Both Kaido and Aramaki did fine against the Scabbards, Momo and Yamato, it's just that those are capable characters even if I personally don't care for them.
Kaido didn't get serious from the jump, took the Scabbards admittedly pretty strong or fitting attacks before decimating them and moving on. He goes on to face his child and Yamato's able to engage him well enough for an extended period of time which is a testament to the character's strength. Ultimately though, Yamato couldn't completely block Thunder Bagua, was still a far deal below Kaido followed by Luffy aiding her, switching with her and showing he could actually go toe-to-toe with the World's Strongest Creature when him and Kaido split the sky.
Momonosuke simply offered assistance and the scene was moreso to highlight his courage rather than to present him as a huge threat to Kaido. His older body and Dragon form allowed him to land a strong bite on his fellow Dragon but he wasn't close to Kaido in strength.
Aramaki did fine as well, taking on the Scabbards, Yamato, Shinobu and Momonosuke and leaving 2 of them drained without actually going all out seeing as he actually got ticked when Momonosuke showed himself to be pretty capable.
Yamato landed a good haki-clad hit in her base form but it didn't really do significant damage. It was enough for him to comment on but it's not like he was severely damaged or anything. Momonosuke's Boro Breath was the most powerful thing to come from the groups' attempts against Aramaki and while it destroyed his giant tree form, he responded accordingly, regrowing from a seed and preparing to actually end Momo.
The fights had different circumstances but both Kaido and Aramaki performed well given them in my opinion. I view Kaido as decently stronger but Aramaki isn't a push-over. Neither went all out against the groups they faced being discussed so I don't think either needs to be downplayed or bashed.
Kaido didn't get serious from the jump, took the Scabbards admittedly pretty strong or fitting attacks before decimating them and moving on. He goes on to face his child and Yamato's able to engage him well enough for an extended period of time which is a testament to the character's strength. Ultimately though, Yamato couldn't completely block Thunder Bagua, was still a far deal below Kaido followed by Luffy aiding her, switching with her and showing he could actually go toe-to-toe with the World's Strongest Creature when him and Kaido split the sky.
Momonosuke simply offered assistance and the scene was moreso to highlight his courage rather than to present him as a huge threat to Kaido. His older body and Dragon form allowed him to land a strong bite on his fellow Dragon but he wasn't close to Kaido in strength.
Aramaki did fine as well, taking on the Scabbards, Yamato, Shinobu and Momonosuke and leaving 2 of them drained without actually going all out seeing as he actually got ticked when Momonosuke showed himself to be pretty capable.
Yamato landed a good haki-clad hit in her base form but it didn't really do significant damage. It was enough for him to comment on but it's not like he was severely damaged or anything. Momonosuke's Boro Breath was the most powerful thing to come from the groups' attempts against Aramaki and while it destroyed his giant tree form, he responded accordingly, regrowing from a seed and preparing to actually end Momo.
The fights had different circumstances but both Kaido and Aramaki performed well given them in my opinion. I view Kaido as decently stronger but Aramaki isn't a push-over. Neither went all out against the groups they faced being discussed so I don't think either needs to be downplayed or bashed.
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