Fanclub Islam Group


Bro this thread is supposed to have Islamic discussions not Mai Shiranui vs Chun LI LOOOLL
ik that it isn't a discussion but still if you wanna promote it tag me in the status or make a Tag list and save it in your notepad and copy and paste it in tyour thread you want people to engage in

Remember that this is an Islamic thread meant for Islamic discussions so material in accordance to it is advised



Bro this thread is supposed to have Islamic discussions not Mai Shiranui vs Chun LI
ik that it isn't a discussion but still if you wanna promote it tag me in the status or make a Tag list and save it in your notepad and copy and paste it.

Remember that this is an Islamic thread meant for Islamic discussions so material in accordance to it is advised
My mistakes
I’m so sorry if you were offended by my foolish posts
I forgot to tag people there
Selam alejkum, bros and sisters

I would like to hear your opinions on this

While watching some Youtube videos about various Islamic topics (lives of the Prophets, the Last Day series, etc) I couldn't help but notice (remember) something that has always been a pet peev of mine - Speakers who SCREAM every 6-7 words

First of all, when the topic doesn't warrant it (and it rarely does, unless you are retelling the words of Allah or one of the Prophets where THEY raised their voice).

It makes the whole topic they are talking about seem threatening for no reason. For example: one video was talking about the life of Prophet Ibrahim. How he built the Kaaba and from that moment Mekka came into existance slowly. The speaker randomly screamed at the top of his lungs AND THAT WAS MEKKA! MEKKA!!

Dude, if your audience are Muslims already, there is no reason to scream info at them.
And if they are not Muslim already, you think your screaming will make them interested in the religion? It can only put people off imo.

P.s. another pet peeve is the editing of some videos. When they put random thunder and explosion sounds after sentences, like a bad bollywood production.

I'm honestly thankful that most of the stuff available on Youtube in form of these baddly edited videos I already had the chance to read in book form prior to watching it. Certainly a more peaceful and fulfilling experience.
Selam alejkum, bros and sisters

I would like to hear your opinions on this

While watching some Youtube videos about various Islamic topics (lives of the Prophets, the Last Day series, etc) I couldn't help but notice (remember) something that has always been a pet peev of mine - Speakers who SCREAM every 6-7 words

First of all, when the topic doesn't warrant it (and it rarely does, unless you are retelling the words of Allah or one of the Prophets where THEY raised their voice).

It makes the whole topic they are talking about seem threatening for no reason. For example: one video was talking about the life of Prophet Ibrahim. How he built the Kaaba and from that moment Mekka came into existance slowly. The speaker randomly screamed at the top of his lungs AND THAT WAS MEKKA! MEKKA!!

Dude, if your audience are Muslims already, there is no reason to scream info at them.
And if they are not Muslim already, you think your screaming will make them interested in the religion? It can only put people off imo.

P.s. another pet peeve is the editing of some videos. When they put random thunder and explosion sounds after sentences, like a bad bollywood production.

I'm honestly thankful that most of the stuff available on Youtube in form of these baddly edited videos I already had the chance to read in book form prior to watching it. Certainly a more peaceful and fulfilling experience.
Walikum Salam wara7matullahi wabarakatuh wa Maghfiratuh

Some speakers when discussing serious and important discussion do that emphasize on the subject matter.. it really works on me as i immerse myself in Islamic speech or reminders that can be emotional or reminders about social /private problems we as Muslims face especially the youth living in such system. That emphasis helps me personally to reciprocate with the severity of the matter the Shaykh or speaker is addressing which is the motive of the emphasis too ya know.. if you have an Aalim or Shaykh sitting with a poker face talking about how porn and intersex or even haram relationships affect iman theb who will take such speakers seriously? ... honestly some even cry during their speech .. but i get where you come from... the Nuke and thunder sound affects are unnecessary and can be annoying.. some scream in top of their lungs too lol
but we should assume the best of them and logically just lower the volume lol and get the good out of what they say.. there are alot of speakers like that but they do it for the good.. i think it doesn't help complaining against it becuz it doesn't change what good they provide especially when this has a solution if it does bother you...

On the other hand i rarely seen cases of proper sophisticated Aalims Shuyuks or Speakers using high voice in normal topics
unless its their natural way of speaking
It does come across funny they way you put it and the example you give.. but again the solution is much simpler then the fuss made out of it LOL
its ANNOYING YES but still just lower the volume man 😂😂

and can you give me instances, links, names of the Speakers becuz tbh some really do this to fake it..

and Jazakallah khair
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Walikum Salam wara7matullahi wabarakatuh wa Maghfiratuh

Some speakers when discussing serious and important discussion do that emphasize on the subject matter.. it really works on me as i immerse myself in Islamic speech or reminders that can be emotional or reminders about social /private problems we as Muslims face especially the youth living in such system. That emphasis helps me personally to reciprocate with the severity of the matter the Shaykh or speaker is addressing which is the motive of the emphasis too ya know.. if you have an Aalim or Shaykh sitting with a poker face talking about how porn and intersex or even haram relationships affect iman theb who will take such speakers seriously? ... honestly some even cry during their speech .. but i get where you come from... the Nuke and thunder sound affects are unnecessary and can be annoying.. some scream in top of their lungs too lol
but we should assume the best of them and logically just lower the volume lol and get the good out of what they say.. there are alot of speakers like that but they do it for the good.. i think it doesn't help complaining against it becuz it doesn't change what good they provide especially when this has a solution if it does bother you...

On the other hand i rarely seen cases of proper sophisticated Aalims Shuyuks or Speakers using high voice in normal topics
unless its their natural way of speaking
It does come across funny they way you put it and the example you give.. but again the solution is much simpler then the fuss made out of it LOL
its ANNOYING YES but still just lower the volume man 😂😂

and can you give me instances, links, names of the Speakers becuz tbh some really do this to fake it..

and Jazakallah khair
Yup, that's why I wrote pet peeve - because it is annoying and not that I outright hate it. But it does take me out of the video.

As for "poker face" speakers I would say Yusuf Estes, Zakir Naik, Sheikh Kemal (forgot his surname) have a down to earth way of speaking which doesn't rely on raising their tone for the sake of it.

And I will look up the link for the Mekka video for sure lmao, it really stuck with me
Yup, that's why I wrote pet peeve - because it is annoying and not that I outright hate it. But it does take me out of the video.

As for "poker face" speakers I would say Yusuf Estes, Zakir Naik, Sheikh Kemal (forgot his surname) have a down to earth way of speaking which doesn't rely on raising their tone for the sake of it.

And I will look up the link for the Mekka video for sure lmao, it really stuck with me
Yusuf Estes i have seen him being more humorous talking about certain regulations and Islamic traditions.. it does depend on innate temperament... Yusuf Estes is more Soft and calm.. Zakir Naik is more technical and straight forward and at times provocative against non-Muslims..

And then you have Speakers like Muhammad Hoblos that render their face beet red in speeches through loud and passionate emphasis dealing with worldly problems we have as individuals which honestly you don't see Speakers like Zakir Naik do much on that.. Zakir Naik is the Mild Shiekh Assim Al Hakeem of India.. they just give you ruling and the opinions of the 4 schools and that's it.. they don't become emotionally involved in the dialog..

coz then again they just answer questions while folks like Muhammad Hoblos and many others give speeches with real emotional vigor who also logically excel at touching people's understanding and feeling.
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Yusuf Estes i have seen him being more humorous talking about certain regulations and Islamic traditions.. it doesn't depend on innate temperament... Yusuf Estes is more Soft and calm.. Zakir Naik is more technical and straight forward and at times provocative against non-Muslims..

And then you have Speakers like Muhammad Hoblos that render their face beet red in speeches through loud and passionate emphasis dealing with worldly problems we have as individuals which honestly you don't see Speakers like Zakir Naik do much on that.. Zakir Naik is the Mild Shiekh Assim Al Hakeem of India.. they just guve you ruling and the opinions of the 4 schools and that's it.. they don't become emotionally involve in the dialog..

coz then again they just answer questions while folks like Muhammad Hoblos and many others give speeches with real emotional vigor who also logically excel at touching people's understanding and feeling.
My personal preference, and this might be a cultural thing, is to only be presented facts by speakers. Becoming too emotional in anything you do can lead one away from facts and leave the door open for personal interpretations of things that are already unanimously accepted by the community.

But at the end of the day they are just videos. We have the two most important things to guide us already available to us, that's enough elhamdulillah