[FNZ] Role Madness Kaguya-sama: Love is Mafia!

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Ekko was first on board on the sus of Ryu, then he started complaining that we had wasted the entire day shading him without showing any conviction. Even though only 12 hours of a 48 hour phase had passed.

It's pretty strange overall.
I noticed this too on what Ekko said. Drago and Flower were the only players I remember who were talking about Ryu and I don't remember anyone else saying they scum read Ryu.


first things first, i dont like flower's play. seems too eager to establish herself as town and pushing for town core also plays in it. plus i have a strong gut read that she's scum, just like in the prev tos. :absojustice:
I disagree. She was not this eager in the previous tos. She was quiet and reserved(despite being top poster). Her presence was not as large as it is here imo.

I agree to some of this points so I disagree.
What do you agree with? I would also like that GTH read I requested of you earlier, please.


Wow, glad I‘m not the only one busy today. This game‘s quiet af.
Yeah, I think it's a mixture of business and unsureness of what to do.

Let's get something going.

Vote Lynch Ryu Kishi

Join me on this, Flower. Let's put those mindmelds to good use.


The Rogue Prince
I disagree. She was not this eager in the previous tos. She was quiet and reserved(despite being top poster). Her presence was not as large as it is here imo.
my read changed post her reaction to uwu's bait honestly. that seemed genuine to me, plus it was a gut read fwiw.


Anyone who knows the flavor can understand what they might have tried to hint.
That applies to anything. You can claim vig and anyone who knows the flavor can guess your character. Linked/masons are still role claims like any other ability so they should be fine.


Lead them to paradise.
That applies to anything. You can claim vig and anyone who knows the flavor can guess your character. Linked/masons are still role claims like any other ability so they should be fine.
You know full well some claims are way more flavor heavy than others, claiming vig is much harder to link to a character than claiming masons in this case. It feels a bit angleshooty tbh.

I really feel it’s pushing it.


What could have been...
The initial GTH town read was just based on gut. That town read got stronger as we mindmelded. Mindmelds are good indications of another player being town. We've mindmeld a couple more times from there and so that's where I'm at. Though I wouldn't call it a super town read but it's decently strong.
not if the reads were not right cuz then the mildmend could easily be done by a scum and yall double up on a townie

You know, I just ignore all votes on suspicions on me. I‘m connected to another player. Don‘t know who they are, but they should have the same passive as me.

I‘m not gonna be active much today because it‘s Sunday.
do you think they share same alignment as you?
thats the important part


Lead them to paradise.
Fair and last warning in this game!

Someone angle-shooted (flavour hinted/softened). We decide not to issue an immediate modkill, but have this be the last warning to not play around flavour. Do not quote this post, do not talk about what has been mentioned because then I will have to immediately modkill you for it. I want this to be played clean so please pay attention to rules! Keep on playing guys and don't make me be the bad guy later on.

@Midnight Delight
@Ryu Kishi
Oh seems like Rej agrees. Unless he’s talking about someone else.


What could have been...
At this point I should also claim that my role is connected to someone.
what about alignments?
any guarantee that the other person is same alignment as u?

Was just bantering
you have done this kinda posts as scum b4 cal, i need some contributions from u man
if u n tpein r both town we can carry this one

Also UwU did not hinted his ability nor targeted Flower so it's unlikely his result was altered .
Unless it's due to of responding to Ultras post...
why arent you considering he could be a liar
its day 1 afterall, likely no abilities can be used, specially not cop ones
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