Speculations Kuina was killed by someone

Was kuina secretly killed?

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The Walking Muscle, Plot-armor and Boobs Trio
Let's not try to explore Zoro's past any deeper. There is no point to it. Zoro's story is perfect as it is.

Kuina dying by falling down the stairs is stupid, but explanation should not be that X/Y/Z killed her. It can be that she was sick or she committed suicide (hopefully the first option).


To me it has to be a cursed sword thing.
We see zoro encouraging kuina here

then this happened

We also see here that certain swords need extreme will/control over them.

So maybe kuina motivated from what zoro said to her tried one of kozaburo swords and did not have enough haki to control it.

It'd be messed up if it was wado ichimonji that killed her tho

But hey it could've just been that it was an accident with @stairs-kun


The Walking Muscle, Plot-armor and Boobs Trio
To me it has to be a cursed sword thing.
We see zoro encouraging kuina here

then this happened

We also see here that certain swords need extreme will/control over them.

So maybe kuina motivated from what zoro said to her tried one of kozaburo swords and did not have enough haki to control it.

It'd be messed up if it was wado ichimonji that killed her tho

But hey it could've just been that it was an accident with @stairs-kun
It is possible, but unlikely. Kuina was stronger than Zoro and if Zoro was able to handle Wado, she should be able to do so too. Besides it was her sword.

There being another cursed sword in that Dojo similar to Enma would be a very good explanation for Kuina's death. I would like that very much.
Yes you read it right. Something is telling me that she was killed by someone close to her father...
Do you guys remember that old gorosei dude with the shodai kitetsu?

He looks like he is from wano and more than that he looks like an elder version of koshiro.
What if this dude is actually the bigger brother of koshiro? And what if he was the one who killed kuina? That would build up a hatred revenge mission for zoro.

I know kuina fell down the stairs and died thats whats being told, but I think she died even before she fell down the stairs, she was killed by someone and I think this someone is the gorosei dude but it could also be someone else. I do not think it was just some accident and I know Oda will probably take this route as soon as we get more of zoros flashback.

What do you think?
I want the scenario of Koshiro falsifying Kuina's death while in reality she is alive all this time, climbing the career ladder and become Imu's right hand. The God of Dominion having The Sword Goddess as his right hand.

...Kuina being killed by some endgame boss for Zoro is also interesting prediction tho:cheers:


The Walking Muscle, Plot-armor and Boobs Trio
I want the scenario of Koshiro falsifying Kuina's death while in reality she is alive all this time, climbing the career ladder and become Imu's right hand. The God of Dominion having The Sword Goddess as his right hand.

...Kuina being killed by some endgame boss for Zoro is also interesting prediction tho:cheers:
While Kuina returning can be epic in some sense, it creates a massive problem that Zoro wanted one of them to be the best. If Kuina is the best, that kind of makes Zoro's dream shallow.

A guy who killed a young girl and then had it covered up is unlikely to be Zoro's opponent ever.
While Kuina returning can be epic in some sense, it creates a massive problem that Zoro wanted one of them to be the best. If Kuina is the best, that kind of makes Zoro's dream shallow.

A guy who killed a young girl and then had it covered up is unlikely to be Zoro's opponent ever.
No i mean Zoro's final boss opponent will be Kuina tho...Zoro defeat Mihawk while Kuina defeat Shanks for example...so it's a fight between nostalgia childhood friends