaki
- Killer/Law vs. Who's Who/Drake
- Robin vs. Black Maria
- Nami/Carrot vs. Ulti
- Usopp/Chopper/Franky/Brook (General Franky at first) vs. Numbers (Maybe some other scabbards join like Kawamatsu, Ashura, Kiku, Izo, Kanjuro(?))
- Raizo/Denjiro vs Fukurokuju/Hotei

Surely doesn't include anything on BMs side, but just trying to isolate some possibilities.

Don't kill me people
I actually lol'd at the bolded.
But it can still be an interesting twist nonetheless.
Perospero would have been a great opponent for the shy type in Cacao Island, Sanji is no match for him.
A red hawk was able to completely destroy one of his strongest creation effortlessly and to clash with Katakuri with the same blow.
He is too weak to fire, DJ Sanji would be more enough for Perospero even in WCI. He doesn't even need HM.
Oda could just counter the whole fire weakness by having Perospero use CoA on his candy. Or he can reveal that Perospero can use mizuame(the candy the sea of totland was made of). After all, the candy homie big mom made was able to create tsunamis.

in any case, I feel like perospero is portrayed to be strong enough to where he could reasonably have some sort of counter to fire.
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but Queen just doesn't make sense. When has Oda ever had Sanji fight a swordsman? Sanji has a history with the big mom pirates, so that's where his fight should be imo.
I honestly really don't understand the "If Luffy tag teams Kaidou, Zoro and Sanji have to tag the team the calamities" mindset. In this arc alone, the Yonkou have been shown to be different class from the Calamities. I mean we already had Kaidou one-shot Luffy (who if we are being honest should've been just about as strong as the strongest calamities at the time) and Big Mom take out Queen in two hits. I mean if the Calamities where close in strength to Kaidou then fair enough. It's like saying Zoro & Sanji have to tag team Doffy's executives because Doffy was tag-teamed by Luffy & Law which is ridicolous.

I also don't get the "Luffy had such a difficult time against the SCs so it doesn't make any sense for Zoro and Sanji to 1 v 1 Calamities" mindset either. I mean it's not like Luffy having difficulty against his opponents is a new trend ^^". He beat Croc extreme diff, beat Moria extreme diff, beat Lucci extreme diff, beat Doffy extreme diff, beat Cracker extreme diff, beat Katakuri extreme diff. That's just how Luffy's fights are where as Zoro & Sanji rarely have that level of difficulty against their opponents simply because Luffy's arc opponent is usually significantly stronger than theirs. Plus in addition to use readers not having really seen the depths of Zoro & Sanji's abilities post-ts, both have already gotten significantly stronger during this arc with Sanji getting the RS & Enma. Luffy was able to compete with commanders coming into the timeskip without any additional PUs but Zoro & Sanji won't be able to even after getting PUs? Moreover, it is very likely that they get additional power ups during the climax of the arc in DJ & Ashura or sumin. Lastly, the ting I find the most ridiculous about this assertion/statement is the fact that Luffy has already gotten significantly stronger than he was after be beat Katakuri to the point where he can prolly now give Kaidou a decent fight after being one-shot earlier in the arc and could potentially get even stronger during that fight. Yet people think that Zoro & Sanji will not even be as strong as the Calamities after this arc? ^^" Coz if that is the case y'all basically saying Zoro & Sanji would be low diff+ or even worse for Post-Wano Luffy which is ridiculous imo.
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