General Mafia General Chat


King of Knights
hmm, I wonder 🤣

Before that the Garou game was considered to be my peak. What a shitfest that game was

I was still a fairly new name back then, so I has that going for me.
But Ekko even made a meme edit of that game lmao
2020 Death Note game was one of the peak ones
I don’t remember who started it, but the town decided early on to rely on a very specific detail of the setup mechanics instead of actually scum hunting to solve the game
the result was one of the funniest trainwrecks I’ve ever seen


Maybe the host missed it, though your welcome to join my upcoming DC game when it's my turn to host in the schedule. I'm on a psuedo retirement tour and if I can bring in new faces to play these 2 final games DC/Marvel would be neat
Thanks for the offer, but I'll stick with what I do here on the regular for a while.

At least for a couple weeks or so.