Controversial Kanye West is a Nazi?


Sasaki Kojirō

This man talking about people not understanding Kanye yet he didn’t watch the interview himself :kobeha:
I think I better remove this photo I'm using, I don't want to appear prejudiced for using a photo of a Nazi.:suresure::suresure:

Sasaki Kojirō

I mean Kanye is still in the delusional part, we need to worry when he gets to a violent stage. :usoprice:
If Elon bans kanye, it will tank the reputation he has been trying to build as an advocate of free speech.
Kanye knows this, and doesn't care either way. If Kanye doesn't get banned, his message gets out. If he does get banned, Streisand effect will happen, and all of Elon's bullshit about being a defender of free speech gets instantly destroyed (inb4 Elon hasn't reinstated Alex Jones yet). Checked if Kanye got banned and he did. Its sad because i did believe elon was anti-globohomo.
Bipolar disorder is really, really hard to treat. I've been watching an old friend fuck up her life in increasingly bizarre ways bc there's literally no way to keep her medicated. It's sad. They can't keep her inpatient bc she's technically not a danger. She believes a lot of things that obviously can't be true, but in her mind, she's the "enlightened" one and we're all just against her.

A lot of times, people with bipolar don't feel that they need treatment. It's wild to watch this happen so publicly, but it's no different than the kind of shit people with bipolar do every day.
If Elon bans kanye, it will tank the reputation he has been trying to build as an advocate of free speech.
Kanye knows this, and doesn't care either way. If Kanye doesn't get banned, his message gets out. If he does get banned, Streisand effect will happen, and all of Elon's bullshit about being a defender of free speech gets instantly destroyed (inb4 Elon hasn't reinstated Alex Jones yet). Checked if Kanye got banned and he did. Its sad because i did believe elon was anti-globohomo.
More lenient =/= allowing tweets that incite violence