If Shin ends up SLAYING Renpa outright and at the same time we all probably would agree that his rematch with Kouen would come after that, Kouen being Shin's main enemy in Chu, then it could easily be another indication of Kouen's enormous power level.
Shin doing that to Renpa and yet it would still be left to be seen whether he can even defeat Kouen at all lol.
Arguably strongest by virtue of what? Chu is presumably still the strongest state and possesses the largest army. Why does that imply or hint Kou En is therefore a genetic martial freak in old age?
Your posts make it seem as though you’re sure it won’t happen, and that’s not the correct way of thinking imo. This is Chu’s Tiger, the only other Tiger in China right now being Shibashou’s enormous ass. This is the guy who Kouretsu called sending Kanmei to Coalition “stingy” because he held Kou En back lol. This is one of the most weighty names in China right now, I would not at all be surprised if he’s eye to eye with Kanmei.
At no point have I ruled out the possibility of Kou En being an outlier like Ren Pa and Mou Gou.
Maybe Kou En does turn out to be a martial monster. Maybe he doesn't. I have argued the point that there is no basis for the assumption he will based on what little information we have on him.
Thinking it would be fitting or a good idea for Kou En to be a martial monster in old age is not enough to make a reasonable assumption. That's just liking an idea and wanting to be true, i.e. wishful thinking.
There is no argument here if you take the material of the story for what is instead of what of you'd like it to be.
Arguably strongest by virtue of what? Chu is presumably still the strongest state and possesses the largest army. Why does that imply or hint Kou En is therefore a genetic martial freak in old age?
Nothing about Kou En is implied martially yet lol.
However, Chu having the largest army and the most people does by definition imply that they have an easier time finding martial freaks than the other states do.
Hell Kanmei’s personal troops were 10K men that literally rivaled Kanmei in size lmfao. If they can find 10k giants that easily, what’s the issue with 10,001? Lol
I just find the notion of Chu’s number one commander being someone with zero or very little combat experience to be questionable af. I think we can all agree that Kou En will have/have had some level of martial ability, and I think it’s a safe bet that he was probably an incredible warrior in his youth. And if that’s the case, why not have him be some enormous monster man? Lol
If Mougou and Renpa are any indication, I think the notion of Kou En not being a warrior anymore just because he is old can safely be buried. I imagine old Kou En is a stronger warrior than old Mougou for sure.
If Shin ends up SLAYING Renpa outright and at the same time we all probably would agree that his rematch with Kouen would come after that, Kouen being Shin's main enemy in Chu, then it could easily be another indication of Kouen's enormous power level.
Shin doing that to Renpa and yet it would still be left to be seen whether he can even defeat Kouen at all lol.
And this is why I personally think Kou En will be a monstrous warrior, because he is a direct opponent for Shin. Ultimately Hara will make characters as strong as their role in the plot demands, and Kou En will arguably be the most personal general opponent Shin ever faces outside of Riboku, and it’s arguable that Shin will ever directly defeat Riboku lol.
And this is why I personally think Kou En will be a monstrous warrior, because he is a direct opponent for Shin. Ultimately Hara will make characters as strong as their role in the plot demands, and Kou En will arguably be the most personal general opponent Shin ever faces outside of Riboku, and it’s arguable that Shin will ever directly defeat Riboku lol.
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