Break Week Mihawk is irrelevant

Saitama is too strong, mihawk isn't
Saitama looks for challenges, mihawk stays in paradise where he knows there is no challenge
saitama is the strongest and he knows it, mihawk isn't the strongest and he knows it
Mihawk isn't too strong ?
Someone stronger than Shanks isn't too strong ?

Vivre card states he's already sailed the seas and there are no longer any more challenges for him.

Mihawk stated himself he's the strongest...
Saitama also stated he's the strongest...
Yeah wow almost as if the samurai have been imprisoned in their own country, starving and forced to hide from the authorities to survive. That is if they weren’t abruptly time travelled and forced to flee the country.

Petition to archive every Mihawk thread to be fished out later on when he makes a move. That way Ls can be handed out freely to those who deserve them. :king:
I wonder what the excuses will be. These are the same people who sell the Vista scene, but when you show them Big Mom running from Marco, context suddenly matters.


Zoro Worshipper
Mihawk was portrayed to be waiting for a swordmaster to specifically surpass Shanks. Why would Mihawk underestimate Shanks?

Zoro vs Mihawk hype built since their meeting with Mihawk claiming he was waiting for Zoro to challenge him again and Zoro shouting I will surpass you.

The black blade mysterious hype.

Mihawk > Shanks easily on paper.
Mihawk is relevant af since his epic intro in baratie arc. But the fact that kaido didn't mention him means oda didn't think of mihawk when he thought about people that are "superior" to kaido... but he put shanks there :bamathink: