Is Pizza healthy or unhealthy?

Is Pizza healthy?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 8 44.4%
  • Basic ones yes

    Votes: 4 22.2%

  • Total voters


Heavy Metal
It is all about the needs of your Body. Vitamins, kcal, minerals…. The body doesn’t care how it is mixed, but you need to take care that everything is balanced. So pizza is not necessarily unhealthy, but it is a pretty unbalanced food. Most times to much fat, salt and so on. But if it fits in your macros, go for it.

also it can be pretty healthy for the soul. Pretty important to keep that in mind. Soul and body can only be healthy together. If one is corrupted, the other one is too.
Depends on the situation. Are you in dire-need of some food because of starvation? Do you need a good boost of energy before a certain situation or event?

I would be more worried about excessiveness than what is in the pizza itself. Though having processed ingredients in your food ain't really good either.

Try to stay away from trans-fat. Nothing good comes from it and it works to lower your high density lipoproteins.
No . If you don't eat whole pizza daily. Also what you add in that pizza. I bet Italians will faint if they see crazy mumbai street pizza (i won't even call it pizza) . In my opinion authentic Italian pizza , you can eat daily (small size) .
Every other pizza brand and variants are there for to make money , they don't care about consumers health .


Pepebusi Spammer
If you really desire too much to eat a Pizza then go eat it.

Because im not a Pizza lover, then i'll say 100% its an unhealthy food. The calories in one slice of Pizza sometimes depend on the toppings.

Count the calories for the bread (or whatever it called) + the toppings and that makes Pizza can be considered as an unhealthy food