Chapter Discussion Is Oda cooked or is Elbaf's server broken?

Do you not remember when he messed up the majority of the chapter where Ginny talks to Kuma over the phone before she dies from her disease? It was literally just sketches at some point. Compared to that this is relatively tame.
Those were not errors. But a problem of timing. Oda simply did not had the time to finish the chapter (probably a problem of planning or an urgency). Here, we are talking about real mistakes and inconsistancies.

Things like a sword switching into an axe. Swords appearing and disappearing multiple times. Usopp's bag disappearing. Nami's Bandana appearing and disappearing MULTIPLE TIMES.

And I did not even count the fact that Nami does not have the log pose or her bracelets. Really, there is something happening, and it makes quite some sence since we are talking about hallucinations, land of misteries etc.

Not just that, the last page and the fall of Nami feels off. How did she land ? Why are the guyz having such a caricatural lines of dialogues?

Nami is having a nightmare.
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Those were not errors. But a problem of timing. Oda simply did not had the time to finish the chapter (probably a problem of planning or an urgency). Here, we are talking about real mistakes and inconsistancies.

Things like a sword switching into an axe. Swords appearing and disappearing multiple times. Usopp's bag disappearing. Nami's Bandana appearing and disappearing MULTIPLE TIMES.

And I did not even count the fact that Nami does not have the log pose or her bracelets. Really, there is something happening, and it makes quite some sence since we are talking about hallucinations, land of misteries etc.

Nami is having a nightmare.
Yeah either Oda was like, drunk/hungover, and didn't notice all these mistakes, or it's really supposed to be a hallucination. But as someone said before, if it were a hallucination, the cat wouldn't have slapped Usopp out of the castle like that.
But I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and say they too is intentional. For now.
More than 20 errors ?

This is beyond a slip up, this would be a major problem. Plus, Oda is not alone he has at least 5 assistants and 2 editors. It means 7 people PLUS Oda who worked and checked clearly the chapter for multiple days.

There is something here. I was not convinced at first, but I didn't see the number of "mistakes". But even beyond that, the chapter overall feels weird. There is a vibe that doesn't really make much sence.
More than 20 errors ?

This is beyond a slip up, this would be a major problem. Plus, Oda is not alone he has at least 5 assistants and 2 editors. It means 7 people PLUS Oda who worked and checked clearly the chapter for multiple days.

There is something here. I was not convinced at first, but I didn't see the number of "mistakes". But even beyond that, the chapter overall feels weird. There is a vibe that doesn't really make much sence.
Wait and see I guess.
If Oda really made this many mistakes in a single chapter then it's time to retire.
I honestly think these "mistakes" were intentionally made because there is no way Oda even mixes up two different PUs like that, which were used in the previous arc.

Then there are several other "small mistakes" but the most odd thing is the cat turning into a lion. Unless it has a df, this really makes no sense at all.

So my conclusion, they're in an illusion.
I would get 2 - 3 mistakes but 22 (Logiko stated he found 22 mistakes)? Yeah, it's intentional.
I honestly think these "mistakes" were intentionally made because there is no way Oda even mixes up two different PUs like that, which were used in the previous arc.

Then there are several other "small mistakes" but the most odd thing is the cat turning into a lion. Unless it has a df, this really makes no sense at all.

So my conclusion, they're in an illusion.
I would get 2 - 3 mistakes but 22 (Logiko stated he found 22 mistakes)? Yeah, it's intentional.
Note that the 22 are not necessarily all mistakes but also errors of inconsistancy.
Also someone's documented Oda's fuck ups from pre ts, for example he forgets Luffy's eye scar a lot and once forgot Sabo's scar too (forget which chapter but it may have been the chapter where Doflamingo gives Luffy, Sabo, Law, Usopp etc. bounties).
My point is he's prone to making a handful of mistakes, so I'm not surprised if he was just very off his game with this chapter since it has happened before.
Looks like the guy dropped one piece after 500 chapte
iirc it was over 10 years ago methinks
But maybe he did just drop it, or stopped documenting it
Who knows
Making an entire chapter without one single mistake is very hard by design.. but here... it's just another level.
They are only 3-4 genuine mistakes.

Nami missing her sword in first panel.
Oda stopped drawing her with sword from page 8.
She probably lost it.
Luffy's strawhat is probably hidden behind his fur coat
There are same design mistakes.
Drawing mistake

The straw hat is likely under the elbaf hat

The nature are similar, yes. The recurrence are not normal.

(Chap 1126)
- The sword with a spherical pummel and a simple circular guard appears
- The bandana appears
- The circle vest button appears

Chap 1127:
> The sword disappears
> The band on the left arm disappears

- The sword reappears

> The sword had now a circle pummel

- The bandana reappears

> The circle vest button is a square now

> The sword disappears

- The sword reappears

> The band on the left arm disappears

> The sword now has a fancy guard, not a circular one

- The band on her left arm reappears

(notice here that even in panels where Nami is just suggested, Oda take the time to draw the sword and the band on her arm)

- Usopp's bag appears

> The sword diseappears (middle panel)

(Notice that those three are on the SAME page)

(still no sword)

> The band on the left arm disappears

- The sword reappears
- The band on the left arm reappears

> The sword disappears
> Usopp's bag disappears

- The bag reappears

(Still no sword)

(Still no sword)

> The band on the left arm disappears

(Clearly still no sword)

> Usopp's bag disappears

(still no sword ?)

(yeah, still no sword)

> Luffy uses a Gear 3 attack but calls it Gear 4
> Luffy has no weapon behind his back
> Luffy has no strawhat showing

Why is Nami shocked ? (she should know that the trio would take care of that)

(Still no sword)

> A sword appears on Luffy's back

(Still no Usopp's bag)
(Still no sword on Nami)
(Still no strawhats)

- The band on her left arm reappears

(Still no strawhat)

The dialogue here, feel a bit eefy, but it could be a confirmation bias

> An axe appears on Luffy's back
> Is this really Enma on the bottom left ?

(Still no sword)

> The vest button is a CIRCLE again

I count at least 20 mistakes and at least 20 inconsistancies.

Something is off.