Break Week I'll never understand people who hate Usopp



Dude that show was ass.
Generally hentai is ass but that show was complete buns.
Anyway, back on topic.
Usopp's problem is that he can't even win fights anymore, and he can't show just a mere morsel of strength and bravery either.
I get his goal is to be a brave, strong warrior of the sea, which is hard for him, but come the hell on.
A good majority of the crew is getting closer to their goals and Usopp is still being a pussy, still talking about running away from fights and all that.
It pisses me off, and at this point I'm really tired of using his Dressrosa feats to carry him to the top.
Agreed, elbaf will be his last chance to show something
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She reminds me of Android 18 lol
Android 18 has a lot of good hentais aswell lol, search for "pinkpawg" stories about her, you won't be disappointed
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Slide the name fam
Just search for the name under @Warchief Sanji D Goat and the show will appear
I mean he hasn't been good in anyway the entire timeskip. He's a super racist characture. Like Oda lowkey said we're gonna have a black firstmate(which is a typical pirate trope) and one of his editors was like fuck that make the sword guy japanese and give him the spotlight.

Like let's list off the negative traits oda gave base Usopp.
Smart but can't outsmart most
Deadbeat dad
Emotionally weak
Doesn't grow from experience
Abandoned the tonattas(so like an actual punk)
Constantly tortured and drawn grotesquely)
Constantly having scenes removed

Believe it or not Usopp was my favorite character in anime at one point. Though when Oda drew usopp of things went good bad. And bad usopp was a fat loser with kinky hair and good usopp was a permed old man I knew that Usopp was actually like racist and ignorant on black people. So I gave up on usopp actually being a decent character again.

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
I mean he hasn't been good in anyway the entire timeskip. He's a super racist characture. Like Oda lowkey said we're gonna have a black firstmate(which is a typical pirate trope) and one of his editors was like fuck that make the sword guy japanese and give him the spotlight.

Like let's list off the negative traits oda gave base Usopp.
Smart but can't outsmart most
Deadbeat dad
Emotionally weak
Doesn't grow from experience
Abandoned the tonattas(so like an actual punk)
Constantly tortured and drawn grotesquely)
Constantly having scenes removed

Believe it or not Usopp was my favorite character in anime at one point. Though when Oda drew usopp of things went good bad. And bad usopp was a fat loser with kinky hair and good usopp was a permed old man I knew that Usopp was actually like racist and ignorant on black people. So I gave up on usopp actually being a decent character again.

Nami is a Swedish and she's also coward, does it mean Oda is racist against Swedish women?

Franky is American and a pervert.
Brook is Austrian and a pervert.
Sanji is French and a pervert.


Having deadbeat dad is shonen 101, unless you think Luffy, Sanji, Franky, Ace, etc have better dads.

All SHs had bad futures verisons.

Calling Usopp a racist character is something only an oversenstive western snowflake would do, cope.