Break Week Kaido Jr

Make your combination,Strength,Design,Character in general

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But this is exactly the interesting part about it. That Kaido, a very strong thing whose existence is labelled as horrifying, had a son who is actually weak yet he won't disrespect him because he's his own blood and even loves him. Oda can make it boring by turning Kaido Jr. into another super-strong, high-ranked enemy, or he can actually write a compelling story to enrich his villain (and he has every element to make it work, I mean literally everything from Kaido's potential unnatural existence to his connection to Oden and Momonosuke and the contrast between his strength and his son's weakness).
My mind thinks @Charlotte Horchata has the right of it here. It would be a most interesting dynmaic for Oda to explore and opens up Kaidou to further character development down the line. At the very least, it breaks up the monotony of him being written as a suicidal alcoholic jonesing for a beatdown by the MC and nothing more.

I don't think he could be the main villain per se, but I think he could be Luffy's main fight before the War begins and turns into chaos fighting against "Rocks". I personally still don't believe Luffy and Kaido will have a proper mano a mano fight, not before Blackbeard or Akainu. Throwing Big Mom into the mix just makes it too much. There will be other factors involved that make them go down. This is why I personally believe there is an Ace,
But, my heart wants to believe @Paperchampion23 might also be on the right track as well. Call it the 'fanboy' in me. But I never really felt that Kaidou's story begins and ends with just Wano anyway. There are hints with PH, Vegapunk and maybe the WG itself - if Oda wants to go there.

Also despite what Luffy states, I still don't see Luffy ever giving Big Mom any sort of beat down as severe as he will deal to Kaidou. In other words, Oda will never have his MC beat up an Old Granny. Kaidou? that's fine. He can take the beating because he's male and because he's Kaidou Lmao

But not BM. Think of how it would look like - Mutliple chapters of Luffy raining holy hell on a retarded old woman. Yeah not happening.
So if he won't be defeating BM between now and vs Kaidou later, who does he fight? The only ones left are King, Queen and Jack. The last two are out of the question. And King doesn't seem to fit either. If the guy uses a sword he's not Luffy's opponent. Luffy has problems dealing with villains using pointy cutty things. See: Kata with trident and Kata without.

Knowing Oda, he didn't give Kaido a son, just to have another strong man on the Beast Pirates side.

Powerful, maybe, but Oda is going to explore the father-son relationship & dynamic between the two, I can already see a story as old as time:
'Parent gets mad because kid is up in his room not showing his face (shut in?) when ther're guest over'.
"My Son, is he going to show up at the very least, this is a banquet!"​

So I think we can at least surmise that their relationship is a bit "strained". Way Kaido is, he may have harshly parented his son, in effort to make son more like him, when he's not, which could have strained their bond; Kaido's an alcoholic with a range of emotions in that state so that could add more strain.

But I expect something a bit different cuz we've already seen this type of father-son relationship in Judge and Sanji.
I wonder if it will reflect or have some bearing on how the Ace/Roger/Whitebeard father-son issue was resolved. Back then Ace rejected who he was by rejecting his father and finding himself by embracing Whitebeard. There could be some call-back to that with Kaidou's kid as well.
Well king had 2 sentences so far. And defeated a ship.
I don't understand his hype, aside from the expectation of seeing him getting his ass cut in half by zoro.
Remember how half the CP9 was only revealed during the actual battle at Enies Lobby? That's how Kaido and his crew will become more interesting, at Onigashima. Nearly all of the samurai related plotlines are done (except Orochi, Tengu, Kanjuro and a few other things) and now we can focus on the main villain.

The festival, initial battles and the war will characterize the villains.
Kaido is scared that his son will kill him (which even if it doesn't bother him from the perspective of dying, certainly bothers him from the perspective of being weaker and pushed around), that's why he drinks, but he's feeling safer when Big Mom is around, that's why he's asking for him to come out. (Not really.)
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I don't know I just have the feeling that he will be depicted as a weak otaku looking individual.

I don't know way but the fact that he was not present there makes me think he will be depicted as an introvert.

As last thing I don't know it's for sure not true but it would be a bit of a surpries if he as kaido and toki's son as I said on my profile, but probably I'm very wrong about this
Reading the thread was fun. So many here acting like Oda specialist lol.
He's veteran level minimum. His design and fighting style are intriguing at least, and he has agenda of his own. Nothing boring so far. He started good. Don't turn shitty please.
Let's talk about the most important figure under Kaido, his Son!
Just like Katakuri, he is making his entrance during a party!

Why is Kaido saying he should show at least his face? Has he been away or been hiding for so long? Does he despises hanging around beast pirates? Does he wanna lead Beast pirates? Will he have CoC? Will he be the Ace?

I think maybe he has been trying to beat Kaido or stalemate him in a fight or mayhem he hasn't been able to damage Kaido in many battles they fought so he resent Kaido and doesn't like showing up.
I was right since Oda has been showing why Yamato is mad at Kaido
She's pissed for losing everyone and kaido doesn't want her to be free