Some thoughts on some Jonkins polls:
How does Shiryou have even one vote lmfao?
See this is me not sure if Jonkins’ audience is drugged or if they just don’t understand Kou En hype the way we do. Literally it is debatable that Kanki can even beat Karin let alone big papa himself…
The fact that this poll even exists…this to me is just as ludicrous as a “can Akou push Futei to high diff” poll…
On the one hand, I think Kanmei pretty much represents the martial maximum of what any character can be capable of. On the other hand, it is very possible Hara plans to power creep Kanmei via the “unknowns” of China like Shibashou and who knows who else. Time will tell.
And on this one I agree. Man’U < Shibashou < Kanmei is my scaling as of now, though if Hara continues to hype Shibashou to oblivion then this can very quickly change.

How does Shiryou have even one vote lmfao?

See this is me not sure if Jonkins’ audience is drugged or if they just don’t understand Kou En hype the way we do. Literally it is debatable that Kanki can even beat Karin let alone big papa himself…

The fact that this poll even exists…this to me is just as ludicrous as a “can Akou push Futei to high diff” poll…

On the one hand, I think Kanmei pretty much represents the martial maximum of what any character can be capable of. On the other hand, it is very possible Hara plans to power creep Kanmei via the “unknowns” of China like Shibashou and who knows who else. Time will tell.

And on this one I agree. Man’U < Shibashou < Kanmei is my scaling as of now, though if Hara continues to hype Shibashou to oblivion then this can very quickly change.