Questions & Mysteries M3 - Shattered ... ? ?

Is there still a m3 ?

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Cyrus the Cactus

Mihawk Reigns Supreme
It is a canonical fact that Warlords must never be publicly defeated while possessing the title or else they are stripped of said title. The betrayal is irrelevant, they were all going to lose their title regardless due to their respective defeats. The respective betrayals of Doflamingo and Crocodile were merely additional reasons to strip them of their title.

Oda also chose for there to be Ten Titanic Captains, which is the group that I have noticed that you are avoiding to address since they do not fit the criteria of the theory that you are peddling.

Dude, the difference in lore reveal between Cracker and Snack is going to be about a chapter, maybe two chapters. Lel. It is not some “later” retcon.

Oda chose for there to be four individuals who all held the title of Sweet Commander at the same time in the lore. End of.

Hmm, it is almost as if first, second and third strongest are always going to be comparatively stronger than anyone who is fourth strongest or below. :quest:

Who would have guessed? :watchout:

Also, did you know that the second strongest Yonko Commander in a crew is always stronger than the third strongest Yonko Commander?

Or that countries with a larger population than France have more people in them?

The things one learns in a day. :goatasure:

Oda chose to only reveal the names of three of Shanks’ original crew members. For all we know, everyone that stood by Shanks side at Marineford is going to be revealed as a Yonko Commander or maybe Shanks just has a First Mate.

We literally know nothing about the RHPs and everything regarding their crew dynamics is purely an assumption.

Look man, if you want to invent “evidence” to back up your perception regarding the definition of certain fan terms that have never officially existed in the actual manga then go ahead, I do not care.

Just do not be surprised when no one buys whatever it is that you are selling.
We know Benn is the First Mate/VC, so highly unlikely he has "commanders".

There is a new monster trio now
In that order for now
Did @nik87 finally convert you to believing that Zoro > Luffy? Surprised you rank Luffy at #4 in the crew though...or is this another "One captain 3 commanders" thing? Why would the Straw Hats need "commanders"? There's nothing for them to command...and the Grand Fleet are mostly independent, so the representatives of those divisions will lead them. If anything, the crew hierarchy will follow Shanks and Roger's crews - Luffy as captain, Zoro as VC.
We know Benn is the First Mate/VC, so highly unlikely he has "commanders".

Did @nik87 finally convert you to believing that Zoro > Luffy? Surprised you rank Luffy at #4 in the crew though...or is this another "One captain 3 commanders" thing? Why would the Straw Hats need "commanders"? There's nothing for them to command...and the Grand Fleet are mostly independent, so the representatives of those divisions will lead them. If anything, the crew hierarchy will follow Shanks and Roger's crews - Luffy as captain, Zoro as VC.
Just like its shanks

Its now luffy

Last time zoro was luffy's ''equal'' was during whiskey peaks, i still havent changed my mind about it until i see feats similar to luffys.
The three strongest members of the crew will always be Luffy, Zoro and Sanji and that's not gonna change, Yamato might be strong but she's not replacing any of them. She's heavily overestimated but I guess that's what hype does, fans tend to let their excitement get the better of them whenever a new interesting character shows up. Jinbe isn't replacing any of them either, Oda didn't keep him away from the main events and powered up the other three only for Jinbe to replace one of them.
The term M3 is not synonymous with the 3 strongest members of the crew it just means that those 3, Luffy, Zoro & Sanji are regarded to as monsters in comparison to the rest of the crew. Those 3 just happen to be the strongest 3 in the crew so Jinbe joining will simply make them the "Monster Quartet" as he is of a similar ilk to the aforementioned 3. With regards to whether the strength dynamics will change in the crew, it is incredibly unlikely and we already been here and done that with Robin, Franky and whoever else I have missed lolz...Anyone that suggests that Sanji will be replaced as the third strongest in the crew is simply not reading one piece or has their head so far up their ass that they just stubbornly refuse to face reality.
M3 is a thing of the past...

Shanks has Beckman, Roo, Yasopp (plus Mihawk)...
BM has Sweet Commanders...
Kaido has Calamities...
WB has Marco, Jozu and Vista...
Doffy has Seats...
Kid has Killer, Heat and Wire...
Law has Bepo, Penguin and Shachi...
Roger has Rayleigh, Gaban and Oden...

You think Luffy only have Zoro and Sanji (plus himself)? ROFL...


It's Luffy having Zoro, Sanji and Jinbe now... Deal with it...
Right now, here's where I put the strawhats.

1. Luffy, progressed signficantly from his fights with Katakuri and after kaido
2. Zoro, was similar to Luffy before WCI, and still improved alot during Wano. However, he simply lacks experience fighting
3. Jinbei, dude is a beast, was a respected Shikibukai, wasn't scared of Big Mom, and he has a huge advantage over even top tiers if that he can fight underwater efficiently.
4. Yamato, Kaido's spawn has shown tremedous strength in limited screentime
5. Sanji, while he is still strong, he hasn't exactly the best feats during combat. He got oblierated by Doffy before WCI. He didn't really fight anyone during WCI (and mostly lost the few exchanges he had). But he got a powerup in Raid suit. I don't think Oda is setting sanji up to just fighting. He has his other perks like cooking and quick thinking.
6. Franky, with his machines
7. Nami, with zeus being 95% of her power
8. Usopp
10. Chopper
I think they are quite obvious.
But just of the top of my head;
By Portrayal: Big Mom stated that Jinbei was a valuable ally for her.
Law and Kid hold him in high esteem enough with their reaction at him joining Luffy.

By feats: his feats against Big Mom should be enough. His feats in MF is also rather impressive.
Why would any on these place him above Sanji? How does that show his strength in relation to Sanji specifically? Jinbe is a former warlord of course Law and Kidd would react to him joining Luffy's crew given they are rivals that says nothing about his strength in comparison to Sanji.

We have had a direct comparison between Jinbe and Sanji in the form of wadstumi which showed them more or less being on par with each other, we also saw that G2 Luffy was more than capable of fighting on par with Jinbe and this was still somewhat consistent in WCI. Sanji also took more or less the same amount of damage as Jinbe did from taking Luffy + Jinbe's punch and on top of that we have the same move that Jinbe used on a heavily weakened BM to be the same move that he used on Wadstumi we did zero damage. You also have Chopper blocking a hit from Big mom and Sanji stopping an attack from BM alongside Luffy.

If we have seen both of them perform similarly in the same exact situation there is no reason to assume that Sanji could not pull of the same feats given nothing he has shown is any different from what we already knew about Jinbe than safe for his hardening.
Why would any on these place him above Sanji? How does that show his strength in relation to Sanji specifically? Jinbe is a former warlord of course Law and Kidd would react to him joining Luffy's crew given they are rivals that says nothing about his strength in comparison to Sanji.

We have had a direct comparison between Jinbe and Sanji in the form of wadstumi which showed them more or less being on par with each other, we also saw that G2 Luffy was more than capable of fighting on par with Jinbe and this was still somewhat consistent in WCI. Sanji also took more or less the same amount of damage as Jinbe did from taking Luffy + Jinbe's punch and on top of that we have the same move that Jinbe used on a heavily weakened BM to be the same move that he used on Wadstumi we did zero damage. You also have Chopper blocking a hit from Big mom and Sanji stopping an attack from BM alongside Luffy.

If we have seen both of them perform similarly in the same exact situation there is no reason to assume that Sanji could not pull of the same feats given nothing he has shown is any different from what we already knew about Jinbe than safe for his hardening.
Why wouldn't it place him above Sanji?
BM considers him a valuable ally...that is clearly strength related.
What else did he bring with his warlord status besides his strength? Just seems you are finding excuses though. It is as everything about his strength comparison. Him being a warlord is down to his strength..Sanji doesn't have that portrayal.

I wouldn't say that was a direct comparison but that is fine. Yes they both attacked Wadatsumi with both attacks getting similar portrayal.

The fight with Luffy doesn't actually help your point unless you are trying to claim that Jinbei was G2 level.
I do not get the Sanji taking the same amount of damage part and it's relevance.

The notable feat isn't even the one he used to launch BM but him being able to block the attack with his haki. That is what is more impressive than what Sanji did. Sanji blocked a throw with an attack with Luffy's help. That is definitely an inferior feat.

That statement is an over exaggeration as the only simolar situation they've been in is when they both attacked Wadatsumi.

Sanji would not be able to block BM's attack even momentarily so no there's no using Jinbei feat for Sanji just from one instance of the two attacking the same character.
Jinbei's endurance is superior
His haki is superior
His strength is superior.