Current Events Luffy vs Kaido is a major asspull

Are you okay with how the Luffy vs Kaido fight is playing out?

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Zoro hadn't even unlocked basic CoC, and magically pulls off coating his attack with CoC upon first unlocking it. Goes from his attacks doing negligible damage, to scarring him. "No asspulls or power creep." :youcraz:
But skipping steps in haki has NEVER ever been a big deal.

Luffy skipped to Future sight in marineford to avoid getting his arms chopped off by Miha

Usopp could see kilometers away through walls the moment he unlocked CoO when NONE of the M3 have EVER displayed anything of that magnitude

Coby could hear all the voices on ALL OF MARINEFORD from the start

Asia could heat all the Voices in Skypiea and upper yard from the start

Zoro unlocked Advanced armament in Alabasta from the very start before doing hardening

If Ashura is advanced CoC then that means Zoro also unlocked it from the start

Hell, Zoro could tell where the rocks were going to fall IN THE FUTURE in Alabasta before he knew what regular CoO was

Dude, people unlocking different levels of Haki Before other levels is not new... It just seems like its new because Luffy is doing things in a certain order right now.
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It's not like Luffy is stopping named attacks like Thunder Bagua or Ragnarok in his base.
@Celestial D. Dragon He’ll stop those in G2

then when Kaodo uses awakening, Luffy will use G3

But skipping steps in haki has NEVER ever been a big deal.

Luffy skipped to Future sight in marineford to avoid getting his arms chopped off by Miha

Usopp could see kilometers away through walls the moment he unlocked CoO when NONE of the M3 have EVER displayed anything of that magnitude

Coby could hear all the voices on ALL OF MARINEFORD from the start

Asia could heat all the Voices in Skypiea and upper yard from the start

Zoro unlocked Advanced armament in Alabasta from the very start before doing hardening

If Ashura is advanced CoC then that means Zoro also unlocked it from the start

Hell, Zoro could tell where the rocks were going to fall IN THE FUTURE in Alabasta before he knew what regular CoO was

Dude, people unlocking different levels of Haki Before other levels is not new... It just seems like its new because Luffy is doing things in a certain order right now.
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@Celestial D. Dragon He’ll stop those in G2

then when Kaodo uses awakening, Luffy will use G3

That was my entire point. Luffy is actually doing things in the proper sequence. People can unlock a higher level of Haki application under extreme circumstances, but it doesn't mean they are all of a sudden a master of it. Luffy unlocked these things prior, and now has an understanding of it, and is using it properly.

People calling that an asspull, but not when someone unlocks a higher level of Haki on the fly? C'mon... Neither is an asspull. The rules of this shit has been established. It just shows the biasness of certain people.
I saw crocodile
I saw lucci
am seeing kaido going through the same thing
but its weird to see people complaining now.

oda's been consistent with how his villains go down
he had surpassed a righthand at the end of wci
learned advanced armament and started coating his attacks in conquerors which is a huge buff to all his forms including his base form. After right hands where tf do people think luffy will hang around ........

perhaps your expectations on kaido need to checked
Lucci vs Luffy has a much better 1v1 buildup. The way their fight progressed made it possible for Luffy to convincingly pull off a win, while against Kaido he almost got killed three times in row in the same fight despite it being a team fight and couldn't do jack shit to him up until he woke up from getting KO'd with a fully mastered Yonko-level advanced CoC and a shitty explanation of how he got it. There was absolutely no stakes, no back and forth between Kaido and Luffy like Lucci vs Luffy where he gained the upper hand mid-battle, he literally just got negged a couple of times before Oda decided to bless him with color of jesus. Just fake cheap drama.

Kaido stans do need rehabilitation for their wanking but this gross writing proves that Oda isn't a creative executer of his own setup. What happened to Kaido could very well happen to BB or any antagonist post Wano.
It's not an asspull CoC is willpower
Luffy is the character with the greatest willpower.
He's also a CoC specialist.
He spent two weeks learning the concept of flow which is a lot in OP.

Beside of this Rooftop battles are huge asspull.

You are a Shanks fan ?
How can he fight in base against BM or Kaido ? Man have only one arm
This isn't an asspull ?
Lucci vs Luffy has a much better 1v1 buildup. The way their fight progressed made it possible for Luffy to convincingly pull off a win, while against Kaido he almost got killed three times in row in the same fight despite it being a team fight and couldn't do jack shit to him up until he woke up from getting KO'd with a fully mastered Yonko-level advanced CoC and a shitty explanation of how he got it. There was absolutely no stakes, no back and forth between Kaido and Luffy like Lucci vs Luffy where he gained the upper hand mid-battle, he literally just got negged a couple of times before Oda decided to bless him with color of jesus. Just fake cheap drama.

Kaido stans do need rehabilitation for their wanking but this gross writing proves that Oda isn't a creative executer of his own setup. What happened to Kaido could very well happen to BB or any antagonist post Wano.
it will happen to all villains
but to be frank since this is a new powerup from luffy
I think oda is just playing it up for a bit
which is expected. if it continues like this
then I would understand the complaint. kaido should gain the upperhand again soon
cant see this fight ending without luffy put in a more dangerous situation than this
Lucci vs Luffy has a much better 1v1 buildup. The way their fight progressed made it possible for Luffy to convincingly pull off a win, while against Kaido he almost got killed three times in row in the same fight despite it being a team fight and couldn't do jack shit to him up until he woke up from getting KO'd with a fully mastered Yonko-level advanced CoC and a shitty explanation of how he got it. There was absolutely no stakes, no back and forth between Kaido and Luffy like Lucci vs Luffy where he gained the upper hand mid-battle, he literally just got negged a couple of times before Oda decided to bless him with color of jesus. Just fake cheap drama.

Kaido stans do need rehabilitation for their wanking but this gross writing proves that Oda isn't a creative executer of his own setup. What happened to Kaido could very well happen to BB or any antagonist post Wano.
So, Luffy should have been fighting on par the entire time with the WSC like he was with Lucci, and that would have made for a way better execution?

Let's also ignore the fact that Luffy was getting attacked by two Yonko's at the same time, which contributed to him being put into near death situations.
So, Luffy should have been fighting on par the entire time with the WSC like he was with Lucci, and that would have made for a way better execution?

Let's also ignore the fact that Luffy was getting attacked by two Yonko's at the same time, which contributed to him being put into near death situations.
It does. It shows the payoff from Udon's training without illogically inserting a last second jesus powerup. It wouldn't have been an issue had Oda stuck to a team fight like what he initially planned.

Where was BM when Zoro saved Luffy from getting eaten by Kaido during his dragon twister or when he was fighting Kaido solo and Zoro saved him a second time when he was lying unconscious on the floor from Ragnarok? Zoro and Law even saved him from BM/Kaido's double attack.
But that is not last second jesus is a payoff of Udon training, the CoC imbued attacks he is using right now....he is using flow concept he has learnt in Udon with CoC...but sure hate just for the sake of hating....
And it makes sense for this CoC buff he was unaware about to be so strong that Kaido, in hybrid with CoC still can't overpower his base.
And it makes sense for this CoC buff he was unaware about to be so strong that Kaido, in hybrid with CoC still can't overpower his base.
*weakened Kaido....and he still has so much to show....the fight just started and already crying just because Luffy stopped him in his tracks in one panel....Luffy has immense will power which was narrated throughout the series and CoC is manifestation of that....adding to that Luffy is deemed as CoC specialist....
It does. It shows the payoff from Udon's training without illogically inserting a last second jesus powerup. It wouldn't have been an issue had Oda stuck to a team fight like what he initially planned.

Where was BM when Zoro saved Luffy from getting eaten by Kaido during his dragon twister or when he was fighting Kaido solo and Zoro saved him a second time when he was lying unconscious on the floor from Ragnarok? Zoro and Law even saved him from BM/Kaido's double attack.
The second power up just allows for Luffy to damage Kaido to a greater degree, and contend with Kaido's own CoC attacks. It's not some magical booster that ups Luffy's overall stats. Luffy is still going to need G4 to actually go toe to toe with Kaido. Don't let this little skirmish fool you.

We are talking about the Strongest character in the verse. If two weeks training armament Haki would have been enough to put Luffy on his level, there would have been something seriously wrong here.

Kaido is the man touted as unkillable, and we now know the reason why. Powerful armament Haki alone is not enough to put this man down. To do any real type of damage to Kaido, you NEED to be able to imbue your attacks with CoC. In order for Luffy to do that, he needed to understand the concept of flowing Haki into his attacks. That's where the armament Haki training came into play, and what is allowed Luffy to understand how to imbue attacks with CoC as well.

The execution for all of this was spot on, and makes complete sense.
The definition of an ass pull is, “An Ass Pull used to resolve an unwinnable situation for the protagonists” so yes by definition it’s an ass pull. Base Luffy now is 1 v 1 Hybrid Kaido. Think about that. Base Luffy and Hybrid Kaido. Hybrid being the strongest form is now at the same level as base Luffy.
Zoro hadn't even unlocked basic CoC, and magically pulls off coating his attack with CoC upon first unlocking it. Goes from his attacks doing negligible damage, to scarring him. "No asspulls or power creep." :youcraz:

Luffy on the other hand, who actually has CoC, figured out that by applying the concept of flowing haki that the Samurai use for Ryou, he can also do the same thing with CoC. SuCH aN AssPuLl..... :leohah:
Asura is advCoC, he had it pre-ts. Not an ass pull.:kawak::kawak::kawak:
Zoro hadn't even unlocked basic CoC, and magically pulls off coating his attack with CoC upon first unlocking it. Goes from his attacks doing negligible damage, to scarring him. "No asspulls or power creep." :youcraz:

Luffy on the other hand, who actually has CoC, figured out that by applying the concept of flowing haki that the Samurai use for Ryou, he can also do the same thing with CoC. SuCH aN AssPuLl..... :leohah:
Honestly, the only problem I have with this, is Oda's poor explanation (or lack thereof altogether) of Haki.

We know that Luffy can do CoC spherical bursts in all directions. This is just focusing CoC in 1 direction using Ryou. The "training" was already done in Udon. He's applying the same principle.

That's a simplistic way of looking at it. If they were both fresh hybrid Kaido would outlast Luffy and win.

Just because two people trade blows equally on panel, it does not make them equal. See Rayleigh and Kizaru.
How is defining what base and hybrid form "simplistic"? By plot, Base Kaido one shotted G4 Luffy. Now base Luffy is at the same rate as Hybrid KAido. Kaido being "fresh" has absolutely nothing to do with anything. Was Luffy "fresh" when he was getting his ass handed to him by Katakuri? Is Luffy "fresh" now? Kadio has shown no signs of slowing down especially when we were literally given info time and time again that Yonko fights lasts for HOURS! Meaning the have plenty of stamina. DOn't give me that "fresh" nonsense.
How is defining what base and hybrid form "simplistic"? By plot, Base Kaido one shotted G4 Luffy. Now base Luffy is at the same rate as Hybrid KAido.
You're conflating like 100 different things. If Kaido lands a clean Thunder Bagua, he still knocks out Luffy, Gear 4 or base. That hasn't changed.

In 923, Luffy clearly wasn't using Future Sight.

Kadio has shown no signs of slowing down
It has been stated over and over that Kaido is hurting and is worn down. Not terms of attack, but in terms of HP.

He was dodging a Red Hawk without CoC even prior, because he's taken too much damage.
Katakuri vs Luffy.. luffy had the strength to hurt katakuri with every punch but wasn't able to hit as katakuri was very evasive... but as soon as he gets AcOo... he's able to do damage

Kaido vs luffy... their first fight was luffy whopping around kaido's dragon form solo.. and was able to fling his base to a decent distance with gear 4...but lost with 1 blow to his face coz he wasn't able to reverberate the force of his punched through his scaled..

fast forward Udon prison Hyo teaches him what Acoa is, and rigorously trains himself in it.. tho he still can't efficiently penetrate kaido'ss scales assuming that he was using Acoa...but then he realizes what kaido's doing is coating his Coc on his Club... now luffy used the same method of Acoa with Acoc and able pull it off thanks to Hyo's concepts and tips...

so Luffy already had the strength to fling kaido left and right with his punches.. with Acoa and Acoc he's just able to nullify kaido's scales. ssoo what kaido's feeling is luffy's brute strength.. and the scales does absorb any force no longer.

not an asspull holistically speaking

in a nutshell luffy has become top 6 people who can hurt and stand a chance against kaido 1v1...i'd love to include zoro but his mastery of Coc is not to that level yet... it kinda also proves that he doesn't know Acoa but enma grants him the flow that luffy after training attained since luffy needed to get his basics right with Acoa to execute Acoc.. one can say enma eith ashura was the drive for the dormant Coc to be imbued in Enma... but thats besides the point