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Speaking of elite fodder which army do you think has had the best display of elite fodder units so far ?

I feel like Hara made a greater effort back in the day to really distinguish between normal and elite units
@SakazOuki @Rumble @TheKnightOfTheSea @Owl Ki @Elder Lee Hung @God Buggy @Cichy
Probably these guys
Kanmei’s elite corps was nutty, 10000 warriors as large as Moubu lmaaao
Also I hate how Qin generals get no elite corps under their direct command, as far as we know there’s only Ousen and his imperial guards (who were no good in Shukai). Meanwhile even secondary enemy generals like Kaishibou got some elite units.
Also I hate how Qin generals get no elite corps under their direct command, as far as we know there’s only Ousen and his imperial guards (who were no good in Shukai). Meanwhile even secondary enemy generals like Kaishibou got some elite units.
Also how every great heaven have the most OP commanders yet there's not a single solid dude from the past Qin 6 era left.
Speaking of elite fodder which army do you think has had the best display of elite fodder units so far ?

I feel like Hara made a greater effort back in the day to really distinguish between normal and elite units
@SakazOuki @Rumble @TheKnightOfTheSea @Owl Ki @Elder Lee Hung @God Buggy @Cichy
Comparing elites is hard. We have a few statements that compare some of them, like Ouki stating that Duke's elites are even slightly stronger than his and SSK saying that Karin's elites were either #1 or #2 in the entire Chu military. But we don't have many of those.

Shouheikun's manimals look absolutely terrifying, I'll say.


Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Speaking of elite fodder which army do you think has had the best display of elite fodder units so far ?

I feel like Hara made a greater effort back in the day to really distinguish between normal and elite units
@SakazOuki @Rumble @TheKnightOfTheSea @Owl Ki @Elder Lee Hung @God Buggy @Cichy
I think it’s too early to answer this question, we can talk about what elite troops may seem the most impressive now but ultimately we don’t know who the actual strongest elites in China are. Kanmei’s troops got punched through by Moubu yes but I think if Hara drew those guys fighting again, they would pulverize the majority of other armies lol.

But if I had to guess…I would think that the truly elite troops in Kingdom are the ones defending royalty such as Shouheikun’s black cavalry. You would want your royalty protected by the absolute best right? Maybe GG level guys have elites above Royal troops but I assume these are the cream of the crop.


𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝕾𝖕𝖆𝖜𝖓
Speaking of elite fodder which army do you think has had the best display of elite fodder units so far ?

I feel like Hara made a greater effort back in the day to really distinguish between normal and elite units
@SakazOuki @Rumble @TheKnightOfTheSea @Owl Ki @Elder Lee Hung @God Buggy @Cichy
Shibashou's elites should at least be in conversation based on the resent chapters.

Also Karin's elites. They were said to be either best or second best in all of Chu which potencially puts them above the likes of Juuko elites and Kanmei's giant cavalry. Although Kouen's elites will likely still powercreep them.
Kanmei's elites look absolutely terrifying to this day but can't remember much of their feats
I'd assume Kouen's gonna have one of the most stacked armies
Mountain warriors we get in the future will be nuts

In ranking
1: KouEn
2: Kanmei
3: Karin/SBS
4: Mountain Warriors
5: Qi royal guards for no reason lol just making it a top 5
Also Karin's elites. They were said to be either best or second best in all of Chu which potencially puts them above the likes of Juuko elites and Kanmei's giant cavalry. Although Kouen's elites will likely still powercreep them.
Yeah with Kouen's presence I'm basically guessing that Karin's elites are Chu's #2 rather than #1 almost by default lol.
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