Questions & Mysteries Let's say that Zoro beats Mihawk and Luffy dies at series'end, what's next for him?



I do believe that with Luffy's death the crew will disband and each person will go on their own.

Maybe he will live in wano training the next generation.
Imo, at EoS, Zoro will either:
  • Go back to Wano and train the new generations, also being the main protector of the Land and the Shogun
  • Go back to his village and train the new generations
In both cases he will spend his free time sleeping and drinking. A noble profession.
Zoro will have to train the next generation because nobody in the current gen will be able to be his Shanks. Like, even if Luffy does survive, leaving the crew, if it has not already disbanded at some point prior to him making this decision, would be what Zoro would do. I do not see him sailing with Luffy in perpetuity even if it is an option.

Their current lifestyle of going on big adventures if good for him now since there are still foes to overcome but at the end of the series after he beats Mihawk? It would become boring real quick to fight the silver medalists of the world and the fodder below even that. And unlike Mihawk I do not see Zoro just sailing the seas stomping fodder pirates as a hobby.

Be it Wano or going back to his old dojo he is gonna start his own school to maybe create a worthy apprentice that can take the title from him one of these days. He is only twenty-one now so if another Zoro is born right now in the manga, by the time he is as old as Zoro now and can challenge him Zoro would only be 42, still a year younger than Mihawk is now.

I personally put a lot of money on this exact scenario going down btw. Either an honest to god Shippuden-esque sequel or a brief Epilogue will show Zoro effectively being a healthier version of Mihawk that trains the next generation to surpass him instead of suffering from the boredom of being the strongest swordsman. With people like Momo and S-Hawk as potential students depending on how things go, he has a good enough baseline to work with to keep himself occupied after the end of his pirate days.
There's no reason for Luffy to die, but I can still see Zoro leaving eventually to wander in search of opponents or like others have said, train the next generation in his village or Wano.

Luffy being alive doesn't necessitate everyone having to stay with him, considering he will have achieved his goal, his true dream and will have total freedom to roam anywhere he likes.
I do believe that with Luffy's death the crew will disband and each person will go on their own.

Maybe he will live in wano training the next generation.
Imo, at EoS, Zoro will either:
  • Go back to Wano and train the new generations, also being the main protector of the Land and the Shogun
  • Go back to his village and train the new generations
In both cases he will spend his free time sleeping and drinking. A noble profession.
2023 and people still consider Zoro not being done with Wano a possibility. :nicagesmile:

Going back to his village sounds more plausible.
The whole crew should be disbanded no reason for them to stay together once they are done carrying Luffy. I would like to see lone Zoro wandering around world seeking new challenges


seems like zolocucks wet dream LMAO

Luffy is literally Oda's child and what kind of parent wants their child to die first than them
As of now, zoro is irrelevant other than his fight with mihawk so unless he gets a backstory turning him into yet another "chosen one" character or a clone, he doesn't have many other CHOICES other than following luffy ir training kids.