
Zoro Worshipper
@Go D. Usopp ™

I think I committed a newbie mistake in the turbo game.

You were mentioning how I could be tracker after I brought the thing up. However I specifically had mentioned I thought someone else was the tracker so you claiming that was weird, I mean to imply that I was somehow hinting to be the tracker despite my tracker supposition was situationally unrelated, so hardly a way to hint it was my role, and I should have caught that immediately. It sounded quite forced as an argument and you kept working off it too insistently either.


What could have been...
@Go D. Usopp ™

I think I committed a newbie mistake in the turbo game.

You were mentioning how I could be tracker after I brought the thing up. However I specifically had mentioned I thought someone else was the tracker so you claiming that was weird, I mean to imply that I was somehow hinting to be the tracker despite my tracker supposition was situationally unrelated, so hardly a way to hint it was my role, and I should have caught that immediately. It sounded quite forced as an argument and you kept working off it too insistently either.
well it makes sense if u r the tracker u would wanna talk about it in 3rd person lol

from my point of view, if usopp is town he shouldnt know who the tracker is so i put that entire post with me speculating why each one of u can or cannot be tracker

u have to essentially look at it from the other players point of view. none makes sense to be the tracker other than u.

the only one who knows ur not the tracker is light, and i can tell by how he replied "wrong" to my post

that push was more orchestrated than u think lol

we know ur not tracker cuz we know both u and light are town


What could have been...
i actually wanted to be the one pushing light and hinting tracker but the hosts didnt allow that, so the best thing i could do is use ur tunnel on light as an excuse to frame u as the tracker

that being said i knew dem well light was the tracker so his defense to that push is gna be wacky since he cant counter claim

basically i wanna attack light as the tracker and it has to be specifically light or else the real tracker will get on my ass as he knows im just sprouting nonsense lol


Zoro Worshipper
u have to essentially look at it from the other players point of view. none makes sense to be the tracker other than u.

the only one who knows ur not the tracker is light, and i can tell by how he replied "wrong" to my post
Ye I remember about that, but I guess the forced thing is constituted by the fact there were other possibilities for tracker originally but you entertained me being the one too soon and too firmly at the same time given that I was simply considering the offchance of someone else being tracker, so it didn't feel too much like I was hinting to be the tracker actually. Also it occurred before Light posted that "wrong" reaction post, then things escalated, and like you say it turned more and more likely to consider me like one, albeit not necessarily too much. I could have overall reached to that conclusion in time, but I was too hell bent on Light. I need to work on this aspect so I can evaluate dynamics better.


What could have been...
Ye I remember about that, but I guess the forced thing is constituted by the fact there were other possibilities for tracker originally but you entertained me being the one too soon and too firmly at the same time given that I was simply considering the offchance of someone else being tracker, so it didn't feel too much like I was hinting to be the tracker actually. Also it occurred before Light posted that "wrong" reaction post, then things escalated, and like you say it turned more and more likely to consider me like one, albeit not necessarily too much. I could have overall reached to that conclusion in time, but I was too hell bent on Light. I need to work on this aspect so I can evaluate dynamics better.
yes nothing wrong with that at all
i wanted to frame u as tracker since day 3 start. that was the plan on n2 since i wasent allowed to hint myself.

its pretty common for ppl in vanilla to talk to their role as 3rd person.

if i was doctor i would say "the doctor" should probabaly protect so and so
if i was vanilla i would say "maybe i could try to protect sm1 if im doctor" ..

essentially as vanilla u wud try to hint the PR to tank a roleblock or even a kill for the real PR to do their job. so nothing wrong with u trying to distance tracker and call him with 3rd person. the timing was a bit weird maybe yea, but nothing is wrong with it.

it has to grow organically. i cant just magically be 100% certain ur tracker. i have drop the idea first, then bring twisted reasons reasons why i think u r tracker or why others cannot be trackers. ofc its all bullsht but only u and light know that lmao, and u wanted light gone anyway like u said so u just rolled with it lol.
I'm sad that signups were finally posted, and I was too late seeing them. I hope the next hosts will autosign me to their game.

Perhaps this means it's time we start producing games more quickly? That would certainly help the calendar not get so backlogged, as well. Smaller games could run concurrently, while bigger games like mine or the Weeb game would still get their own spot.
The calendar is becoming a serious problem for this section, and we need to discuss potential solutions.

The calendar is so heavily backlogged that people are being told to schedule games a year in advance. This is scaring off prospective hosts, and for those who do schedule games so far out, you will soon begin to discover that people often forget commitments they made a year ago. This is most egregious in the case of people who want to host small games, and are being denied any real opportunity to do so.

Part of the problem is that games are being bottlenecked far more tightly than is necessary. We just held a 51 player game here, and now the smaller games are filling so quickly that people who want to play aren't getting the chance. We should be producing games far more quickly, and smaller games should be running concurrently. Refusing to do so is suffocating this section and impeding its growth.

As well, the schedule is being overseen too strictly. Another host offered me their position on the calendar to help circumvent the aforementioned scheduling problem, but AL refuses to allow it because he thinks it will cause us to have too many games that have more than 25 players. For reasons which I don't understand, he thinks games of that size are bad for the section. I think that what is far worse for the section is to deny new hosts the chance to host their games here.

I'm making a very reasonable request. I have a 38 player game that I want to host within a reasonable timeframe from now. That I am not being given any chance to do so is a serious problem with this section. Most people put in this position are simply going to leave and play elsewhere.
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