General & Others Let’s just admit it; Oda has been milking this series for a long time now

I'm not hating on him for it, hell if I were him I would do the same. But lets not act like Oda needed 1000+ chapters to tell this story for the sake of quality, because he didn't. One Piece is as long as it is because its Oda's golden goose. Its one of the most profitable titles in the manga industry and hence it is in Oda's interests to keep the series running for as long as he did.

By constantly adding new plot points, mysteries, and characters, Oda has largely inflated a story that could have easily been told in half the runtime. Don't believe me? Look at literally any other series. Demon slayer is only about 200 chapters long, that's just two arcs worth of one piece, and yet it is one of shonen jump's best selling series(yes, I know this is because of the anime. But maybe if OP wasn't so long, a better studio might have taken interest in it). Just so you can understand how much Oda has dragged out this story:
  • The road poneglyphs, the literal keys to one piece, were only introduced about 800 chapters into the series
  • Imu, the final villain and leader of the world government, was only introduced 900 chapters into the series
  • integral characters such as Blackbeard, Akainu, Dragon, Garp, Mihawk, and Shanks are still yet to play a significant role in the series
  • The dreams of some straw hats, such as Sanji, chopper, and Nami, have literally never been relevant to the main plot
  • The world government, despite being the main villains of the series, is poorly developed
    • ex. Oda doesn't really explore the culture or the known history of the world government; he makes the celestial dragons so cartoonishly evil and stupid that it is honestly hard to believe they have had so much power for so long
There is no reason it should take Oda over 20 years to reach the integral parts of his story. When I first started watching one piece, I was really hyped to see the part where Dragon or Shanks got into the story.... that was like 6 years ago. Now, Luffy has asspulled himself to being nearly top tier and I just don't care about them that much. It sure would have been nice to see Luffy have to learn things from Shanks or his father, oh well...

Here's the thing. With One Piece, Oda essentially gamed the manga industry. He created a simple and repeatable arc formula, a cast of likable but unchanging characters, and a lore to keep fans invested; all of these things allow Oda to drag this series on as much as humanely possible. I for one think it would have been better if Oda focused more on creating a quality story, than being in serialization as long as time itself.
I'm not hating on him for it, hell if I were him I would do the same. But lets not act like Oda needed 1000+ chapters to tell this story for the sake of quality, because he didn't. One Piece is as long as it is because its Oda's golden goose. Its one of the most profitable titles in the manga industry and hence it is in Oda's interests to keep the series running for as long as he did.

By constantly adding new plot points, mysteries, and characters, Oda has largely inflated a story that could have easily been told in half the runtime. Don't believe me? Look at literally any other series. Demon slayer is only about 200 chapters long, that's just two arcs worth of one piece, and yet it is one of shonen jump's best selling series(yes, I know this is because of the anime. But maybe if OP wasn't so long, a better studio might have taken interest in it). Just so you can understand how much Oda has dragged out this story:
  • The road poneglyphs, the literal keys to one piece, were only introduced about 800 chapters into the series
  • Imu, the final villain and leader of the world government, was only introduced 900 chapters into the series
  • integral characters such as Blackbeard, Akainu, Dragon, Garp, Mihawk, and Shanks are still yet to play a significant role in the series
  • The dreams of some straw hats, such as Sanji, chopper, and Nami, have literally never been relevant to the main plot
  • The world government, despite being the main villains of the series, is poorly developed
    • ex. Oda doesn't really explore the culture or the known history of the world government; he makes the celestial dragons so cartoonishly evil and stupid that it is honestly hard to believe they have had so much power for so long
There is no reason it should take Oda over 20 years to reach the integral parts of his story. When I first started watching one piece, I was really hyped to see the part where Dragon or Shanks got into the story.... that was like 6 years ago. Now, Luffy has asspulled himself to being nearly top tier and I just don't care about them that much. It sure would have been nice to see Luffy have to learn things from Shanks or his father, oh well...

Here's the thing. With One Piece, Oda essentially gamed the manga industry. He created a simple and repeatable arc formula, a cast of likable but unchanging characters, and a lore to keep fans invested; all of these things allow Oda to drag this series on as much as humanely possible. I for one think it would have been better if Oda focused more on creating a quality story, than being in serialization as long as time itself.
I think its more of a Jump thing than Oda. They wont let their cash cow OP to end
I don't think so . In my opinion Oda has choose long road to finish the series.
I've criticized Oda for that in many threads. About how he could have wrap up all this in 1K chapters mark.
In my opinion he wants to link all his plots in one arc and that's why we are not getting much info .

And I hate that , but again we don't know the ending . And revealing this info early might spoil the ending.

All he need to do is stop sucking side characters like Tama and start developing plot of Strawhat , Blackbeard , Dragon


ocused more on creating a quality story, than being in serialization as long as time itself
Fully agreeing on this.

The thing is that OP is not only Oda's cash cow but also the cash cow of all other parties involved. Shueisha, Toei, the voice actors themselves , everyone who works on the movies, the live action, the merchandise producers, the product collaborations etc, you name it.
One Piece has turned into such a big money making machine that it literally generates revenue for an entire army of production-involved people.

One Piece gets live-sized statues in various parts of Japan, it attracts Big Money wherever it is brought to. One Piece has turned into such a project of prestige that there are simply too many people who profit from its continuation for another two decades. This is why there is no reason to truly "wrap it up quickly", as Oda had stated a couple times.
Other than his own health, that will force him to eventually put an end to the main story at some point, there is nothing, and I mean nothing at all that will ever stop the remaining parties from milking One Piece long after it has ended. And I am talking about decades, generations after it has ended.

Oda himself is already blinded by the fame and the ridiculous sums of money that come with it. In a way, One Piece has turned into another Dragon Ball when it comes to exploitation of the franchise (which can be very well but not only seen by the Dragon Ball-esque light effects they nowadays add to the anime).

What good is all that money if you're working yourself to death and have no time to yourself to even spend it? :kaidowhat:
Don't ask an addict such a question. It's like asking an alcoholic why they drink too much even tho it ruins their life.

Cus you got enough money doesnt mean you dont want more
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So you think he just enjoys working 6-7 days a week, and sleeping 2-3 hours a night, spending days if not weeks away from his family, for the past 23 years and counting, for sake of "Milking" the series? :seriously:
What good is all that money if you're working yourself to death and have no time to yourself to even spend it? :kaidowhat:

Dude has enough money to retire 20 times over. Pretty sure, he's not in if for the cash at this point.
Oh, I don't believe in that even for a second, maybe back in the days when Oda was paying attention to his writing, he was, indeed sleeping 5/6 hours a day, but not 3, and not now. Oda doesn't give a shit what he writes, people eat his shit while calling every chapter "peak fiction." Oda isn't Elon Musk ok, he's not running 3 corporations at the same time, he's just writing a story with insanely poor quality while having at least 3 editors to help him. There's no fucking way that Oda sleeps 3 hours a day, for what fucking reason? Are you telling me that writing one piece is so fucking difficult and time consuming that Oda doesn't have a time to sleep? Oh give me a break with this shit.
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Nope, he wants to write his story the way he wants, he most likely get tons of money from everything that is connected to one piece (anime,games,merchandise) so he could quit and still get millions each year and doesn't have the mental and physical taxing he gets from being a mangaka.
so he could quit and still get millions each year and doesn't have the mental and physical taxing he gets from being a mangaka.
That's only partially true, while Oda would get some money even after one piece ends– due to kinetic energy–but one piece would very soon lose its relevance. One piece is relevant as long as it's running, with every chapter Oda can introduce new things, like the "old Chopper" which will allow him to sell a lot figures and make a lot of money in the process–if one piece ends then that ends as well.
That's only partially true, while Oda would get some money even after one piece ends– due to kinetic energy–but one piece would very soon lose its relevance. One piece is relevant as long as it's running, with every chapter Oda can introduce new things, like the "old Chopper" which will allow him to sell a lot figures and make a lot of money in the process–if one piece ends then that ends as well.
Well Dragon Ball made new series and videogames and added new characters in those medium,so i think with One Piece it will happen the same.