General & Others King’s bounty doesnt include his Lunarianess

So other than Vegapunk, the people who knew about Lunarians were Kaido, Whitebeard, Blackbeard, Marco and Big Mom, right?
Blackbeard and Marco knew it from Whitebeard's drunken stories. So that fits my theory that after the Lunarians were driven away from the Red Line, they settled in God Valley which also had high cliffs. I believe whatever happened in God Valley with the Rocks Pirates is connected to the extiction of the Lunarian race. That's why those 3 yonko know about them. After the WG (probably Im) erased the island, it made sure knowledge about them is erased as well. So lower ranks/younger generations didn't know about the Lunarian race.
If Vegapunk with his huge brain couldn't realize King was Arbel, this means that just fire and wings (in a crew based on all sorts of animals) is not enough to conclude King was Arbel just from his wanted poster. So the Marines couldn't know as well, his bounty doesn't include his Lunarian-ness.
Not really, because being a Lunarian ain't a real threat now, they already know how to deal with him.

They were giving 100 million berries for Intel since they wanted to do experiments with them, and Vegapunk already can clone them.