General & Others Law never clashed with quake fruit

There is an indication of BB wanting to block the thing that messed him up considerably just moments ago.
I see no hint whatsoever for Law going for an attack except for trying to plant Kikoku inside Blackbeard.
Exactly and Law had to release the shockwave early since BB put up a counterattack:
The simplest answer is that both of them just went for an attack, Law had to stop his phasing and release his shockwave early because if he doesn’t then he’ll get hit by BB’s shockwaves first. He can’t continuously phase then simultaneously release an attack as shown with Puncture Wille. More like a one time release per sword length.
This completely answers all your questions without headcanoning that a shockwave can interact with something intangible.


Kitetsu Wanker
Exactly and Law had to release the shockwave early since BB put up a counterattack:
Bro, nobody sees a shockwave from Law except Law fans...
That's what I have been telling the whole time.
It simply ain't there.
Law ain't trying to block anything, Blackbeard is.
Blackbeard's move is nearly harmless even for the fodder of Law's crew.
I swear Law fans are reading something else...
Half of the shit they mention cannot be found in One Piece.
This is straight up hype for Blackbeard alone for stopping something that cant be stopped physically.

Law's move ain't powerful or anything like that, it is simply intangible.
There are no Shockwaves from Law in that instance, dude didn't even use an attack, he just coated his sword with K-Room.
In itself that does nothing expect allowing the Kikoku to phase through physical objects without harming them.
Your first mistake was trying to make sense of Oda’s fight choreography
Bro, nobody sees a shockwave from Law except Law fans...
That's what I have been telling the whole time.
It simply ain't there.
Law ain't trying to block anything, Blackbeard is.
Blackbeard's move is nearly harmless even for the fodder of Law's crew.
Shockwaves are invisible, we’ve been through this.

If it’s harmless, then you don’t have to try so hard to deny that they’ve clashed in the first place. Surely, a fodder feat like that shouldn’t threaten you. Instead, you try to gaslight yourself into thinking that a shockwave can stop something more intangible than Oden’s haki flowing through enma…
Law fans say it was a clash big hype when the case is bb just blocked his awakening attack , bb didnt even attack
Wb did the same at marineford with the axe giant

Had bb attacked law and and everything behind him wouldve been destroyed

@JoNdule @nik87 @ZenZu @zenox @EmperorKinyagi @SakazOuki @Sentinel @Albino 👑 @Shiroyru @SkySanji @HA001 @TheAncientCenturion @Gol D. Roger @grey matter @Rurushu @mly90 @Lor D. Coast @MonsterKaido @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier @ConquistadoR @Rootbeer @park_min young @Roo @HeroesNZ @Garp the Fist @Peroroncino
Did you just steal my thread idea and couldn't even explain it properly.


Kitetsu Wanker
Shockwaves are invisible, we’ve been through this.

If it’s harmless, then you don’t have to try so hard to deny that they’ve clashed in the first place. Surely, a fodder feat like that shouldn’t threaten you. Instead, you try to gaslight yourself into thinking that a shockwave can stop something more intangible than Oden’s haki flowing through enma…
They arent invisible... There is always an indicator when shockwaves are happening. There is none for Law in that instance.
I am not trying to deny anything, I simply do not see what Law fans see. Because it isn't in One Piece.
This is not a first time Gura shockwave has stopped intangible things.
Bruh... Error 404, logic not found.
Explain step by step what K-room does, explain it to yourself and then recalibrate everything.
One does not use intangible technique, not an attack, to block anything. That is the opposite of blocking.

Try to make some sense before you start screaming OMG Law so stronK!
Law's move in that scene is intangible, nothing more, nothing less.
He cannot block showwaves with intangible sword, that is pure nonsense.

It is Blackbeard who is blocking the intangible sword, idk the logic behind shockwaves blocking it but that is what is happening.
He doesn't want to be pierced by it in order to avoid the attack that comes after it.
Should we scream "OMG look at the damaji" if Blackbeard used the same thing to block intangible ghosts from Perona?

Because it is the exact same thing. Are yall even aware of what is happening in that scene? Like what are you praising even?
Law didn't even use an attack, it was Blackbeard who used one in order to stay clear of intangible sword which is a technique, not an attack.
Nik, you explained it very well 🫡